are you arguing that white people who abuse the system aren't trash?
The issue isn't use of the word "trash," its that he made the distinction at all as "white."
Calling someone "trash" implies that they are inferior or have lesser value because they use the social spending benefits. Adding the descriptor white makes it seem as though they are out of the ordinary as far as the system is concerned.
And that's the point. As long as blacks use the system in such larger numbers or ratios as whites, some feel it necessary to distinguish them from ordinary trash with the descriptor "white trash."
I find it difficult to believe that you cannot see that.
i phrased that poorly.
essentially the argument is that if you are anti illegal immigration taht means you are racist against hispanics because most illegals are hispanic.
Do you not think that a lot of white American identify with that? I hear comments from whites all the time basically admitting to that assumption. And in fact that it was the debate is about in Arizona, i.e. whether the new law out there is in some way an extension of the assumption.
Well dang, suddenly I feel enlightened and free. I suppose I'm still a racist as I'm not changing my views, but at least I understand I am a racist now.
Animosity towards a race based on the view that blacks or Hispanics have some inherent character flaw is one thing. The Klan and Hitler believed that.
Suspicion or criticism of a race based on the use of it as a proxy for something else, i.e. social spending, is completely different. Its just lazy, really.
The latter is bad but not nearly as bad as the former.
So it isn't about TP members being fed up with high taxes and out of control spending, ever expanding entitlement programs (more white people use this than any other race by the way) etc. Race is the driving component here IYO. I know you tried to explain it but please go into further detail in how you've come to the opinion that race is the main driving factor here because it's not making much sense to me.
I challenge your statement.
Blacks who use welfare, as a percentage of all blacks, is much higher than the whites who use it, as a percentage of all whites.
Using your nutty logic, if I am against social programs then I am more anti-white than anti-black since more whites receive public assistance than blacks.
This "disproportionate" stuff is crap. The majority of people who think there are too many government handouts and that such hand outs hurt more than the help don't give a rat's arse about who gets it - mostly whitey.
Again, challenge the statement.