What Is Tulsi Gabbard Suggesting About The United States?



And I think many of Trump’s critics are falling victim to the need for instant gratification.

It took decades for us to end up where we are. Not a simple task to reverse course on everything all at once.

I don’t think Trump is a puppet of anyone. Haven’t seen any evidence to support that notion.

We will know soon enough - no Democrat has a chance of beating him in the general election.
Look clearly at what I said. I didn't call him a puppet...

But, he still hasn't done enough for me to question if he's just another puppet getting his strings pulled on certain issues...

I would love to see some people going to jail. But until that happens, I will remain skeptical.
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Has about as much chance of being the Dem candidate as I do. Why are we wasting good oxygen here? Shift your focus to AOC when she runs. And she will.
Has about as much chance of being the Dem candidate as I do. Why are we wasting good oxygen here? Shift your focus to AOC when she runs. And she will.
Luckily by the time she's old enough to run and actually win the nomination I'll be long dead and my kids will be on their death beds from health care by government sickness.
To who? Only the people captivated by what could have been.

Her comment has gotten plenty of attention on Twitter, and I imagine TV.

Now if you said, "I wish Clinton would shut up about Gabbard because she's irrelevant and this only gives her campaign more publicity," I would agree with you there.
Her comment has gotten plenty of attention on Twitter, and I imagine TV.

Now if you said, "I wish Clinton would shut up about Gabbard because she's irrelevant and this only gives her campaign more publicity," I would agree with you there.
It's both. Undoubtedly the Hillary supporters are going agree with her, Maybe I just wish Hillary was irrelevant to them. Copy Paste your post her.

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