What must be done to Unite the Country

The left needs to stop looking at white, heterosexual men as “the enemy.”

^^ is a more appropriate answer for your other thread.

I think the one thing real conservatives can do is realize that Trump isn’t a conservative. There’s no way William F. Buckley or Barry Goldwater would have rallied behind Trump and supported trade protectionism and the massive debt Trump accumulated.
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End the victim politics mentality and the polarization of “you want welfare reform, you don’t like gun control, you are against criminals and not police?, etc. Then you clearly are a racist, sexist bigot nazi white supremacist who want old people and poor people to die
The left needs to stop looking at white, heterosexual men as “the enemy.”
I get that, but what I've been saying for years is that they have no use for heterosexual men, period. Look at the divorce and family court laws. They want to break up the nuclear family and keep the men out of the home. Once the men are out of the homes, they are able to control the youth. We've seen them run a test trial in the black community over the last 60 years and now with these white kids running the streets this summer, you are now seeing the effects of this tyranny taking hold on the white community.

I've been saying this for years, but I was catching all kind of flak for it. Who's laughing now?
Stop living in the past. Stop trying to rewrite history. Stop looking for things to be offended by. Stop blaming others for your failures and bad decisions. Stop preaching equality when all you want is special rights and privileges. Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t make me a racist or a bigot. Stop the race baiting. Something needs to be done about the blatantly biased media. Stop thinking you deserve anything that others have actually worked for. Stop being hypocrites.
Ban the party system. Everyone runs on their own merit.

Instead of getting stuck defending bad actors because they belong to "my side" we instead can make objective opinions about those we elect. So even if someone you like does something wrong you dont have to get defensive.

Even without wrongdoings it helps because we wont be so worried about sides. Instead of worrying about some made up "balance" in DC we care again about who represents us as far the person.

The two party system purposefully divides us and obstificates the bad actors. Insulating so much crap that slips through because people have to be team players.

This would allow for more moderate solutions. Neither extreme will be happy, but as we get moderate solutions it will be more difficult to vilify the otherside. 1. Because the other side will be more moderate, aka closer to you. 2. You dont get the dug in team mentality. 3. And with moderation you will see more candidates "switch sides", so you will more likely have positive opinions about individuals. Where as now the Rs are either protecting the last vestiges or Democracy, or actively trying to install a dictator.

There is very much a reason George Washington spent his farewell address warning us. Like all great empires it will be internal struggles that make us weak.
Other than the use of the term “turd” I accept your explanation. You are concerned about something I would do that I really would never dip; but, I also understand why you are concerned that I might. I see No harm no foul in your reply

Out of respect of your stated opinion let me ask your “ opinion” on this. It there was to be a conservative insurrection I believe you referred of it what would be the top few reasons it would start?

I would appreciate any other conservative posters reply too Why? We can’t unite this country unless we mend what’s broken. We can’t mend without knowing what the “real” issues are.

How about when it comes down to "what's broken" the left is everything from "victim" right on through judge and jury? How about the left intends to set the agenda and freezes out any other thought. How about liberals believe they have exclusive right to define what is wrong and how to fix it? How about liberals can never leave what is alone - there can be no satisfactory status quo. How about any changes that someone not of the liberal side wishes to make are immediately jumped as wrong - sedition or immoral or racist or ... Sorry, but when your side wishes to dictate to the rest of the world and ignore anything even thought by someone of the middle to right, there can be no healing.
I know some Rs that you would WANT in your bedroom...amiright?
That was more of an olive branch to our sexually deviant leftist brothers and sisters. I really don't care what or who you are screwing or doing whatever with in the privacy of your own home. I just don't want to pay for the results of it.
That was more of an olive branch to our sexually deviant leftist brothers and sisters. I really don't care what or who you are screwing or doing whatever with in the privacy of your own home. I just don't want to pay for the results of it.

There are some that you might WANT to pay to watch...amiright??
End the victim politics mentality and the polarization of “you want welfare reform, you don’t like gun control, you are against criminals and not police?, etc. Then you clearly are a racist, sexist bigot nazi white supremacist who want old people and poor people to die
Those are fringe responses that will always be prevalent from the progressives. The indignation and fear mongering from it are just as annoying as it only perpetuates it. You shouldn't worry unless meaningful legislation hits the floor for a vote. It's way out in, pardon the pun, left field for now.
The divide comes from people in say TN not wanting the same things or live like people in NY or CA (just examples guys) and visa versa but since we have an overreaching all encompassing federal government that shoves one size fits all laws and regulations down our throats people get pissed.

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