What must be done to Unite the Country

I don't know if you have ever seen this documentary AM? It talks about how the federal reserve creates money for the government and then gives it to the fractional banking system. The second part is a little out there, but in the first part it talks about a book created by the federal reserve called Modern Money Mechanics. Very interesting imo.

It all made so much more sense when currency was an entity having value - or at least a token having value; and it was used as a medium of exchange so people didn't have to carry around stuff to barter for other needs.
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Alec Baldwin Has ‘Dream’ of Noose at Trump’s ‘Trial for Sedition’ on MLK Birthday

In yet another inciting tweet from left-wing celebrities, far-left actor Alec Baldwin chose civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday to describe a “dream” he had which included a noose hanging outside of a courthouse during President Donald Trump’s “sedition” trial.

Inciting his radical Twitter following, the progressive activist and Saturday Night Live and Boss Baby star took to Twitter on Friday to share his vision which included the president undergoing trial for sedition while a noose — made of recycled protective masks — hangs from a makeshift scaffold.

Alec Baldwin Has ‘Dream’ of Noose at Trump's 'Trial for Sedition' on MLK Birthday
Alec Baldwin Has ‘Dream’ of Noose at Trump’s ‘Trial for Sedition’ on MLK Birthday

In yet another inciting tweet from left-wing celebrities, far-left actor Alec Baldwin chose civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday to describe a “dream” he had which included a noose hanging outside of a courthouse during President Donald Trump’s “sedition” trial.

Inciting his radical Twitter following, the progressive activist and Saturday Night Live and Boss Baby star took to Twitter on Friday to share his vision which included the president undergoing trial for sedition while a noose — made of recycled protective masks — hangs from a makeshift scaffold.

Alec Baldwin Has ‘Dream’ of Noose at Trump's 'Trial for Sedition' on MLK Birthday
Yeah but that's OK.
When (Or If) Comes The Pushback? | ZeroHedge

Experts assured voters that Joe Biden would work on a bipartisan consensus and bring back “normality.”

He would “unite” the country.

That will not happen. How ironic that Biden will not just be pushed and pressured by the radicals whom he brought to power, but he may be leading them forward to cement an even harder Left legacy.
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