What was the embarassing, inappropriate chant at UT-Bama game?

It's not an issue of political ideology, it's basic intellect. If someone brings their child to an SEC stadium expecting an atmosphere comparable to a live action performance of "Where's Waldo?" they're an imbecile and they get what they deserve.

As a summary - here's your idea of parents and children at a UT football game using your words:

imbecile, idiot, annoying, undisiplined, jerk, monster, dense, clueless, little mutt, pest, creton, inadequate, and idiocy.

Personally, I think you need to get out more often...

It's all good hat - go vols!
As a summary - here's your idea of parents and children at a UT football game using your words:

imbecile, idiot, annoying, undisiplined, jerk, monster, dense, clueless, little mutt, pest, creton, inadequate, and idiocy.

Personally, I think you need to get out more often...

It's all good hat - go vols!
No, that's a summary of my description of the oblivious and self indulgent. Parents and children who attend the game and behave as if they've actually been in public before don't bother me at all.
Why do I have a responsibility to make sure someone else's kid doesn't act like a pest in public? If the parents can't do that themselves they are woefully inadequate, shouldn't have had children in the first place, and deserve any scorn and ridicule heaped on them by those annoyed by their offspring.

Sorry, I don't think you understood my statement. It is NOT IN ANY WAY your responsibility to control the behavior of another person's child. We agree on that.

It IS, however, our responsibility to behave appropriately in settings where children are present and/or welcomed. There is no place for vulgarity, violence, or lewd activity/exhibits in public forums such as restaurants, shopping malls, or sporting events.

I was a kid and remember having a great time being "out and about," and I plan on doing the same for my children. Of course, I maintain some semblance of control, and if the crap hits the fan, we walk around or leave.

Back on subject. . . .Even without the consideration of children being present, the chant on Saturday was ignorant, redneck, and low-class.
Sorry, I don't think you understood my statement. It is NOT IN ANY WAY your responsibility to control the behavior of another person's child. We agree on that.

It IS, however, our responsibility to behave appropriately in settings where children are present and/or welcomed. There is no place for vulgarity, violence, or lewd activity/exhibits in public forums such as restaurants, shopping malls, or sporting events.

I was a kid and remember having a great time being "out and about," and I plan on doing the same for my children. Of course, I maintain some semblance of control, and if the crap hits the fan, we walk around or leave.

Back on subject. . . .Even without the consideration of children being present, the chant on Saturday was ignorant, redneck, and low-class.

Spot on!
Sorry, I don't think you understood my statement. It is NOT IN ANY WAY your responsibility to control the behavior of another person's child. We agree on that.

It IS, however, our responsibility to behave appropriately in settings where children are present and/or welcomed. There is no place for vulgarity, violence, or lewd activity/exhibits in public forums such as restaurants, shopping malls, or sporting events.

I was a kid and remember having a great time being "out and about," and I plan on doing the same for my children. Of course, I maintain some semblance of control, and if the crap hits the fan, we walk around or leave.

Back on subject. . . .Even without the consideration of children being present, the chant on Saturday was ignorant, redneck, and low-class.

Now I know why the chant was so loud Saturday. Your talking about 80% of the people at the game, excluding me and my wife of course!!:angel:
Sorry, I don't think you understood my statement. It is NOT IN ANY WAY your responsibility to control the behavior of another person's child. We agree on that.

It IS, however, our responsibility to behave appropriately in settings where children are present and/or welcomed. There is no place for vulgarity, violence, or lewd activity/exhibits in public forums such as restaurants, shopping malls, or sporting events.

I was a kid and remember having a great time being "out and about," and I plan on doing the same for my children. Of course, I maintain some semblance of control, and if the crap hits the fan, we walk around or leave.

Back on subject. . . .Even without the consideration of children being present, the chant on Saturday was ignorant, redneck, and low-class.
It was sophmoric at worst. It started in the student section and was mainly contained on that side of the stadium. CBS can easily cut the sound from the playing field, instead they chose to keep broadcasting it into every living room in America. Kids at Tennessee football games hear all kinds of words on the way to the stadium, inside the stadium, and on the way out. Does it matter that these words were now chanted in concert by about 15,000 UT students?
It was sophmoric at worst. It started in the student section and was mainly contained on that side of the stadium. CBS can easily cut the sound from the playing field, instead they chose to keep broadcasting it into every living room in America. Kids at Tennessee football games hear all kinds of words on the way to the stadium, inside the stadium, and on the way out. Does it matter that these words were now chanted in concert by about 15,000 UT students?

I know that you like to argue, but the above post is about as ridiculous as any you have dropped (and I use the word "dropped" purposefully) around here.
So, you do not believe that kids on just the walk to Neyland Stadium do not hear the F word and damn? I guess my hearing, after firing assault rifles and standing next to 155mm Howitzers, is just that much better than a 5 year olds...
So, you do not believe that kids on just the walk to Neyland Stadium do not hear the F word and damn? I guess my hearing, after firing assault rifles and standing next to 155mm Howitzers, is just that much better than a 5 year olds...
You have to admit, the crowd chanting it in unison gives it a bit of legitimacy that it really shouldn't have.
You have to admit, the crowd chanting it in unison gives it a bit of legitimacy that it really shouldn't have.
I will admit that much. However, if 10,000 students casually use the F word in their daily vocabulary, even when children are present (as in the walk to the stadium), then I am not going to be outraged when they chant it in unison. In the end, it is simply words, and no one is hurt by it.
I will admit that much. However, if 10,000 students casually use the F word in their daily vocabulary, even when children are present (as in the walk to the stadium), then I am not going to be outraged when they chant it in unison. In the end, it is simply words, and no one is hurt by it.
Do I think it reflects poorly on the University? Absolutely. Do I think it's a major issue? No.
Do I think it reflects poorly on the University? Absolutely. Do I think it's a major issue? No.
I can control what I say but if a lot of people want to cus in front of kids and not consider there could be kids around I cant stop them. As far as yelling, yell as load as you want.......i will!
interestingly enough, I felt ashamed to be around the Alabama fans not just the children. I wouldn't ever want to disrespect any fan like that, not even a bammer or a ND fan (my most hated teams)
interestingly enough, I felt ashamed to be around the Alabama fans not just the children. I wouldn't ever want to disrespect any fan like that, not even a bammer or a ND fan (my most hated teams)

Ashamed ? It was not that big of a deal, besides what other people do should not have any impact on how you feel as an individual.
I am a mother of 2 and I was at the game (without my children). I don't think it was that big of a deal, inappropriate yes. But we are at a football game inappropriate things will happen at times. Most of the children probably don't even pay attention to the chants if they even heard it at all. I have brought my 8 yr old to several games and he hears more of that on the way to the game than in it. You can't control everything your kids are subject to. Get over it we won!!!
Ashamed ? It was not that big of a deal, besides what other people do should not have any impact on how you feel as an individual.

if we didn't live in a world where everyone was stereotyped into bunches, and that bunch would be called "tennessee fans" you are correct. I know who i am and I even apologized to the bama fans around me letting them know i thought it was inappropriate. I just agree w/ hat that it reflects poorly on the university. which i show off everytime i wear a shirt that says UT or Rocky Top, or Vols, or whatever and that does reflect on me.
if we didn't live in a world where everyone was stereotyped into bunches, and that bunch would be called "tennessee fans" you are correct. I know who i am and I even apologized to the bama fans around me letting them know i thought it was inappropriate. I just agree w/ hat that it reflects poorly on the university. which i show off everytime i wear a shirt that says UT or Rocky Top, or Vols, or whatever and that does reflect on me.

I do understand it reflects poorly, but I would never apologize for something I have no control over.
I don't understand why someone who is not selfish and conscience of those around them would make a bad parent?
I'll put it this way, not all people make good parents.Look at Tennessee's foster home need.Having worked on a psych ward with children-14-18, some in state correction custody, there are alot of serious bad parents out there.One instance, 15 year old male, attempted suicide for 6th time, wanted to move to my house with me, this is reality.Another instance, 9th grade girl stabbed another girl in bath tub to death for being pregnant with her boyfriend's child, another instance the child that just shot the school bus driver in East Tennessee recently evaluated at my's MTMHI,where my sis has worked for years.Sorry to preach on about this but there's a Hell of alot bad that parents help produce out there, not that it is always the parents fault, but when your dad's locked up,etc., it is a parents fault.This is reality, straight up and the children lose to "Bad parents"!So quit having children and making society pay to take care of them for you.This is the dark side alot of are clueless about.Like I said, it isn't always the parent though, but sometimes it is!
I'll put it this way, not all people make good parents.Look at Tennessee's foster home need.Having worked on a psych ward with children-14-18, some in state correction custody, there are alot of serious bad parents out there.One instance, 15 year old male, attempted suicide for 6th time, wanted to move to my house with me, this is reality.Another instance, 9th grade girl stabbed another girl in bath tub to death for being pregnant with her boyfriend's child, another instance the child that just shot the school bus driver in East Tennessee recently evaluated at my's MTMHI,where my sis has worked for years.Sorry to preach on about this but there's a Hell of alot bad that parents help produce out there, not that it is always the parents fault, but when your dad's locked up,etc., it is a parents fault.This is reality, straight up and the children lose to "Bad parents"!So quit having children and making society pay to take care of them for you.This is the dark side alot of are clueless about.Like I said, it isn't always the parent though, but sometimes it is!

No idea what your talking about here, I mean I'm not a 15 year old unwed mother and I didn't get anyone knocked up when I was in high school either. But sine I am conscience of people around me I will be a bad parent ? That was my only statement, and yes I think if you bring your children to the game and cannot control them you are a bad parent and a selfish one. Same thing goes for movie theaters, how many times have we been to a movie and had an infant scream the whole time, it shouldn't happen. Get a babysitter !!!!

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