What was the embarassing, inappropriate chant at UT-Bama game?

I regard this self-righteous sentiment as no less than a plague of our culture. Hat, I value and respect a lot of your opinions, but when you can't accept our societal responsiblity to our youngsters, we're going to disagree.

It is not self righteous, he is correct. If you are going to take a kid to the game, make sure he is under control.
I regard this self-righteous sentiment as no less than a plague of our culture. Hat, I value and respect a lot of your opinions, but when you can't accept our societal responsiblity to our youngsters, we're going to disagree.
Why do I have a responsibility to make sure someone else's kid doesn't act like a pest in public? If the parents can't do that themselves they are woefully inadequate, shouldn't have had children in the first place, and deserve any scorn and ridicule heaped on them by those annoyed by their offspring.
Getting up and down.
Hit in the face with pom-poms.
Glared at for yelling.
People climbing over others and "squeezing" in.
Drinks being spilled.

These were the things I was referencing. I am subject to about every one of these "inconveniences" on a weekly basis at Neyland. And, there are no kids around.
And since those acts are all perpetrated by adults, you're perfectly within your rights to take what action you deem necessary. Those of us occasionally subjected to the torment of a clueless adolescent spectator can't simply tell the little mutt to shut the hell up.
I don't know about you guys but when my Dad told me to quiet down or shut up I had only 2 options, shut up or get the tar whipped out of me for about 5 minutes. There were no warnings or empty threats like I see a lot of parents give their kids that have no effect on behavior. The only "time outs" I ever got were when he got too tired of whipping me sometimes he would take a break before starting back up.
Your father was a wise man.
Getting up and down.
Hit in the face with pom-poms.
Glared at for yelling.
People climbing over others and "squeezing" in.
Drinks being spilled.

These were the things I was referencing. I am subject to about every one of these "inconveniences" on a weekly basis at Neyland. And, there are no kids around.

Well, I guess that's the difference in where you sit and where I sit. From my point of the view the last 3 years, I've really only had the elbow issues with both adults and children. Sure, all those things happens from time to time, but with the adults, it's not every 2 or 3 minutes.

And for the record, when I said "climbing", I mean the kid comes out of his seat in front of me and climbs all over people behind him during the game. He isn't trying to just get by to his seat.

Like I said, It's not the children being at the game that bother me, it's the parents that don't tell their children what is acceptable behavior and what isn't. You might not mind someone elses kids hanging all over you during a game, but I do. I guess it's something we'll just have to disagree about.
Why do I have a responsibility to make sure someone else's kid doesn't act like a pest in public? If the parents can't do that themselves they are woefully inadequate, shouldn't have had children in the first place, and deserve any scorn and ridicule heaped on them by those annoyed by their offspring.

Not how the kids act. How we as adults act.
I have absolutely no resposibility regarding someone's upbringing of their child. If they bring their kid and the youngster annoys me, that is the same as the adult annoying me. If parents act responsibly, there are no problems. However, a huge portion of parents find it "cute" to let the little cretons run wild in public. That's when it is time for consequences and repercussions.

It's probably not much of a limb - but I'm going to say that hat doesn't have kids. And based on his views, I'm going to doubt he has a wife. Agreed that hat brings in some good points, but his views on kids at the game is way off base.

At the Cal game I was behind a student in the consession line wearing a shirt that said "we're getting f***in drunk" on the back. While in line she was yelling the quote and getting anyone else to join her chant. There was little boy about 10 in the line over from us. To see the look on his face starring at this drunk student killed me. When I asked the student to enjoy herself but be mindful of the kids she tore into me saying that parents shouldn't bring their kids to the game anyway. After I read her the riot act, she sheepishly left line and went to her seat embarassed. A small applause calmed me down enough to enjoy the rest of the day.

I think everyone can have fun at the games - kids, elderly, drunks, and hats. We just gotta be kind to one another.

As for the "pouring of the drink" idea (probably from someone without kids), I would recommend telling the parents your expectation - no climbing, no pom poms in the face, etc. These are all very resonable requests. If the parents don't take care of it then - have away with the cokes my man.
Well, I guess that's the difference in where you sit and where I sit. From my point of the view the last 3 years, I've really only had the elbow issues with both adults and children. Sure, all those things happens from time to time, but with the adults, it's not every 2 or 3 minutes.

And for the record, when I said "climbing", I mean the kid comes out of his seat in front of me and climbs all over people behind him during the game. He isn't trying to just get by to his seat.

Like I said, It's not the children being at the game that bother me, it's the parents that don't tell their children what is acceptable behavior and what isn't. You might not mind someone elses kids hanging all over you during a game, but I do. I guess it's something we'll just have to disagree about.

You shouldn't put up with that crap. A quick conversation should be held between you and his parents.
It's probably not much of a limb - but I'm going to say that hat doesn't have kids. And based on his views, I'm going to doubt he has a wife. Agreed that hat brings in some good points, but his views on kids at the game is way off base.

At the Cal game I was behind a student in the consession line wearing a shirt that said "we're getting f***in drunk" on the back. While in line she was yelling the quote and getting anyone else to join her chant. There was little boy about 10 in the line over from us. To see the look on his face starring at this drunk student killed me. When I asked the student to enjoy herself but be mindful of the kids she tore into me saying that parents shouldn't bring their kids to the game anyway. After I read her the riot act, she sheepishly left line and went to her seat embarassed. A small applause calmed me down enough to enjoy the rest of the day.

I think everyone can have fun at the games - kids, elderly, drunks, and hats. We just gotta be kind to one another.

As for the "pouring of the drink" idea (probably from someone without kids), I would recommend telling the parents your expectation - no climbing, no pom poms in the face, etc. These are all very resonable requests. If the parents don't take care of it then - have away with the cokes my man.
You're straying from my point. One, I can't see why a ten year old wouldn't be socially developed enough to attend and enjoy a game. Next, I actually applaud your efforts to get our students to behave reasonably. I don't think your request was too much to ask. However, that situation in no way equates to a four year old squirming around and yammering pointlessly all day.
The problem is parents feel like they should have more rights then the average fan. And that is the problem I have with all of this. The fact that a child is around is irrelevant.
The problem is parents feel like they should have more rights then the average fan. And that is the problem I have with all of this. The fact that a child is around is irrelevant.

Bad parenting does not make it right for adults sitting around young kids to use foul language. It is called respecting those around you. And it does go both ways.
Bad parenting does not make it right for adults sitting around young kids to use foul language. It is called respecting those around you. And it does go both ways.
And bringing an undisciplined, annoying child to a game is as disrespectful as it comes.
Bad parenting does not make it right for adults sitting around young kids to use foul language. It is called respecting those around you. And it does go both ways.

Then I'm gonna cuss up a storm, because there's absolutely zero respect coming my way..
Bad parenting does not make it right for adults sitting around young kids to use foul language. It is called respecting those around you. And it does go both ways.

I never use foul language when I'm at the game but I do have a family that sits in front of me. And they always come rolling in around the end of the first quarter and always leave with 6 minutes left in the third. And when I am up and yelling or clapping their little girl will cover her ears up and start crying, and then the parents turn to me and stare at me and plead for help or something. I really don't understand why they even come, it is an inconvenience for EVERYONE but the parents. That is as selfish to me as someone not controlling their language.
I never use foul language when I'm at the game but I do have a family that sits in front of me. And they always come rolling in around the end of the first quarter and always leave with 6 minutes left in the third. And when I am up and yelling or clapping their little girl will cover her ears up and start crying, and then the parents turn to me and stare at me and plead for help or something. I really don't understand why they even come, it is an inconvenience for EVERYONE but the parents. That is as selfish to me as someone not controlling their language.
Preach it.
Rude behavior comes in all shapes and sizes. How you deal with it reveals a lot about you as a person.
I deal with it in a very simple manner. I act to drive the annoying party away from me as quickly as possible. I've never had to resort to profanity. Simply proclaiming, loudly enough for everyone sitting in the immediate area to hear, what a jerk someone has to be to bring an uncontrollable little monster to a game to annoy everyone else generally works. Parents are often dense, but they eventually get the message.
I agree.

But this post was started about a chant that had foul language in it. That is not proper in front of children.

I don't think anyone here condones the chant, it's just my opinion that stuff like that can occur at a football game and parents shouldn't act shocked and outraged by it. I will say again Disney on Ice or the Circus is fun for kids and you probably would have less of a chance of hearing an F bomb. Maybe we should work on not bringing up our children with such a fragile psyche that hearing a four letter word will ruin their lives.
I agree.

But this post was started about a chant that had foul language in it. That is not proper in front of children.
I don't think it's appropriate in front of anyone. It's low rent and reflects poorly on the university.

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