What was the most memorable/best UT game you've ever attended?

Honestly though, '09 UCLA. First Vol game. I'll never forget walking into Neyland for the first time
My first game at Neyland Willie Gault ran back a kickoff for TD ('81 v. KY?) We had end zone seats and I will never forget the wall of sound from the fans erupting as he ran the length of the field right at us. You could see and feel the cheers and excitement rolling through the stands right along with him. It was an awesome moment that I will never forget.
His post just made me think of the Gator fans that ran their mouths back when Peyton was about to go pro. Just often wonder what those bum fans in Gainesville that kept running their weenis suckas say about him now is all....unwad your panties little gator troll...he went there and reminded me of it.

The irony of it all is, regardless of what Peyton accomplishes in the NFL, and he's definitely a first ballot Hall of Famer, he never beat Florida...and we'll always have that on him.

UGA fans say the same thing about Emmitt Smith.
My favorite would have to be the 1998 National Championship game in the Fiesta Bowl. I wanted to feel what it was like to be the national champs and celebrate it with all my closest friends -- probably more than 50,000 of them that beautiful night in Tempe. What an exhilarating feeling. All the rest, it is hard for me to rank because I was absolutely so excited -- two more bowl games -- Sugar Vols 1985 and Peyton Manning and Jay Graham beating tOSU in 1996 in Orlando where I was never so happy at being wet. At home, Alabama '68 (my first Bama game), Auburn '69, Penn State '71, Alabama '82, Auburn '85, Florida '92, Florida '98, Arkansas '98, Florida '04. I was living in Chicago in 1991 and on a lark went to South Bend and amazingly got a ticket. Incredible!
06,Cal beatdown by far, could feel a whipping coming from the opening kickoff when we knocked the piss outta one of there boy's overall great night.
Georgia when Bray broke his hand. I've been to 3 TN games, but only one in Knoxville. We lost, Bray was injured, had to walk 5 miles to find that my car was towed. Then had to walk 3 more miles to use a phone and hone book because my iPhone had died and my charger was in my car. Later that night, I realized that my whacky tobacky had been stolen from my glove box.

All in all a pretty cruddy 1st experience visiting Neyland
For me, It was the 2002 Arkansas at Tennessee game. I got to meet Alex Walls and his family before the game and Casey and Rick Clausen during the Vol Walk. It was amazing to see the scramble by Matt Jones to extend a fourth and forever play into a a 93 yd TD catch and run late in the 4th qtr. to bring the Hogs within a TD. I winced every time Decory Birmingham touched the ball for UA because he was a threat to score from anywhere on the field in OT. The post play to Jason Witten from Casey Clausen to win in 6 OTs was the perfect nightcap for the evening.

"Hobnail boot" :whistling: :popcorn:
vandy at vandy 2008, last game with my dad before he passed. A couple vandy fans drove by us on the way back to our car and called us ***@@ts because of our shirts , thought i was going to jail and glad dad couldnt hear very well:)
Only been to like 4 games but even if I had been to 104 the answer would be the same.

The 05 South Carolina game which we lost. That may sound funny, but it was the 1st one I had ever got to attend. Took both boys and wife. The oldest son was leaving for basic training in November and I wanted to do something special with him. We got there early, walked all over campus and back 2 or 3 times, learning our way around. Stood on the wall going down to the Stadium for Vol Walk. We were just amazed by the amount of people. I mean you see it on TV or in videos but it is not the same. We went through the gate, and started making our way up to the top in section PP, we were 4 rows from the top lol. Anyway as we were making our way up we would catch glimpses of the field and my heart kind of jumped. Then we found our aisle to go out into the stadium. We emerged and saw the whole field for the 1st time ever........it was AWESOME! I think I smiled the whole time til we left. When the band formed the tea, my heart jumped again....and when the team ran out of the tunnel I cried just a little. I still do at every game I get to. Anyway it was a loss for the team, but for my family it was a win.
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