The stipulations are that you can't pay more than one million dollars that is all you want to spend as a budget. You can get anyone you like as long as they are willing to accept a salary under a million.
I would go out and get Rick Byrd to come in for two seasons as head coach or some older person with enormous coaching experience. I would hire Kara Lawson as Associate Head coach and she would be the coach in waiting after Byrd two year contract ran out. This would be an opportunity for Kara to run the team under the guidance of a coach that is totally experienced that has done a marvelous job coaching for several decades. I think this would satisfy most Tennessee fans some that want Kara regardless of experience and others that say would be bad because she has no head coaching experience in WCCB play. I really don't know if he would accept maybe there are others that would, but the deal would be they would only be coach for a couple of seasons it would be Kara's job after that period of time.
This is just an hypothesis certainly don't think anything like this will happen, but something to do while we wait for a coach to be named.