When a penny ain’t worth a penny

After that Nashville fiasco with Tiger players testing positive for covid and having not taken the pandemic serious which ended in the cancellation of the game I couldn't blame Rick for not wanting to deal with them. I'd loved to see the series renewed, but it's not gonna happen in it's present state.

I don't see where Vols have anything to gain playing Memphis in sports. Do we really need to beat them in FB-BB to get 1 or 2 recruits from there? Memphis has never been much of a Vol friendly place.
My point ever since I moved here in 1977. It has never been worth putting up with their obnoxious, jealous fan base. Always with the little brother syndrome. We really don’t compete with Memphis for SEC caliber football players. We compete with Ole Miss, AR and Bama for the few we would want. And for BB players, you have to be really selective. There are reasons why Calipari didn’t want Memphis players and recruited mostly elsewhere.
I don't see where Vols have anything to gain playing Memphis in sports. Do we really need to beat them in FB-BB to get 1 or 2 recruits from there? Memphis has never been much of a Vol friendly place.
Actually…Shelby County has a HUGE Vol fanbase. Prob as many as the Memphis Tigers have. However…I agree there are not many recruits in this area we will actively pursue. Obviously…some. AND we’ve had our share of Memphis area players that were highly successful in our programs. Shelby county is definitely a hotbed of talent in baseball. Having said that…I totally agree we have ZERO to gain by scheduling Memphis in ANY sport. I personally don’t think it affects recruiting negatively at all. And I also agree we rarely are battling UM for recruits. Maybe occasionally for a basketball player…and even then it’s rare.
While I have your attention, Sly Stone, my Dad tells me he dropped some seriously good acid...TWICE...and you never showed up for your concerts at the SAC.
I was being detained in the last city by a Groupee named Jane. Wait, maybe I wrote a song called Jane is a Groupee. Either way, tell your Dad I'm sorry. 😎
Memphis needs conference stability to avoid dangerous experiments like CPH and you can look at the success of schools from the old metro conference today which have elevated themselves into much more stable conference arrangements and program alignments, South Carolina, Virginia Tech, Louisville, Florida State and Cincinnati all did hard time in the old metro conference, but their programs are in much better shape now than the current Memphis program which stumbles and fumbles along,
Maybe so, but this morning (sat. 7th) on the screen for channel 5 Memphis, the statement is 'he is not going anywhere".
Not saying this off-handedly or to be smart, but...
that's a statement you make to buy time, when you haven't yet found a coaching candidate who wants the job, or is willing to entrust his professional future to this particular athletic dept.

This level of dysfunction is systemic, and reaches into the President's office and the Trustees of the college. I guess we all suspect that the basketball program is not really under the control of the school itself.
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I don't see where Vols have anything to gain playing Memphis in sports. Do we really need to beat them in FB-BB to get 1 or 2 recruits from there? Memphis has never been much of a Vol friendly place.

There is a massive Vol alumni base in Memphis. There’s good reasons to play Memphis.

But you are correct that Memphis fans have a deep hatred for everything UT. Most Tennessee fans in middle TN and east TN won’t understand or experience it. Some are even naïve to it. However, Memphis area Vols see it everyday and their fans can be hostile.
Actually…Shelby County has a HUGE Vol fanbase. Prob as many as the Memphis Tigers have. However…I agree there are not many recruits in this area we will actively pursue. Obviously…some. AND we’ve had our share of Memphis area players that were highly successful in our programs. Shelby county is definitely a hotbed of talent in baseball. Having said that…I totally agree we have ZERO to gain by scheduling Memphis in ANY sport. I personally don’t think it affects recruiting negatively at all. And I also agree we rarely are battling UM for recruits. Maybe occasionally for a basketball player…and even then it’s rare.

I would make the argument that the baseball talent that comes out of Shelby Co is better than the football and basketball talent these days.
I would make the argument that the baseball talent that comes out of Shelby Co is better than the football and basketball talent these days.
I actually think it’s been that way for a while but you’re right. Baseball, especially in the community schools, really produces tons of D1 talent plus several who sign with MLB clubs out of high school as well.
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There is a massive Vol alumni base in Memphis. There’s good reasons to play Memphis.

But you are correct that Memphis fans have a deep hatred for everything UT. Most Tennessee fans in middle TN and east TN won’t understand or experience it. Some are even naïve to it. However, Memphis area Vols see it everyday and their fans can be hostile.
Lived in Shelby County since 1977 and a UT alum. Could care less if we ever play them. I don’t see a single reason to play them. Absolutely nothing to gain and the recruiting excuse is extremely overrated.
Lived in Shelby County since 1977 and a UT alum. Could care less if we ever play them. I don’t see a single reason to play them. Absolutely nothing to gain and the recruiting excuse is extremely overrated.

I’m content not playing Memphis in any sport. Memphis needs Tennessee. Tennessee does not need Memphis.

I’m all for supporting state institutions for nonconference play and keeping money in the state, but I’d make the University of Memphis an exception.
If you visit some of the Memphis fan sites, a lot of folks seem fed up with him. If your going to cheat like him and take the players no one else is willing to, you better at least win. Memphis has no reason to keep him around imo.
A lot of folks should be most folks, in my opinion. Can you really root for this team with all the chaos Hardaway has caused? My guess is that 85-90% want him gone. He’s set that program up to be a nuclear catastrophe.
Memphis needs conference stability to avoid dangerous experiments like CPH and you can look at the success of schools from the old metro conference today which have elevated themselves into much more stable conference arrangements and program alignments, South Carolina, Virginia Tech, Louisville, Florida State and Cincinnati all did hard time in the old metro conference, but their programs are in much better shape now than the current Memphis program which stumbles and fumbles along,
"did hard time in the old metro"..... that's gold Tartan ... gold!
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Lived in Shelby County since 1977 and a UT alum. Could care less if we ever play them. I don’t see a single reason to play them. Absolutely nothing to gain and the recruiting excuse is extremely overrated.
I agree. Lived in the MidSouth most of my life. It's not that I dislike Memphis...they just simply are not on my radar in any sport. I have close friends who have coached, played and been in administration at UM. Heck...my own daughter was on Womens basketball coach Joy Lee McNelis staff for 4 years (absolutely incredible women BTW and we shared a tearful embrace when she left). I simply do not have the time or interest in following their program. If we are being judgement day honest....they clearly are not on the Power5 level. So...for the Vols to concern themselves with trying to "help" the program is not in the best interest of UT.
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