Where are the Worley haters now?



Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
There's no way we don't capitalize on at least one of the three drives we've had inside the 50 if Worley's playing. Is this what all the Worley haters were looking for? Some of you guys need to start eating some crow. Peterman might as well be wearing a Gator jersey today. The kid is a joke!
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dude he still sucks. you get that? we arent very good. unless something just clicks for him then we are going to suck on offense all year
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I'm not a Worley hater ... I just don't want to see him play QB for the University of Tennessee. At this point, I just want to practice running the ball until we recruit a QB.
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he still sucks nuts, he didn't become peyton manning over the week.. Im just accepting now that we have no qb and might as well make a playbook full of wildcat plays.
I'm right freaking here. Just happened to add a worse QB to the list. I still can't figure out why a read option system WON'T RUN the freaking qb
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At least with Worley we are probably up 7-3 instead of down 10. Don't know why Butch kept Peterman in so long
Still hate him. So, I've been thinking "well, it can't get any worse" for 5 years now and Tennessee never disappoints. Sweet. Jesus. God. This is bad. 2-10 this year?
As a fan of Worley, I must say, he's not very good either. He probably doesn't turn the ball over 4 times, but this opens the door for Dobbs and Fergie. I think you see one of them for the South Alabama game.
Had Worley played we would be ahead instead of losing by 10. Butch sticking with Peterman will cost us this game. The head coach is costing us this game--no question about it.
We're going to be forced to to burn Ferguson's redshirt before the end of the season. He better get ready because we're not going to win an SEC game with the 2 weasels I've seen play QB so far.

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