Where are the Worley haters now?

Im here!!!!!!!!! I still hate him..... if we are gonna suck, then lets do it with one of the freshmen...

Really? Even after looking at this Florida team and seeing so clearly that the are completely beatable? Losing with Ferguson would be one thing, but I don't accept the status quo with Peterman. Definition of insanity.
Dobbs didn't show enough this week to even travel with the team. We have no QBs on our roster. None. Zero. Zip.

Yeah I know he didnt travel but if he had gotten an opportunity to come and play at least the defense would have to plan for a quarterback that might actually run the ball. They're just pinning their ears back and coming after the qbs because they know they cant beat them.
Worley can manage a game much better than Peterman. Heck, Peterman isn't even our best 2nd string QB. The kid should transfer! He sucks!
bot QBs suck...no surprise....i wanted to see Fergy he can't be worse than Peterman/Worely

Are you actually lumping Worley in with Peterman in terms of how awful our QBs are? Did you just watch Peterman go 4-11 for 5 yds, multiple turnovers, all of which were on him. Worley ain't great but he's light years ahead of Peterman.
Worley already has managed more points in one series than Peterman did in an entire half of football. Proves my point!
Let Ferg take his lumps. That's what Manning, Ainge, Clausen did...

Manning started because Colquitt and Helton both got injured. Ainge started because he beat R. Clausen out for the job prior to the season started. Ferguson has done neither.
Peterman is worse than Worley. Worley still cant throw. We wont win a game like this with either of them. Start for the future.

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