Where are the Worley haters now?

Come on Worley haters. Where are you? Tennessee HAD a chance to win this game. But one player has ended that and it was not Worley but his replacement. This is once again totally embarrassing!!!!
Come on Worley haters. Where are you? Tennessee HAD a chance to win this game. But one player has ended that and it was not Worley but his replacement. This is once again totally embarrassing!!!!

What has Worley done that makes you think we would be ahead in this game?
The coach isn't the one throwing the ball to the other team. At this rate we should just run the wildcat and punt the ball and hope for our defense to make a play.
But really. I guess we will see if we have changed at all by the way we either get up and play or continue to lay down and take it like usual. So here's to the second half guys!
Obviously Butch new something about our QB's that we all didn't.

Lord above Peterman?????

At least one of our freshmen QBs should've been getting reps with the 2nd string/occasionally 1st string.
And what is most disturbing is we have zero qb's in the 2014 class. This may be as good as it gets.
Im here!!!!!!!!! I still hate him..... if we are gonna suck, then lets do it with one of the freshmen...
There's no way we don't capitalize on at least one of the three drives we've had inside the 50 if Worley's playing. Is this what all the Worley haters were looking for? Some of you guys need to start eating some crow. Peterman might as well be wearing a Gator jersey today. The kid is a joke!
Worley looked just as bad for just as long, last week. And he hasn't even had a chance to do anything here, yet. No sense talking smack, when we might be going from bad to worse.

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