Where do you lean politically?



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
I would consider myself near the center but I am likely prejudged a right wing extremists because of my faith and how I live my life.

Unfortunately the extremists on both sides get all the air time. Most Americans fall into the category Nixon called "The Silent Majority". As the moderate, he took "The Silent Majority" against the liberal McGovern. "The Silent Majority" is still alive and well, just needs to get more vocal and tell the Franken’s and O'Reilly's of the world "no, you do not represent me or my party. (For the record, I like Bill O'reilly to a point. I can't take Franken serious because every time I hear I think, I am smart enough....etc...SNL skit)

I'm saying extremism in either direction is not good. And that if you can't think for yourself, you can't contribute. If you go back and read Nixon's speeches, he described them as the average American, and didn't once bring religion into the equation. Nixon was much more interested in the American dream than hypocritical morality. Nixon was too smart for his own good.

It is amazing how people become slaves to a political party/ideology.
I can't really classify myself so I just try to pick whoever I think is closest to my views on important issues on an election-by-election basis. I have voted Dem, Repub, and Indep. I cannot support the libertarians because they require you to say that you do not beleive in the initiation of force to overthrow the government, which I think conflicts with how our country was started. Here are a few of my political opinions, maybe some of you can try and tell me what party or group I belong in.

1. CRIME & PUNISHMENT. anti-death penalty, but pro chain gang
2. ABORTION. don't care about abortion, I'll never have since I don't have a uterus.
3. TAXES. hate high taxes (income, proprty, payroll, sales, you name it)
4. DRUGS. pro-legalization for pretty much all drugs
5. ALCOHOL. don't understand why the drinking age is 21 instead of 18.
6. RELIGIONappreciate separation of church and state but see no problem with statues of the 10 commandments and similar displays on public grounds.
7. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. generally think people should take care of themselves and their families and most government welfare services should be eliminated.
8. FOREIGN AID. could care less how people in the rest of the world live but if we can help them without costing me money I am not against it.
9. SEXUAL ORIENTATION. don't care who you have sex with or marry regardless of gender, or even species if that's your thing.
10. IMMIGRATION. have no problem with people crossing the border to seek a better life. They will quit coming when we do not have the need for their labor/services.
Death Penalty and abortion- to quote Bill Maher 'I'm pro-choice,pro death penalty, and pro assisted suicide. Basically I'm for anything that gets the freeways moving faster"

Taxes and welfare- I think corporations aren't taxed enough, and citizens are taxed too much. Welfare should only be for the disabled.

religion- Should be seperate from politics

- should be legal except for people who commit gun crimes

marijuna- should be completely legal

- need stronger border control

censorship-should not exist at all

Sound like I only disagree with you on corporate taxes, death penalty, and immigration O-N. None of those issues are so high on my list that I would not vote for someone becasue of them. I guess I'd vote for you.
Be careful people. These political/religious discussions can get out of hand really quickly. As long as everyone remains civil, it's fine though.
I put my left foot in and my left foot out, I put my left foot in and I shake it all about. I do the Hokey Pokey and I turn myself around, that's what it's all about. I put my right foot in, I put my right foot out, I put my right foot in and I shake it all about, I do the Hokey Pokey and I turn myself around, that's what it's all about.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jan 13 said:
I put my left foot in and my left foot out, I put my left foot in and I shake it all about. I do the Hokey Pokey and I turn myself around, that's what it's all about. I put my right foot in, I put my right foot out, I put my right foot in and I shake it all about, I do the Hokey Pokey and I turn myself around, that's what it's all about.
:blink: :birgits_giggle:
Trickle down economist (Reaganomics rule)
Anti deconstructionist (constitution rules)
Don't think that morality can be legislated
i just go with what i feel is right. if i dont like something, then i dont like it. like ask my opinon on something and i will tell you. but i am neither extreme or laid back. i just go with the flow.
I don't claim Rep. or Dem. I vote for the person with the same beliefs (or closest to) as mine. I like to call it the People Party.
Abortion: anti-abortion (except for rape or incest)
Death Penalty: if you can't do the time then don't do the crime
Taxes: too high for individuals, too low for most corporations
Religion: Leave God in our schools. There is no law that says you have
to recite the Pledge of Allegence if you don't want to. If you don't want
to pray, leave the room.
Immigration: Fine as long as they come over here the legal way,
otherwise send them back to their country.

That's the second time I've seen the "Individual taxes are too high, but corporate taxes aren't high enough" viewpoint. I'm not sure I understand how it makes sense to tax corporations more . . . care to explain?
Time to put the worms back in the can GA.

Some people don't understand that when individuals are taxed less they spend more, and when corporations are taxed more they either spend less or pass the extra costs to the consumer (or both).
I lean right... I hate the whole notion of "fundamental extremism" though. There are always people that try to take good things too far... sadly, they're usually the most vocal.
I don't tend to think I have any sort of major preference... But if I had to pick one, I'd say I lean a smidge left of center
Politics are much like anything else, the true and right thing is usually near the middle. Extremists escalate...because in their opinion they have to get louder than the opposition, then the other side reacts by going farther the other way exaggerationg their veiwpoint to make a point.... and so on and so on.
GAVol, to answer your question i would say, tax me less and I have more money to spend or save as I see fit. Tax corporations more, sure they will probably pass that along to the consumer. But when corporations raise their cost, people tend to hold onto their money instead of spend. With the spending cut off, corporations will eventually have to lower costs or really start losing money.
(Lexvol @ Jan 14 said:
Time to put the worms back in the can GA.

You're right. Forget I ever raised the question.

I will not talk politics.
I will not talk politics.
I will not talk politics.
I will not talk politics . . . .
I am in the middle.

The truth to all lies in the middle

The right wing extremists are idiots
The left wing extremists are morons

I always get a kick out of both and their reports out of Iraq.

One says everything is going right
Another says everything is going wrong.

It's mind blowing how stupid so many are
1. CRIME & PUNISHMENT. I support the death penalty in theory, but I think it's a little biased in practice.
2. ABORTION. Pro choice
3. DRUGS. legalize pot.
4. ALCOHOL. If a person is old enough at 18 to die for thei country, they're old enough to drink a Budweiser.
5. RELIGION. Keep church and state seperate. The government has no place promoting religion, and the church has no place promoting politics.
6. FOREIGN AID. We have a responsibility as the wealthiest nation on earth to render aid to those nations not as fortunate as us.
7. SEXUAL ORIENTATION. What goes on in the privacy of the bedroom is one's own business, as is who they choose to marry.
8.IMMIGRATION. Am all for legal immigration.


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