Where do you lean politically?

1. CRIME & PUNISHMENT-Undecided. I believe thou shall not kill...........but Im sure if it was my child hurt by someone I would want to kill them myself!!!

2. ABORTION- Pro life

3. DRUGS- Im not for drugs but I think alcohol is more dangerous than a joint!!

4. ALCOHOL- I think it should be 18 or change the age to 21 for the military.

5. RELIGION- not something I want to debate.

6. FOREIGN AID- I feel we should help others but I think we should take care of our own first!!!! We can give billions away to other countries and we have people on the coast living in tents in the winter. My brother just got his FEMA trailer yesterday 4 1/2 months after the storm. He is lucky!!! Some are still waiting.

7. SEXUAL ORIENTATION- Marriage is between and man and a woman.

8.IMMIGRATION. Am all for LEGAL immigration.

Crime and Punishment - I don't care, do what you would like with them. It's out of my hands.

Abortion - The government shouldn't have control over anyone's body. Yes, let's bring the unwanted baby into the world, neglect it and put it on welfare. That's just what the country needs.

Drugs - Why is it that pot is illegal yet the pharmaceutical companies get people hooked on medication that is more dangerous, addictive and powerful than pot. It's all about the money. I say make pot a crop and help the farmers out.

Alcohol - Alcohol kills tons of people every day. Why don't they make that illegal? Answer: THE MONEY. Not only do they not make it illegal, they advertise this like nobodies business. Like George Carlin pointed out, they advertise beer and follow it with a car commercial. They're saying drink this and drive that. Should they really be supporting drinking and driving? I don't think so.

Religion - Is there an imaginary man in the sky who has influence on everyone's life? Who knows.

"Religion convinced the world that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there's 10 things he doesn't want you to do or else you'll go to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity. But he loves you! ...And he needs money! He's all powerful, but he can't handle money!" ~George Carlin

Foreign Aid - I'm all for it. If we're going to go around bombing and killing innocent people while we're targeting terrorists, we need to give all the foreign aid that we can.

Sexual Orientation - Nobody has the right to tell you how to live your life or who to spend it with. If a couple of the same sex wants to get married, just let them and shut up. It doesn't concern you. Who are we to tell people they would be happier and get better benefits with a person of the opposite sex? Most gay people don't choose to be gay, it's in their genetics. You can't fight that and if they could, I would rather them spend the time curing cancer and aids and other dreadful diseases versus someones sexual preference.

Immigration - BUY MEXICO (or attack it) and let's all make it a better place. In a few years, Mexico would be like the U.S. (good or bad, I don't know) but at least they would have better jobs and better water. We could donate the state of Texas to the cause and call it Texaco. If things are just as good down there, nobody would want to come here and in turn, we have some more great vacation destinations without having to go through customs.
That's pretty neat. When I click on "famous people" it puts me on Ronald Reagan's lapel just above the Pope's head. :D It's got me pegged.
that put me right on hillary clinton's head, lol
i don't know much about hillary but i am a big fan of bill's so that's probably accurate
My favorite question from the test:

It should be legal for two consenting adults to challenge each other to a duel and fight a Death Match. :lol:
I came out as socially liberal and economically conservative - just into the Libertarian space.

Pretty accurate - I'm a pro-business, economic conservative. I'm bit hawkish in foreign policy but socially slightly more liberal than conservative.

What drives me nuts more than anything is political correctness from either the liberal or conservative side.

Famous folks in my quadrant include Thomas Jefferson, Ted Nugent, 1/2 of MLK Jr. and most of Donald Trump! My dot was right over someone's face and I have no idea who it was. Oh yeah, the Unibomber was in there too :blink:
Not that anyone cares but I went back and saw that I was right in the middle of Adam Sandler's face.
I got right on FDR's head, squarely in the middle of the Democrats. Probably right in theory, though in voting practice I'm more centrist because I believe both parties are too inept to align completely with.
65% socially liberal

21% econ0mically liberal.

My permanent law said stupid people shouldn't reproduce
You are a

Social Conservative
(38% permissive)

and an...

Economic Moderate
(41% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Libertarian just about right. 93% economic conservative and somewhat of a social liberal. It is a little off because I am very conservative, but don't think the government can legislate morality effectively. CAPITALIST.
Hey I told you I was in the middle...... :biggrin2:
I am a cross between John Kerry's head and Donald Trumps chest!
*GOP till I die!* Ronald Reagan was too liberal for me!* :bow:

You are a

Social Moderate
(55% permissive)

and an...

Economic Moderate
(50% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
I consider myself pretty conservative on social and economic issues. I'm not the "all liberals and Dems are evil and desrve to die" type. Actually lately, I'm the "GOP is a disgrace to conservatism with their big spending, big government, inject the state into our lives" type. Very little of what the GOP is doing is tops in my book right now. I've been doing my part to get needed change only to watch those running the show now become as corrupt or more than those they rail against. And don't get me started on foreign policy.

I'm stepping off the soapbox before I spend too much time and say some things to upset the thin-skinned.
(MyBloodRunnethOrange @ Jan 17 said:
Interesting Politics Test

It says I'm a socialist :question: And I've always voted republican :question:

Neat test. I'm not sure about its viability though.Said I was a democrat but actually I vote republican most of the time.
I posted this before but this thread made me think of it so here it is again.....

Socialism- you have 2 cows, you keep 1 and give the other 1 to your neighbor.
Communism- you have 2 cows, the government takes them both and provides you with milk.

Fascism-you have 2 cows, the government takes them both and sells you the milk.

Bureaucracy- you have 2 cows, the government takes them both , shoots 1 milks the other, pays you for the milk and then pours it down the drain.

Capitalism- you have 2 cows, you sell 1 and buy a Bull.

Corporate- you have 2 cows, you sell 1 and force the other to produce the milk of 4 cows, then act surprised when she drops dead.

Democracy- you have 2 cows, the government taxes you to the point that you must sell both in order to pay the taxes to support a man in a foreign country that has only 1 cow which was a gift from your government.
Here's the version for you chocolate lovers......

Socialism- you buy a quart of chocolate milk use some and give the rest to your neighbors.

Communism- they give you a coupon for chocolate milk and you go stand in line all day to get some ( by the time you get in the store they are out)

Fascism-the government addes the chocolate and you drink it whether you like it or not

Bureaucracy-the only way you get chocolate milk is if you qualify so take this stack of forms and fill them out and we will determine if you qualify or not, you will be notified in 4-6 weeks.

Capitalism- you buy a gallon of chocolate milk for $5, keep a pint for yourself and sell the rest for $2 a pint.

Corporate- why would a dead cow need chocolate?

Democracy- we can't afford chocolate milk we spent all your taxes overseas.
Most of these tests are questionable. The way the questions are asked can sway the results. They're loaded to lean a certain way sort of like polls. You can change one word, soften or harden its meaning, and the results could be different.
I agree that the survery was a sham. It is still fun to see what in the world the results are.

Did any one actually put their real info in at the end?

(volmanjr @ Jan 19 said:
I posted this before but this thread made me think of it so here it is again.....

Socialism- you have 2 cows, you keep 1 and give the other 1 to your neighbor.
Communism- you have 2 cows, the government takes them both and provides you with milk.

Fascism-you have 2 cows, the government takes them both and sells you the milk.

Bureaucracy- you have 2 cows, the government takes them both , shoots 1 milks the other, pays you for the milk and then pours it down the drain.

Capitalism- you have 2 cows, you sell 1 and buy a Bull.

Corporate- you have 2 cows, you sell 1 and force the other to produce the milk of 4 cows, then act surprised when she drops dead.

Democracy- you have 2 cows, the government taxes you to the point that you must sell both in order to pay the taxes to support a man in a foreign country that has only 1 cow which was a gift from your government.
volmanjr, this is the abolute truth. I don't have any idea how old you are but you have wisdom far beyond your years. You should quit your job and write political satire!
I can't take credit for writing the first one but the chocolate one is mine, but they are pretty accurate aren't they.
(OrangeEmpire @ Jan 19 said:
I agree that the survery was a sham. It is still fun to see what in the world the results are.
Yeah, I wouldn't put any stock in it, but it's fun to see what it says.
I'ver thought about it and I can't resist adding my thoughts since this thread seems to be dying. Just remember, I'm an old man! And also a lifelong Democrat.

Capital Punishment: We're too soft. Get 'em off death row and into the ground. Convicted murderers and terrorists hanging around on the row for 25 years is a lot of crap. And lethal injection is too easy on a--holes who have shot, strangled, knifed, poisoned, bombed, or burned victims to death. Cruel and unusual punishment, my a--. Time to go back to firing squads and public hangings. And doesn't the thought of executing them the same way they killed their victims intigue you?

Abortion: I'm Pro-choice

Drugs: Anti drug but considering the situation we have now, we should legalize them, regulate and tax theie sale. Isn't loss of sales tax revenue on illegal drugs really what all the fuss is about anyhow? Didn't the Volstead Act fiasco of the 1920s teach us anything?

Alcohol: It's just another drug which is regulated and taxed (see above). Don't get me wrong. I'm not anti-alcohol. I like blended whiskey, and once in a while, a beer. I do wonder what's going on with the revenue from taxes added to alcohol sales to help defray the expenses of recovering alcoholics?

Religion: One of the founding principles of this country is freedom of religion and not religious oppression. Christianity was and still is the choice of the majority of Americans. I think the Bible should be studied in public schools AS AN ELECTIVE. The 10 Commandments displayed in public and government buildings should not offend people who DON'T BELIEVE IN THE FIRST PLACE. So let them stay. Let the agnostics, atheists, Muslims, and Bhuddists do their own thing. Just don't try to interfere with us Christians when we do ours. Merry Christmas, Happy Easter, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Taxes: Would like to see eventually a flat federal INCOME tax and a flat state INCOME tax and the elimination of sales tax. Everybody pays proportionatly. Think of all the $$$ alone saved by eliminating the beaurocratic jobs created to enforce tax laws and collect taxes. Don't say it can't be done fairly. What could be more unfair than the system we have now?

Foreign Aid: Charity starts at home. Who came rushing to our aid after Katrina? Take care of our own first. Also, not a dime for any country that permits or sponsors anti-American demonstrations. These jackasses have the same right to protest on their own soil as Americans, they just need to know they will forfeit their access to MY bank account if they do it.

Sexual orientation: A. No same sex marriages. Marriage is meant to be a union for life between a man and a woman. B. But....what goes on in the privacy of the bedroom, whether it be "heing and heing" or "sheing and sheing", is no-one else's business. Just make sure you keep it there and don't try to sell it to me. C. We as a nation get too uptight about gays. There is no record of a gay relationship producing offspring. It's biologically impossible. And all the preaching and ridiculing in the world won't make it go away. It's been here since before the Romans and will be here after we're all gone.

Immigration: ENOUGH ALREADY. Why are immigants coming here in the first place? All our jobs that haven't gone to China have gone or are on their way to Mexico. Pretty soon, if something doesn't change. our kids will have to move to a foreign country to make a living.

United Nations: A spineless bunch of anti-American milksops. If the UN must be headquartered on US soil, I suggest the Aleutian Islands would be a more fitting place than New York.

Labeling: I'm sick of being labeled a liberal (whatever that is) and an enemy of the state by idiots like Rush Limbaugh just because I belong to the Democratic party. I think my views stated above prove otherwise. True, our party has some real problem children...(Ted Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, etc,) but George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are nothing to write home about either.

Apologies, Freak, but you left the door open.


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