I'ver thought about it and I can't resist adding my thoughts since this thread seems to be dying. Just remember, I'm an old man! And also a lifelong Democrat.
Capital Punishment: We're too soft. Get 'em off death row and into the ground. Convicted murderers and terrorists hanging around on the row for 25 years is a lot of crap. And lethal injection is too easy on a--holes who have shot, strangled, knifed, poisoned, bombed, or burned victims to death. Cruel and unusual punishment, my a--. Time to go back to firing squads and public hangings. And doesn't the thought of executing them the same way they killed their victims intigue you?
Abortion: I'm Pro-choice
Drugs: Anti drug but considering the situation we have now, we should legalize them, regulate and tax theie sale. Isn't loss of sales tax revenue on illegal drugs really what all the fuss is about anyhow? Didn't the Volstead Act fiasco of the 1920s teach us anything?
Alcohol: It's just another drug which is regulated and taxed (see above). Don't get me wrong. I'm not anti-alcohol. I like blended whiskey, and once in a while, a beer. I do wonder what's going on with the revenue from taxes added to alcohol sales to help defray the expenses of recovering alcoholics?
Religion: One of the founding principles of this country is freedom of religion and not religious oppression. Christianity was and still is the choice of the majority of Americans. I think the Bible should be studied in public schools AS AN ELECTIVE. The 10 Commandments displayed in public and government buildings should not offend people who DON'T BELIEVE IN THE FIRST PLACE. So let them stay. Let the agnostics, atheists, Muslims, and Bhuddists do their own thing. Just don't try to interfere with us Christians when we do ours. Merry Christmas, Happy Easter, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Taxes: Would like to see eventually a flat federal INCOME tax and a flat state INCOME tax and the elimination of sales tax. Everybody pays proportionatly. Think of all the $$$ alone saved by eliminating the beaurocratic jobs created to enforce tax laws and collect taxes. Don't say it can't be done fairly. What could be more unfair than the system we have now?
Foreign Aid: Charity starts at home. Who came rushing to our aid after Katrina? Take care of our own first. Also, not a dime for any country that permits or sponsors anti-American demonstrations. These jackasses have the same right to protest on their own soil as Americans, they just need to know they will forfeit their access to MY bank account if they do it.
Sexual orientation: A. No same sex marriages. Marriage is meant to be a union for life between a man and a woman. B. But....what goes on in the privacy of the bedroom, whether it be "heing and heing" or "sheing and sheing", is no-one else's business. Just make sure you keep it there and don't try to sell it to me. C. We as a nation get too uptight about gays. There is no record of a gay relationship producing offspring. It's biologically impossible. And all the preaching and ridiculing in the world won't make it go away. It's been here since before the Romans and will be here after we're all gone.
Immigration: ENOUGH ALREADY. Why are immigants coming here in the first place? All our jobs that haven't gone to China have gone or are on their way to Mexico. Pretty soon, if something doesn't change. our kids will have to move to a foreign country to make a living.
United Nations: A spineless bunch of anti-American milksops. If the UN must be headquartered on US soil, I suggest the Aleutian Islands would be a more fitting place than New York.
Labeling: I'm sick of being labeled a liberal (whatever that is) and an enemy of the state by idiots like Rush Limbaugh just because I belong to the Democratic party. I think my views stated above prove otherwise. True, our party has some real problem children...(Ted Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, etc,) but George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are nothing to write home about either.
Apologies, Freak, but you left the door open.