It should also be noted that since the release of the
electronic long form, numerous credible experts have
stepped forward to proclaim the document to be a
forgery or very likely to be a forgery.
According to Retired Major General Paul Vellely,
three former CIA officials have examined the
electronic version of Obama's long form birth
certificate and believe it to be fraudulent.
(Jul. 5, 2011) A process server has delivered a Hawaii
court-issued subpoena to Loretta J. Fuddy, Director of
the Hawaii Department of Health, commanding her to
produce at the time, date, and place set forth below the
following documents, electronically stored information, or
objects, and permit their inspection, copying testing, or
sampling of the material:
original 1961 typewritten birth certificate #10641 for
Barack Obama, III [sic] issued 08.08.1961, signed by Dr.
David Sinclair, Stanley Ann Dunham Obama and registrar
Lee, stored in the Health Department of the State of HI
from 08081961 until now.
The subpoena allows Fuddy until August 8, 2011 at
10:00 a.m. to produce the document.
I understand that but why invoke the TP for this? Are TP members behind it? I saw nothing in the link to suggest so.
Could be any fringe members of any group are behind it.
I'm not saying it is, and though it may be incorrect, the whole birther thing is associated by many, many people with the Tea Party.
Birthers were stupid before they got smacked up with the certificate.
Like Islam.