The evidence herein is somewhat belaboring and intensive, but necessary to understand in order to place Obamas recently revealed, Health Department-issued Certificate of Live Birth Registration in its accurate context.
.......we can also conclude it was not released by Kapiolani hospital because it remains undocumented that Obama was not actually born in Kapiolani hospital. Rather, this document was released by the Hawaiian Department of Health based on that state's long-standing municipal vital records laws which mandate the creation of such an official birth record based, not only upon indigenous birth occurrences, but also residential circumstances of the parents preceding the birth.
.......wonder why Obamas birth registration number is out of sequence with at least two other registration numbers issued by the Hawaiian Department of Health in the days after Obamas birth.
The answer to this question may have been answered in the 1961 Vital Statistics of United States Report in which it clarifies the manner in which birth records are assigned registration numbers.
............this evidence reveals that Obamas non-sequential birth registration number is the result of the birth being registered in a location not used by the hospital Obama claims to have been born in, rendering the possibility that his recent Certificate of Live Birth Registration issued by the Hawaii Health Department is merely a record of birth registration legally issued by the Health Department under HRS 338-17.8, after being examined by a doctor at Kapiolani hospital who could attest to his live birth, post-delivery.
This evidence supports the claim that his non-sequential birth registration number is indeed the result of his birth being registered in an alternative local office, not the typical office used by the hospital..
With the revelation of a belated image of an alleged, original 1961 Certificate of Live Birth registration record, released by the Hawaiian Department of Health, not the hospital, it is now unanimously accepted that Obamas birth registration number is 151-61-10641, which is also confirmed by its updated version of 151-1961-10641 on the previously exalted Certification of Live Birth and, most importantly, which is a number larger than both the twins even though he was born chronologically before them.
However, the HDOH is able to legally name the hospital in its original "Certificate of Live Birth" Regisration based on the legal fact that, if it is the location of the first examination of a newborn child by a physician there, the signature of the doctor triggers the birth location in absence of any other birth location information.
Simply put, the evidence suggests that Obama was not born in Kapi'olani, but he may have been examined for the first time there.
Dr. David Sinclair was not present during the delivery of Barack Obama. However, since he was the first physician to examine baby Obama and his mother at Kapiolani on August 7th or 8th, he is legally bound to record his signature as the attending physician of record at that time. Per HRS 338, the naming of the hospital is subsequent to the naming of the doctor where the examination, not the birth, took place.
(the latest)...issued Certificate of Live Birth document we find it adds merely three more pieces of information about his natal biography than we previously knew before from the fallow Certification of Live Birth heavily lauded by his defenders as the 'holy grail' of his eligibility.
Now, with this new and improved Holier Grail, historical information from the U.S. Department of Health shows that this document only detracts from Obamas effort to confirm his eligibility and that it would best be described as a state-issued, non-standard Long-form Certificate of Live Birth Registration created by administrative procedure as a result of legal confirmation, not a hospital as a result of an actual delivery. We are already accustomed to the fact that the Hawaiian Department of Health revises in document header titles willy-nilly, whenever it seems convenient to Obama.
This week, Obamas Certificate of Live Birth was released by the Department of Health, not the alleged hospital of record.
A different local registrar worked in each branch office in which births was registered. Obama's birth was registered in an office which is not the office use by Kapiolani to register births occurring in its facility.
Obamas DOH Certificate of Live Birth Registration omits the Amendment section from its lower margin which is present on the hospital generated version and contains space available for amendments, dates of examinations and medical information. It is also used to show the signatures of the Director of Health and the Deputy Registrar. This is absent from Obamas HDOH document because it was not generated by the hospital and this doctor was not present at his birth and did not preside over later amendments, such as Obamas adoption by Lolo Soetoro.