Which QB after the O&W game?

Which QB after the O&W game?

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Yea I thought there were too many variables to accurately judge the competition Saturday - key offensive positions out, no-contact jerseys, and a game structure that doesn't allow for after-drive conversations with the coaches isn't too firm a foundation to say one QB or the other sucks or can't manage the offense sufficiently. Plus, there has been what? 30% of the playbook installed? Insufficient data.

I would have really liked to see Peterman with the ones more. The one drive he had with them really showed great flashes of awesomeness though. And the bomb he threw the series before was fantastic!
I agree that we haven't seen much of either of them, but Dobbs is coming from the same style of offense at Alpharetta that CBJ runs. He also had offers from some pretty high academic schools including Harvard/Princeton. Plus, when new head coaches take over programs, most bring a premier guy with them. Dobbs is that guy.

I'm not saying that Peterman or Worley suck, but I'm just saying there is writing on the wall...
I hope Charley High is the starting QB!

Vids of Dobbs indicate he's a contender. He can pocket pass and run. I like his improvisations on the field. So what if he hasn't taken a snap in college bowl. The players are bigger, the stadium is bigger, but I'm sorry, the field is still 100 yards and hasn't changed.
There are some geniuses on here who want to start a raw freshman who is still in HS, who hasn't practiced, who hasn't played in the SEC and anoint him as the starter. I am just glad there is a coaching staff who will determine the starter and not the armchair geniuses on this board. Let the brilliance shine through.

I do understand the thought here but I'll play devil's advocate.

Freshman or not, everyone is in a new system.

Worley is the only one with any experience and it isn't much.

True freshman have started before. It's not optimal. But, if a true frosh is the best you've got, he's the best you've got
It appears that both QB's have a hard time throwing the ball downfield....we may indeed have to settle for the very short and safe 5-10 yd gaines in the passing game.

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