Which team will be the biggest underachievers in the SEC in 2013?

Here is the SEC ranked by talent including the 2013 classes according to rivals:

  1. Alabama
  2. Florida
  3. Auburn
  4. LSU
  5. Georgia
  6. Tennessee
  7. Texas A&M
  8. South Carolina
  9. Ole Miss
  10. Arkansas
  11. Miss. State
  12. Missouri
  13. Vanderbilt
  14. Kentucky

So Alabama and Florida should go undefeated, anything less than that is under-achieving. Florida will probably lose two games this year, by my subjective analysis, so that would be a pretty large under achievement.

Kentucky and Vanderbilt cannot under achieve as they are at the floor.

The team that will be the biggest under-achiever based on latent talent is Auburn. They have consistently recruited very well, but that was masked by how inept Chizik has been.

Tennessee was in the same boat with Dooley (vastly under achieving).

The bottom line is that with the really weak coaches now out of the SEC (Dooley/Chizik), and the biggest over performer out as well (Petrino), we will be left with most teams performing generally within one game (or so) of their talent evaluation.

I doubt this year we will see teams going 4 games on either side of their evaluation, which is what Dooley/Chizik/Petrino and Franklin had done.

Franklin could do that as he was aided by two of those three coaches, and a transitional period for Ole Miss.

And, if you want a brief explanation of attrition from the rosters and its effect on overall talent in the SEC east, read this:

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Why should the rankings of last year's class of freshman determine how teams are going to finish this season?
Florida. I tend to think the 2011 season under Muschamp is the norm and this past season was the outlier.

Purely speculation of course, but what on this forum isn't?
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Florida. I tend to think their previous few seasons under Muschamp are the norm and this past season was the outlier.

Purely speculation of course, but what on this forum isn't?

How long do you think muschamp has been at florida?
How long do you think muschamp has been at florida?

Good catch, I (in my mind) attributed their 8-5 2010 season to him but it was Meyer.

In that case I'm basing it on the 2011 season and the remarks I've heard from a few gator fans who feel he may not be "the guy" in the long run.
I'm leaning toward yes.

Hr definitely isnt zook

It will be interesting to see if you are right. I hope we both are.

By that I mean that he will do enough to keep the Florida faithful happy for the time being, but not enough to assert total dominance in the SEC east or national stage.
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Florida. I tend to think their previous few seasons under Muschamp are the norm and this past season was the outlier.

Purely speculation of course, but what on this forum isn't?

I think we may have under-estimated Muschamp after his first year. His team played well in every game except the bowl game. The defense seems bought in to what he is selling and they showed a lot of toughness when behind in games.

I hope you are right but I think A&M under-achieves based on expectations and the East turns on who wins at the cocktail party. USCjr will be solid but in my opinion they are a rung below the other two teams.
I think we may have under-estimated Muschamp after his first year. His team played well in every game except the bowl game. The defense seems bought in to what he is selling and they showed a lot of toughness when behind in games.

I hope you are right but I think A&M under-achieves based on expectations and the East turns on who wins at the cocktail party. USCjr will be solid but in my opinion they are a rung below the other two teams.

Two things are known. He can coach defense and he can recruit.

I place alot of my faith in the fact that he addressed three things that were the focus of the offseason after 2011.

Turnover ratio
physical/mental toughness
4th quarter

All three had a dramatic turnaround
Under Achievers, My pick is Florida they lost a few players to NFL. However they probably retained more key players than other teams with exception of USCjr. To be an under achiever you must have lots of talent and expectation then fail. LSU, UGA, both lost lots of players to NFL. I dont consider A/M cause most true SEC fans believe that last year was luck and wont happen again. So once again my under acheivers are Florida. They still got lots of talent and I could see them struggling.

Oh my gosh, some of you guys seriously need to get off of the "true SEC train" and give A&M some credit.

Also, I'd like to note that Missouri didn't even make a bowl game and beat UT. I suppose any "true SEC fan" knows that was just luck.

There's a reason why people outside of the mason dixon think we are ignorant morons.
It's Georgia guys. Their losses in the front 7 could be devastating. Overall they lost a lot of serious playmakers on D. Their D will serve as a weakness.
Georgia has to be in the top 3 of wasted talent in the past 20 yrs of anybody's list. We trail right behind them admittedly.
Oh my gosh, some of you guys seriously need to get off of the "true SEC train" and give A&M some credit.

Also, I'd like to note that Missouri didn't even make a bowl game and beat UT. I suppose any "true SEC fan" knows that was just luck.

There's a reason why people outside of the mason dixon think we are ignorant morons.

And there-in lies the Irony...people above the MD Line don't know their above it... so essentially they are below the mean in Football IQ...jus sayin.
It's Georgia guys. Their losses in the front 7 could be devastating. Overall they lost a lot of serious playmakers on D. Their D will serve as a weakness.

Very good post. We replace just about everybody on D and we have 3 very tough games early. But we should have an offense that should be able to put up a ton of points. This season will be very interesting for us.
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