While many are focused on the “war in Ukraine”, the real threat is going unnoticed

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I have a few questions for some of you guys who are laughing and calling this a conspiracy theory

1. Do you think the World Economic Forum is real?? Is the WEF just a pigment of our imagination.

2. If the WEF is real, how do you rebuff all of the speakers who make presentations and interviews that are the basis of this "giant conspiracy theory?" Why even give these people a platform to feed the tinfoil hatters.

3. How do you dismiss the simple fact that so many of the leaders who have installed the most draconian Covid measures are all heavily vested in the World Economic Forum. Just a short list that comes to mind are President of France Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson and even Gavin Newsome.
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Clickbait for Chicken Little.

I've heard about New World Order conspiracies for over 40 years. My mom believed this stuff. I am not worried about any NWO. I am not worried about war in Ukraine. I am worried about 31T in debt and the borrowing of both Rs and Ds. I am worried about a constituency who continues to prop up the most idiotic, unprepared, liars they can find to lead this country. I am worried about a population of people less concerned with what is right and more concerned about what is the opposite of the party they consider the opposition.
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I have a few questions for some of you guys who are laughing and calling this a conspiracy theory

1. Do you think the World Economic Forum is real?? Is the WEF just a pigment of our imagination.

2. If the WEF is real, how do you rebuff all of the speakers who make presentations and interviews that are the basis of this "giant conspiracy theory?" Why even give these people a platform to feed the tinfoil hatters.

3. How do you dismiss the simple fact that so many of the leaders who have installed the most draconian Covid measures are all heavily vested in the World Economic Forum. Just a short list that comes to mind are President of France Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson and even Gavin Newsome.

I think gathering and making plans on how to use the worlds resources and other world issues makes sense. Whether you like it or not we all affect one another and to ignore that fact would just put us behind those that don't. The world is a much smaller place than it used to be.

So the conspiracy theory is that this is some grand evil plan being carried out by Pinky and The Brain seems, to quote McDad, Clickbait for Chicken Little.
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Clickbait for Chicken Little.

I've heard about New World Order conspiracies for over 40 years. My mom believed this stuff. I am not worried about any NWO. I am not worried about war in Ukraine. I am worried about 31T in debt and the borrowing of both Rs and Ds. I am worried about a constituency who continues to prop up the most idiotic, unprepared, liars they can find to lead this country. I am worried about a population of people less concerned with what is right and more concerned about what is the opposite of the party they consider the opposition.
Pretty good song by Ministry.
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I think gathering and making plans on how to use the worlds resources and other world issues makes sense. Whether you like it or not we all affect one another and to ignore that fact would just put us behind those that don't. The world is a much smaller place than it used to be.

So the conspiracy theory is that this is some grand evil plan being carried out by Pinky and The Brain seems, to quote McDad, Clickbait for Chicken Little.

I apreciate your response...I'm sure all of our Australian friends feel the same as you do. It's easy to dismiss this as simply that our world leaders are carefully planning for the future when we in America still have most of our liberties and freedoms.

"It's Called Communism" - Australian Senator Antic Exposes the WEF as a Subversive Communist Ploy

"To quote Margaret Thatcher. 'Communism never sleeps, never changes objectives, and nor should we.' No matter how sophisticated the World Economic Forum tries to make the abolition of private property around the world sound, the fantasies of Karl Marx always lead to the crushing of individuals' liberties and lives and the expansion of the state's tyranny and power. It is imperative that we pay close attention to the World Economic Forum and [do] all that we can to preserve liberty and reduce government intrusion in our lives."
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Here, the WEF’s poster child for the ultimate disdain for ordinary people, describes the “global useless class”.
For all the technological brilliance, it’s the same “useless eaters” spoken of by previous generations of utterly lost inhuman overlords. Is this now supposed to be the new normal?

Dump Davos #1: Data Colonialism & Hackable Humans
I apreciate your response...I'm sure all of our Australian friends feel the same as you do. It's easy to dismiss this as simply that our world leaders are carefully planning for the future when we in America still have most of our liberties and freedoms.

"It's Called Communism" - Australian Senator Antic Exposes the WEF as a Subversive Communist Ploy

"To quote Margaret Thatcher. 'Communism never sleeps, never changes objectives, and nor should we.' No matter how sophisticated the World Economic Forum tries to make the abolition of private property around the world sound, the fantasies of Karl Marx always lead to the crushing of individuals' liberties and lives and the expansion of the state's tyranny and power. It is imperative that we pay close attention to the World Economic Forum and [do] all that we can to preserve liberty and reduce government intrusion in our lives."

I have several friends that live in Australia. They each have one thing in common. They lived here and then chose to return to live in Australia and would not move back. I don't think it is a horrible as you've been led to believe. They do force them to watch cricket though.
I have several friends that live in Australia. They each have one thing in common. They lived here and then chose to return to live in Australia and would not move back. I don't think it is a horrible as you've been led to believe. They do force them to watch cricket though.

Haha being forced to watch Cricket would be enough to force me to move back. I guess overall if you don't mind living under tyranny it's not all that bad at all in Australlia. Check out what life there is like at the moment. I guess the unjabbed need to start wearing the nazzi star

Masks are required for people aged 8 years and over (year 3 and over for schools):
  • everywhere indoors, other than in the home
  • when on public transport, in taxis and rideshare vehicles
  • at hospitals and residential aged care or residential disability care facilities.
The usual exemptions from mask requirements apply.
Proof of vaccination
People are required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccinations when entering certain businesses and venues, either in a digital or paper-based form, along with approved identification, if required.
Proof of vaccination is required to enter:
  • All hospitality venues, food and licensed venues including restaurants, dine-in fast food, cafés, bars, pubs, clubs, taverns, licensed commercial boats
  • Nightclubs
  • Indoor entertainment venues, including play centres, gaming and gambling, theatres, concert halls, cinemas, live music venues, including Perth Convention Centre
  • Specified cultural venues, including:
    • Art Gallery of WA
    • Goldfields Arts Centre
    • Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts
    • Fremantle Arts Centre
    • WA Museum Boola Bardip
    • WA Maritime Museum
    • Shipwrecks Museum (Fremantle)
    • Museum of the Great Southern
    • Museum of the Goldfields
    • Museum of Geraldton
    • Gwoonwardu Mia (Carnarvon)
    • Fremantle Prison
    • Transport Revolutions Museum
  • Crown Perth Complex
  • Major stadiums
  • For the following events with over 500 patrons, including
    • indoor events (as defined by EMA directions)
    • specified outdoor high risk events
    • outdoor music events
  • Gyms, fitness studios and centres
  • Perth Zoo and amusement parks
  • Hospitals and residential aged care and disability care facilities
  • Any other events specified by the State Emergency Coordinator, the Chief Health Officer or their authorised personnel.
The WEF, who named Malmgren as a Global Leader for Tomorrow in 2000, has already defined a new world order that is based on “digital IDs, digital payments and digital governance".
While Joe Biden did indeed call for a “new world order” earlier this month, and while central banks like the Federal Reserve are pushing for CBDC, the global agenda has never been outlined quite so clearly and honesty as it has now.

New world order announced at World Government Summit | America's Frontline Doctors
Watch "Implanted Microchip, Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum and The Great Reset" on YouTube

I immediately think anyone who uses the term "great reset" with anything but a mocking tone with accompanied eyeroll is an idiot.

This qanon dumb.
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I immediately think anyone who uses the term "great reset" with anything but a mocking tone with accompanied eyeroll is an idiot.

This qanon dumb.

I'm assuming then that either you believe the World Economic Forum is just a figment of my imagination or its just a bunch of rich world leaders living in some fantasy land
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Dr. Malone Unveils WEF Grads As Small Thinkers Who Only Have the Mental Capacity to Govern From a Script

"To my eye, it looks like this set of policies that have been established, policy positions, and all of these folks have been trained to basically regurgitate those policy positions, regardless of whatever the context is within which they're operating. And so what you have is global perspectives implemented locally through this network of acolytes that have been trained, and what's fascinating and so dysfunctional is that they're not powered intellectually, or by training or whatever, to adapt these policy positions to the local environment. And so we end up with diktat from a centralized global authority being implemented locally in the context of the response."

Malone Unveils WEF Grads As Small Thinkers Who Only Have the Mental Capacity to Govern From a Script
Didn’t Biden even mention this recently?

It’s getting mentioned more and more. Yet many just ignore it and say it’s nothing more than a conspiracy theory. Just going by this thread, there are many gullible sheep who refuse to see what’s happening.

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