Whistleblower alleges he was told by administration to downplay white supremacy threat

Funny how there seems to be a crap ton redacted from the middle of the document.
Pretty sure this is what happened with the WMD Iraq intelligence during the lead up to war. It's never good to bend intelligence toward a political agenda. It should be just the facts.

happened too during the last administration IIRC - off to Google to find an example.

unfortunately nothing is ever just the facts in DC
Round 137 of nonsense to sway public perception during the voting season. Don't stop believing.
My phone is being weird...somebody put the journey video up please
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As someone who knows an fbi agent who is anti Trump, the threat of Antifa and BLM is real in those circles. The threat of "White Supremacy" is due to mostly retaliation. Unfortunately I don't get much else from him except an occasional "don't be in a crowded place this weekend" texts. I think he's f&#$ing with me with that.
As someone who knows an fbi agent who is anti Trump, the threat of Antifa and BLM is real in those circles. The threat of "White Supremacy" is due to mostly retaliation. Unfortunately I don't get much else from him except an occasional "don't be in a crowded place this weekend" texts. I think he's f&#$ing with me with that.
I see FBI/Fusion Center reports regularly, and ANTIFA/BLM is always listed as the biggest issues to watch for; The "regular" gangs (Vice Lords, Crips, Outlaws, etc.) are mixed every once in awhile when intelligence shows they are meeting together or have beef with a rival gang, but it's rarely "white supremacists/nazis" ever mentioned outside of a random protest in Mississippi or Sovereign Citizen type activity
I see FBI/Fusion Center reports regularly, and ANTIFA/BLM is always listed as the biggest issues to watch for; The "regular" gangs (Vice Lords, Crips, Outlaws, etc.) are mixed every once in awhile when intelligence shows they are meeting together or have beef with a rival gang, but it's rarely "white supremacists/nazis" ever mentioned outside of a random protest in Mississippi or Sovereign Citizen type activity
Pretty much. They don't have the funding to be able to be a consistent threat. They have to plan. Antifa has local chapters so they sprout up on demand in alot of places. Anyone who thinks otherwise is an ignorant moron even without the FBI.
So let me get this straight, The Proud Boys showed up and showed their @$$ once at UVA and had a march. I haven’t seen much, if anything, of them since. But 100+ days of Antifa/BLM protests, riots, assaults, several killed during BLM protests for good measure, burning businesses to the ground, threatening people (that have no dog in the fight - they’re only crime is being white) just trying to have dinner and running them off, weaponizing against the police, shutting down roads and interstates, etc., etc., and that doesn’t get your attention?? Yet, some laughable publication doubles down on white supremacy and this is what gets your panties in a wad? For the umpteenth time, I realize there are white supremacist out there....that have zero political pull and no party to call home even if the lefties and media try to hitch that wagon to the Republican Party. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.

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