Whistleblower alleges he was told by administration to downplay white supremacy threat

So let me get this straight, The Proud Boys showed up and showed their @$$ once at UVA and had a march. I haven’t seen much, if anything, of them since. But 100+ days of Antifa/BLM protests, riots, assaults, several killed during BLM protests for good measure, burning businesses to the ground, threatening people (that have no dog in the fight - they’re only crime is being white) just trying to have dinner and running them off, weaponizing against the police, shutting down roads and interstates, etc., etc., and that doesn’t get your attention?? Yet, some laughable publication doubles down on white supremacy and this is what gets your panties in a wad? For the umpteenth time, I realize there are white supremacist out there....that have zero political pull and no party to call home even if the lefties and media try to hitch that wagon to the Republican Party. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.
The media thinks people are so stupid that they’ll believe what they say no matter how it differs from the reality that they can clearly see for themselves.

It’s a choice. Blindly follow the media narratives or use your brain and common sense to decide for yourself.
So let me get this straight, The Proud Boys showed up and showed their @$$ once at UVA and had a march. I haven’t seen much, if anything, of them since. But 100+ days of Antifa/BLM protests, riots, assaults, several killed during BLM protests for good measure, burning businesses to the ground, threatening people (that have no dog in the fight - they’re only crime is being white) just trying to have dinner and running them off, weaponizing against the police, shutting down roads and interstates, etc., etc., and that doesn’t get your attention?? Yet, some laughable publication doubles down on white supremacy and this is what gets your panties in a wad? For the umpteenth time, I realize there are white supremacist out there....that have zero political pull and no party to call home even if the lefties and media try to hitch that wagon to the Republican Party. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.
well if you watch the news you'd believe 8 out of 10 people in your neighborhood hold klan rallies. I mean it's laughable. The fact of the matter is they want to loosely base anything that does not agree with the left as being connected to white supremacy somehow. It's absurd.
9/22 mark it down

So weird that ALL these people wanna lie about Trump, who represents he's honest, transparent, and acting on behalf of "America First." Ockham, what do you have to say about this? We're a bit befuddled. Are all these people lying about Trump or could perhaps (pearls clutched) Trump not be as upstanding and truthful as he claims to be?

Occam's razor - Wikipedia
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So weird that ALL these people wanna lie about Trump, who represents he's honest, transparent, and acting on behalf of "America First." Ockham, what do you have to say about this? We're a bit befuddled. Are all these people lying about Trump or could perhaps (pearls clutched) Trump not be as upstanding and truthful as he claims to be?

Occam's razor - Wikipedia
How about we apply Occam’s razor to the “Deep State”?

What would the Deep State need to do to regain power? In an election year? With a “Weekend at Bernie’s” candidate?

Biden can't win the election. The only hope (well it may not be the only but the better) is they can talk enough people out of Trump.

Biden is a dud with no platform. And they know it.

The irony of dissing Bidens platform after the RNC literally deciding not to put one out is delicious.
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The irony of dissing Bidens platform after the RNC literally deciding not to put one out is delicious.
Yeah, apparently you watched more of it than I did.

Thats irrelevant to Biden being a dud tho. He's relying on more Trump stories to win for that reason.
The problem with this tactic is that it becomes the boy who cries wolf. There's been like three things this week and each of them shut down. The Bob Woodward tapes are inconsequential. It's a classic democrats accuse Trump of something that they either did or went even further with. It's pathetic tbh.
Yeah, apparently you watched more of it than I did.

Thats irrelevant to Biden being a dud tho. He's relying on more Trump stories to win for that reason.

Watched what? I don't think you quite grasped whai said, the RNC literally decided not to have a platform beyond supporting what ever it is Trump wants. Which is odd because Trump can't even articulate what he'll do with four more years.
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Watched what? I don't think you quite grasped whai said, the RNC literally decided not to have a platform beyond supporting what ever it is Trump wants. Which is odd because Trump can't even articulate what he'll do with four more years.
Does the "C" stand for convention?
The problem with this tactic is that it becomes the boy who cries wolf. There's been like three things this week and each of them shut down. The Bob Woodward tapes are inconsequential. It's a classic democrats accuse Trump of something that they either did or went even further with. It's pathetic tbh.
This is what the liberal media and leftist Twitterites will never understand, and its HOW they got Trump elected in the first place.

They go after ALL who disagree with them politically in the same way.

Reagan was Hitler, hated gays, wanted black people to starve
G. Bush was Hitler, too religious, wanted poor people to be homeless
Dole was racist, too old, too much military support, look how young and cool Bill is
GWB was Hitler, wanted black people to die, caused hurricane deaths, was behind 9/11, warmonger, was druggie
McCain was racist, too old and crazy, didnt care about women, corrupt, couldn't relate to economic needs, Palin was crazy weirdo with slutty kids
Romney was racist, too rich, wanted to "blow up healthcare", hated animals, hated women, religious nut, evil, put blacks back into chains

It IS the boy who cried wolf, when you see these people call GWB, McCain, and Romney literally Hitler and EVIL and they want to kill blacks and poor people and make grandma eat dog food while she is homeless all because they want to improve a broken system, THEN the same people talk about them 20 years later as good people who were civil and they wished they couldve been president, it rings a little hollow
Does the "C" stand for convention?

Who said anything about the convention? A convention doesn't decide on a platform, the R leaders in conjunction with he Committee do. The convention is where a event where nominations are made.


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