White Flight: The Great Exodus From The GOP

And then we'll see, after the total failure & disaster from president Biden, Dems will start jumping their ship.
I guess I’m having a problem making the connection between people switching party’s or becoming unaffiliated to your racist post headline grabber .. “ White Flight” . Maybe I need more coffee before pointing out that it’s racist . 🤷‍♂️
These things are cyclical. Biden is on record as saying he'll be the most progressive President ever and it looks like that's exactly what will happen. That's great news for Republicans in 2022 and 2024. It looks like he'll cram through his stimulus bill on reconciliation rather than work with Republicans kinda like Obama did with Obamacare and that had disastrous consequences for Dems in 2010.

This stimulus bill now being debated is a great real life example of which party shows at least a little fiscal sense. The Dems want to spend $1.9T. Republicans $0.6T. Granted both parties are spendthrifts but of the two, there's only one choice for fiscal conservatives. Add to that, open borders, federally mandated $15hr min wage and trans taking over women's sports and folks will be coming back to the GOP in droves.
These things are cyclical. Biden is on record as saying he'll be the most progressive President ever and it looks like that's exactly what will happen. That's great news for Republicans in 2022 and 2024. It looks like he'll cram through his stimulus bill on reconciliation rather than work with Republicans kinda like Obama did with Obamacare and that had disastrous consequences for Dems in 2010.

This stimulus bill now being debated is a great real life example of which party shows at least a little fiscal sense. The Dems want to spend $1.9T. Republicans $0.6T. Granted both parties are spendthrifts but of the two, there's only one choice for fiscal conservatives. Add to that, open borders, federally mandated $15hr min wage and trans taking over women's sports and folks will be coming back to the GOP in droves.

Lol. Trump spent like a drunken sailor, even without Covid.
I remember when folks were drooling over this hair stylist's "walk away" movement. He got arrested for his role in storming the Capitol. Can't. Make. This. Stuff. Up.

I guess since Sleepy Joe only got 81 million votes, it must have been a successful movement.

MAGA influencer Brandon Straka arrested in connection with Capitol assault
And I remember when you discounted or outright ignored the #walkaway movement. Pepperidge Farm remembers too.

But... I’m sure this is different
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These things are cyclical. Biden is on record as saying he'll be the most progressive President ever and it looks like that's exactly what will happen. That's great news for Republicans in 2022 and 2024. It looks like he'll cram through his stimulus bill on reconciliation rather than work with Republicans kinda like Obama did with Obamacare and that had disastrous consequences for Dems in 2010.

This stimulus bill now being debated is a great real life example of which party shows at least a little fiscal sense. The Dems want to spend $1.9T. Republicans $0.6T. Granted both parties are spendthrifts but of the two, there's only one choice for fiscal conservatives. Add to that, open borders, federally mandated $15hr min wage and trans taking over women's sports and folks will be coming back to the GOP in droves.
Yeah. Don't **** with our women's sports
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I remember when folks were drooling over this hair stylist's "walk away" movement. He got arrested for his role in storming the Capitol. Can't. Make. This. Stuff. Up.

I guess since Sleepy Joe only got 81 million votes, it must have been a successful movement.

MAGA influencer Brandon Straka arrested in connection with Capitol assault

"In connection with."

I hope you little Nazis are happy with the way things are going. You're doing more to slide this country to full blown totalitarianism than Trump ever dreamed of.
"In connection with."

I hope you little Nazis are happy with the way things are going. You're doing more to slide this country to full blown totalitarianism than Trump ever dreamed of.
Hey it's OK to govern with EO... Joe's not being a dictator or anything like that.... Can't wait for the HeelsUp version.

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