White Flight: The Great Exodus From The GOP

Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat

From the article:

"The post-mortem, a copy of which was obtained by POLITICO, says the former president suffered from voter perception that he wasn’t honest or trustworthy and that he was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters."

You see, white flight.
Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat

From the article:

"The post-mortem, a copy of which was obtained by POLITICO, says the former president suffered from voter perception that he wasn’t honest or trustworthy and that he was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters."

You see, white flight.
Damn you’re a bitter and racist shrew too sister.
Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat

From the article:

"The post-mortem, a copy of which was obtained by POLITICO, says the former president suffered from voter perception that he wasn’t honest or trustworthy and that he was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters."

You see, white flight.
What's the term to use for the increase in minority support he got?
Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat

From the article:

"The post-mortem, a copy of which was obtained by POLITICO, says the former president suffered from voter perception that he wasn’t honest or trustworthy and that he was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters."

You see, white flight.

But the white flight didn't extend to the party. The GOP did quite well down ballot
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And another reason I have a hard time understanding why you hated him so much.


I never hated him because he (falsely) claimed to be a Republican. My hatred of him was not based in partisanship. It was a simple recognition that the guy was a conman, a liar, and a cheat, out only for himself the whole time. He used the Republican label, but again just to advantage himself.

Its not my fault that, rather than resist his efforts the GOP decided instead to let itself be his b!tch for some short term gain, which they may now very well regret.

As said by Lindsey Graham in 2016: "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed ... and we will deserve it."
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