The White Debonair
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What is missing is the fact that the majority of crime continues to be against Black South Africans, not Whites. Yes, there is crime against White South Africans, some of it horrific and should be unheard of or unimaginable except it is just a repeat of what the White South Africans did to everyone not White South African during apartheid. Doesn't justify it by any means but helps to see where they come up with their ideas.
Bottom line is the Truth and Reconciliation Committee was the best effort to ensure there wasn't wide-spread slaughter and decades of anarchy after the end of apartheid.
But there is still a culture of violence that includes rape, car jacking and murder--again mostly in the slums or inner cities and mostly Black on Black. They also have a category called xenophobia, which are attacks against illegal immigrants that have been on-going for decades. Many of these attacks are carried out by poor South Africans who blame immigrants for high crime rates or who blame them for the loss of jobs. Many of the xenophobic attacks are also carried out by the South African Police, but considering there are many Black South Africans in the police force you often see few if any Whites involved at all.
BTW the maps you had in your post did not specify which races were involved in the crimes but merely reported the crimes themselves. Here is the link in case anyone wants to check:
Are there problems in South Africa? Absolutely. Is there a wholesale effort of White genocide? Not at all. (Why would we be going back in December if it would put the white members of my family at risk?)
They are conservative, Christian Caucasians, a fact that might help explain why the fashionable left in the West doesnt much care that theyre being exterminated.
The Boersor farmersof South Africa have tilled the land for generations, on small holdings or on large commercial farms. But orgiastic killing sprees by The People, in combination with a Stalinesque land grab by their representatives, is threatening this minoritys survival.
Not to mention making life an inferno for farmers across the county.
The victims of this ongoing onslaught, we are told, are invariably elderly, law-abiding, god-fearing whites, murdered in cold blood, in ways that beggar belief. For the edification of racism spotters in the West, "Carte Blanche" ought to have pointed out that their assailants are always black.
Typically, the heathens will attack on Sundays. On returning from church, the farmer is ambushed. Those too feeble to attend Sunday service are frequently tortured and killed when the rest are worshiping. In one crime scene, Bibles belonging to the slain had been splayed across their mangled bodies. In another, an old mans hand rests on the arm of his wife of many years. She raped; he, in all likelihood, made to watch. Finally, with their throats slit, they died side by side.
No one was ever arrestednot then, and not after the couple was attacked three years later. This time Jose died in a hail of bullets. Arrests and convictions are rare. "Carte Blanche" tells of Dan Lansberg, shot dead in broad daylight. Members of his courageous farming community caught the culprits, but they escaped from the local police cells. As Ive explained before, the newly configured South African police is a corrupt, illiterate, and ill-trained force, riven by feuds, fetishes, and factional loyalties. The South African justice system has collapsed, confirms Professor Neels Moolman, a criminologist. In democratic South Africa, a person has over a 90 percent chance of getting away with murder. Or as Moolman puts it, pursuing a criminal career without fearing the consequences.
I guess the sarcasm was lost on you. God have mercy on your soul.
Never was a fan of the concentration camp high school boy look.
I prefer heterosexuals picking models.
1. What is missing is the fact that the majority of crime continues to be against Black South Africans, not Whites. Yes, there is crime against White South Africans, some of it horrific and should be unheard of or unimaginable except it is just a repeat of 2. what the White South Africans did to everyone not White South African during apartheid. Doesn't justify it by any means but helps to see where they come up with their ideas.
3. Bottom line is the Truth and Reconciliation Committee was the best effort to ensure there wasn't wide-spread slaughter and decades of anarchy after the end of apartheid.
But there is still a culture of violence that includes rape, car jacking and murder--again mostly in the slums or inner cities and mostly Black on Black. They also have a category called xenophobia, which are attacks against illegal immigrants that have been on-going for decades. Many of these attacks are carried out by poor South Africans who blame immigrants for high crime rates or who blame them for the loss of jobs. Many of the xenophobic attacks are also carried out by the South African Police, but considering there are many Black South Africans in the police force you often see few if any Whites involved at all.
4. BTW the maps you had in your post did not specify which races were involved in the crimes but merely reported the crimes themselves. Here is the link in case anyone wants to check:
Are there problems in South Africa? Absolutely. Is there a wholesale effort of White genocide? Not at all. 5. (Why would we be going back in December if it would put the white members of my family at risk?)
Since May 2010, when the farmitracker criminology-website started recording the growing destitution of South Africas 3-million Afrikaners together with the large number of violent attacks by armed black gangs targetting this very visible white minority group -- 117 more squatter-camps housing destitute Afrikaner families have been put on record. Before that, Solidarity trade unions charity Helping Hand also recorded more than 640 sites which were housing Afrikaner internal refugees in 2008, where their local volunteers were providing soup-kitchens and other care. In 2008 Solidarity s estimate of the total number of Afrikaner refugees stood at 800,000.
Farmitracker also records another ominous trend - namely the ANC-regimes refusal to provide any kind of food-aid to Afrikaner charities; and its very deliberate persecution of private individuals and private charities which dare to help destitute Afrikaner internal refugees. Many of these people are waging an increasingly desperate battle to keep these hundreds of thousands of destitute Afrikaners who are floating around the countryside alive, fed and housed each day.
Several persecution-methods are being used by the ANC-officials countrywide: for instance the 5,000 Afrikaners living at the Sonskynhoekie camp at Lavender Road in Pretoria had their electricity-supplies cut off this week because of payment arrears (right). Yet tens of millions of black residents countrywide owe hundreds of millions in electricity-arrears and also get free-electricity-- but they dont ever get their electricity cut off.
Sonskynhoekies loss of electricity access is calculated to cause the greatest suffering: its wintertime in South Africa and despite all the tourist-brochures boasting about the sunshine, it can get bitterly cold: especially if you only get one meal a week . Another form of harassment of homeless Afrikaners is to teargas them if they try to set up shacks along the roadsides, such as happened to the elderly homeless Knol couple in Nelspruit recently: this time it was recorded by an observant journalist. The Knol couple now sleep rough under an umbrella because ANC-officials keep demolishing their little shacks and teargassing them (left).
The ANC-regime also persecutes charities such as Magda Stroebels Angels at Work by forcing her to spend her precious donation-funds to pay legal costs: she has to defend herself against the Pretoria city-councils frivolous law-suit which would force her to demolish the wendy-house structures she has erected to house homeless Afrikaners in, while her charity works retrains and tries to find work for them.
Thanks for your prayers reverend.
How many heads of state think that raping a virgin will cure aids?
While you are at it, perhaps you can explain to me how ethnic genocide brings about social justice.
As for sarcasm, I usually ignore most of the sarcastic little ignorant twits that habituate this board in favor of interacting with those who have a somewhat informed opinion.
As for your judgemental post.
I've upped my standards, now up yours.
When you actually have an original thought,
har har har har har...ohhhhhhhh...just a minute let me catch my breath..pbbbbbbtttttt.. stop it , PKT, stop it.....har har har har...stop it, my sides are killin me...har har har har....stop it, just sto....pbbbbttttttt...har har har har..
stop referencing obscure radical blogs, and show that you are capable of carrying on a serious, lengthy, and logical conversation, I will start to take you seriously. Until you do the aforementioned, nobody is going to take you seriously or respect your posts. You will continue to be mocked day after day.
To attain a goal through ideology you need two things: a vision for a better future but also a vision of terrible evil if the alternative to the vision is followed. An ideology always benefits some elite groups, and the one-world ideology benefits multi-national corporations that get the mineral rights. The process is very corrupt: Western governments appropriate tax money paid by their citizens and transfer it to elites in the Third World for the mineral rights to go to multi-national corporations; this also frees populations to be brought to the west as cheap labour and our work to be relocated where people live on subsistence wages.
Having encouraged wage-slaves from the Third World they publicly apologise for historical slavery!
There is racial genocide of the South African Boers taking place as I write and the Western media know all about it because they have agents and reporters there, but keep it from the outside world, presumably to allow it to go on.
It follows on from what was done to French Algerians, the Belgians of Congo, and the Portuguese of Angola and Mozambique, and what is happening in Zimbabwe. All these peoples were violently forced off lands which their ancestors had occupied for centuries. It was done with the encouragement of the US and British governments and made possible by finance taken from their own taxpayers for the purpose.
The ANC is still dominated by members of the South African Communist Party, they are anti-white racists, and they have a vigorous land confiscation programme on the statute books. Farmers and their families are regularly murdered.
These things are little reported in the west because the liberal-left media fully support the ANC as they fully supported Mugabe in 1980 and thereafter and for the realities to be broadcast by our media would demonstrate the real facts of African rule and destroy the unrealistic ideology of racial equality that they desperately need to believe in else their whole falls and their lives have been wasted.
The genocide is happening on the farms where Boers are being murdered, but not just Boers, Indian farmers are also targeted; the targets are usually defenseless, especially old people.
The government does nothing to prevent attacks, so the farmers have begun to co-operate in mutual defence. That the Black government wants Boers harmed and driven from their land as indicated by their programmes to force Boers to sell their property to blacks.
At the beginning of the decade there were 40,000 White farmers in South Africa and there have been is 3,037 murdered in racial genocide and more than 20,000 armed attacks perpetrated by groups of militant, young Black racists on commercial farmers, since the ANC came to power in 1994. This is certainly higher as the South African government and police, with the worlds press keep it covered up. Boers are often tortured or raped first, by boiling water forced down their throats, tendons cut, burnings, personal humiliations - most perpetrators are protected by Blacks within government and the police and not tried. Now ask yourselves, gentle readers, when did you see this on television news or read about it in your quality newspaper?
Interpols global murder figures for South Africa are about double the number of recorded murders, the farm murder rate is four times the official South African murder average. The worlds leading authority on genocide, Dr Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch, stated how serious the Boer genocide is in his 2002 report.
SA Blacks, especially ANC youth, still sing the old ANC resistance song Kill The Boer. This shows their purpose. The Boer is just a farmer but the grudge goes on. Boers are honest, taciturn people work who hard with their hands. Their children consider leaving but have no country to return to. The Kill The Boer slogan has been ruled hate speech by the SA Human Rights Commission because it incites people to kill Afrikaners. But the ANC sing shaya ma buru at public meetings all over South Africa.
The new rulers have imposed racial quotas that deny work to most young Afrikaners, whether or not they have the right qualifications. Mbekis programme of Black Economic Empowerment is called rectifying action - Affirmative Action. Thousands of ANC civil servants give preferential treatment to blacks over whites and even browns. Progress plans are implemented, fines and other sanctions imposed. In most cases its an unqualified or illiterate black who gets the job. Whites are left with begging or emigration.
If the farmers are wiped-out the rest of South Africa and parts of southern Africa will be plunged into famine: as in Zimbabwe the Boer genocide may lead to the death of millions by starvation and outbreaks of Cholera.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu criticised Black Economic Empowerment, but because it enriches such a small minority of already powerful blacks not because it impoverishes the white minority. His world-famous moral indignation does not stretch that far.
The authorities are undermining that and the SAHRC has endorsed the withdrawal of commandos from rural areas to leave the Boers open to murder and banned the term farm attacks from the SA Rural Protection Plan as it links the Boers to their land and makes clear what people are being targeted but these are now the more abstract murders which is vague and gives the impression that it could happen to anybody.
In 1991 the White population of South Africa was 5.1 million however, as of 2007 the official White population of South Africa was its lowest of 4.2 million, even though millions of White refugees from other parts of Africa added to South Africas White population in recent years. Whites are persecuted and dispossessed for being White leaving them unable to afford council tax so they end up living in shanty huts in Black neighbourhoods which hate them because of their race. An example is the Affirmative Action policy of the national school netball championships committee - teams which do not have enough Black children have points given to the opposing side before the game has started!
The killings show savagery and brutality as most are tortured and die slowly and in agony yet in many of the murders, no property is stolen. This shows a savage, uncivilised hatred for fellow humans that we can not comprehend but the authorities and international media pass it off as crime related when it is racial genocide.
i just scrolled through this quickly and saw a dead baby...
He is probably thinking I give a ratsazz what he thinks or what his opinion of me may be, the same goes for you.
I posted the following years ago, even before the murdering rapist Zuma was elected as president, and few payed any attention and most just condemned me for telling them the unpolically correct truth about the situation.
A genocide in South Africa
Here is one that was raped.
This website discusses various issues related to the preservation of Western culture and the ethnic genetic interests (EGI) of people of European ancestry.
Its obvious that Jews planned, orchestrated, assisted with, benefited from, blocked a scientific investigation of and covered up incriminating evidence of their orchestration of 9/11.
He is probably thinking I give a ratsazz what he thinks or what his opinion of me may be, the same goes for you.
You're so full of crap. Of course you care what anyone and everyone on VN thinks about you. Its central to your existence. you couldn't possible live without VN's constant feedback. Why else would you spend every waking minute scouring through the most bizarre collection of whacko blogs to find so many piles of unadulterated mule muffins to post on VN? So you can get some attention from VN, of course.
You're so full of crap. Of course you care what anyone and everyone on VN thinks about you. Its central to your existence. you couldn't possible live without VN's constant feedback. Why else would you spend every waking minute scouring through the most bizarre collection of whacko blogs to find so many piles of unadulterated mule muffins to post on VN? So you can get some attention from VN, of course.
South Africa has one of the highest murder rates in the world with Johannesburg possessing the distinction of "murder capital" of the world. Ninety out of every 100,000 persons will be murdered this year in South Africa. Often murders are committed in conjunction with rape and robbery. Inadequate record keeping and under reporting has hindered efforts to properly assess the acceleration of violence. (The Star and the Mail Guardian ).
I doubt you are capable of being able to do any critical thinking whatsoever, the only thing you can do is regurgitate the thoughts with which you have been indoctrinated.
As for discussing anything, you are also incapable, your mode of discussion is to attack the person with which you disagree.
In that respect you are no better than those who are conducting the program of genocide against the Boer Afrikaners.