white genocide in South Africa

I doubt you are capable of being able to do any critical thinking whatsoever,


the only thing you can do is regurgitate the thoughts with which you have been indoctrinated.

And those thoughts are...?

As for discussing anything, you are also incapable, your mode of discussion is to attack the person with which you disagree.

Oh yeah. That's me. Ask anybody...oh wait...

In that respect you are no better than those who are conducting the program of genocide against the Boer Afrikaners.


South Africa Apartheid Defined by Amercian Apartheid

So, I point out that all you do is cut and paste from whacko blogs and display no ability to do otherwise and what do you do in response?

Wow! You really show the fallacy in my observations. I am truly slain......
Yes, yet another case of VN expertise coming from questionable agenda ridden websites rather than actual experience. Sad, just sad.

So tell me about your experiences in South Africa.

Are you a fan of Michener?

Have you read the "Covenant?"

The following may get the Boer genocide some play in the media.

Boer Genocide: Media silenced about Afrikaner genocide: SEE ALL THE VIDEOS…

Euro-MPs shocked at gruesome genocidal attacks against Afrikaners and Boers of South Africa:

Feb 2 2012 – Brussels - EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT. BRUSSELS. South African farmers represented in the Transvaal Agricultural Union have lodged a formal genocide-complaint against the ANC-government for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. TAU deputy-chair Henk van de Graaf also was interviewed by European Parliament TV and various Belgian TV-stations about his lodging formal genocide complaint against ANC-regime.

January 2012 – a murderous month for Afrikaners: “Thus far in January 2012, a total of 17 Afrikaner people were murdered – of whom at least six on farms,” he said. “The Afrikaners are calling on the world to help stop the genocide, the farm murders, in South Africa. To this end the Transvaal Agricultural Union has lodged a formal genocide complaint at the International Criminal Court,” Van de Graaf concluded.

“Afrikaner farmers are unjustly – without any kind of proof – arrested and accused of crimes while ANC-leaders sing genocidal hatespeech song Kill the Boer…’ Henk vd Graaf, Transvaal Agri-Union

Private-land ownership in SA stood at only 33% of the agricultural land in 2001 – yet ANC leaders constantly scream that ‘whites own 80% of all the land’ … (note: viable farm-land in semi-arid SA has never been more than 6% of its total land-surface…)

“The ANC is also constantly claiming that ‘the whites own 80% of all the land – when in fact the private-farmland ownership only was 33% ten years ago in 2001 – and has been rapidly dropping ever since. Meanwhile the extent of the farm murders indicates that this is a genocide: with the Transvaal Agricultural Union verifying 1,554 murders, this statistic is very understated,” said Mr Van de Graaf.

In 2003 South African Carte-Blanche M-Net featured two-part documentary on what was then referred to as the ‘plaasmoorde -- the Farm Murders – and award-winning investigative journalist Susan Puren – CNN’s African journalist of the Year 2002 -- also interviewed Genocide Watch president Gregory Stanton: below:

Here’s what Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch – the international campaign to prevent genocide -- had to say about the violence targetting Boers:


This organization calls it stage six genocide.

If it does go to stage seven it will be too late to speak up, few if any Boers would even survive, without a major intervention like the Balkans, Iraq or Afghanistan and I think we all know that isn't about to happen, especially with the sorry CIC we now have.

48 Euro-MPS blast ANC-regime over farm-murders « Space van Adriana

European MPs from 19 countries and 7 out of its 8 political formations condemn the murder-campaign against Afrikaner farmers: European Parliament, Brussels – 6 March 2012:

Brussels, EP: 48 European MPs from 19 countries in 7 political formations support a statement firmly condemning the ANC-regime for failing to protect the white Afrikaans-speaking farming-community from on ongoing murder-campaign targetting this small ethnic minority in SA. Signing the motion – demanding that the ANC-regime must take urgent measures to protect its white farming community – were socialists, liberals, Christian-democrats, the Euro-critics of the EFD and the ECR formations, and even a member of the Communist fraction: 7 of the 8 European political formations signed the motion condemning the farm-murders.

“The Greens were the only EP-fraction ‘considering the murders of white SA farmers morally acceptable” :
White people have had it coming for years.

Nobody knows the history of these Boer people today because the

So who are these people - first called the Grensboere, then the Voortrekkers, then Boers, then Afrikaners - and who again being degraded to "whites" - people in other words, who have no right to live on the African continent.

And increasingly one finds this besieged minority referring to themselves in the same racist terms used by the ANC, namely "whites". so what is going on here? Many people not familiar with South African history are confused - and with right, because the history has become very muddled-up over the years.

As soon as all these people start referring to themselves as "whites" they will have lost all rights to remain in South Africa. We know why their identity is being taken away.

It's a little-known part of history which started shortly after the end of the Anglo-Boer war in 1902, when the Boers were a defeated, poverty-stricken people who had been chased off their farms and whose towns had been destroyed by the British. They were dirt-poor and plunged into an unprecedented famine. Many had to flee to the cities to survive - places which were totally alien to them, places were only English was being spoken, places where their churches were being run by people who referred to themselves as Afrikaners.

Up to that point, the Boers had had a rich history and people still find old history books referring to this nation.

All these Boer names are now being wiped off the map of South Africa in one fell swoop by the ANC-regime -- even though the Boers' official history had ended in 1902, long before the elitist-Afrikaners who ran the secret Afrikaner Broederbond cabal had started apartheid in 1948.

Yet this is not the first time that the Boers are facing such an ethnic cleansing campaign by a nation which is hell-bent to remove their very rights to exist in South Africa - this is actually already the third time in Boer history.

The first time the British tried to eradicate them from the map of South Africa with their vicious war and their even more vicious concentration camps where many tens of thousands of Boer women, children and elderly starved to death within just a few months.

After this first genocide to target the Boer nation, their descendants still managed to cling to their identity for at least another generation - until the secret cabal of wealthy Afrikaners called the Afrikaner Broederbond gained hegemony -- and then took away their identity from about 1933 onwards.

When the Afrikaner Broederbond 's National Party won the elections, and took over the governance of South Africa from 1948 and launched the system of apartheid, the first thing they did was to completely rewrite the Boers' history.

The Boer Women's Monument in Bloemfontein, erected in memory of the murdered Boer women and children who died in the British concentration camps written about so eloquently by British pro-Boer campaigner Emily Hobhouse, even became the Afrikaner Women's Monument - a truly vile insult to their memory. The Voortrekker Monument is described in terms which honour the memory of Afrikaners -- not the Boers who had actually undertaken the Great Trek.

Paul Kruger, their last president who was so sadly exiled to the shores of a lake in Switserland, became an "Afrikaner" president in the history book -- when he himself never referred to himself in any of his correspondence as anything except a Boer.

Thus all the history books were rewritten and Boers with too-long memories such as Robert van Tonder of the Boerestaat Party and Eugene Terre'Blanche (of the incorrectly-named) Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging were persecuted publicly by the regime, aided and abetted by the Afrikaans-language news media.

And now the ANC is completing this vile task which was started by the Afrikaner Broederbond, and has even changed the names of their towns - and even of the historically--important "Voortrekker" streets which indicate the routes which the old Voortrekker Leaders such as Bezuidenhout had taken while battling their way to the north to get away from British hegemony in the Cape.

The old Voortrekker Streets all over South Africa are now being renamed to Chris Hani and Nelson Mandela streets and other names of people who, unlike the old Voortrekkers, actually have contributed absolutely nothing to the development of those streets whatsoever.

Thus the ANC is proving itself to be just as fascist in its nature as the old Afrikaner Broederbond they had replaced.

They even continue to persecute and jail anyone who wants to rekindle Boer history such as Eugene Terre'Blanche and the Boeremag-15, undergoing their hyped-up, trumped-up treason trial in Pretoria High Court.

It's no coincidence that the public prosecutor of the Boeremag-21 just happens to be a well-known former Afrikaner Broederbonder, Paul Fick, who even admitted to being a Broederbonder when I interviewed him for the Sunday Times during the apartheid-era, when his organisation had launched plans for a new flag and wanted to test public opinion...

Today, people no longer know who these Boers were - nobody knows about those dirt-poor Boer women who founded the garment workers' union, those famished women who had left their beloved farms and had gone to the cities to try and survive after their defeat in 1902.

And the Boer men who founded the Mineworkers union (now named Solidarity), and who had fought so valiantly against the mine magnates during the mineworkers' uprisings at the Witwatersrand and of whom thousands had been shot dead by their own compatriot soldiers from the countryside, who had been told by the government of Jan Smuts that these men were the enemies, the "communists". They were shooting their own Boer kindred and didn't know it...

Nobody knows the history of these Boer people today because the Afrikaner Broederbond has deliberately written these facts from their history books.

History researcher Elsabe Brink wrote brilliantly about these defeated Boers in the cities of South Africa who put up such a valiant fight for their own identity - and whose ethnic identity is now again being discarded today in the latest ethnic cleansing facing them.

The elitist Afrikaners of the Cape, who had been ashamed of the Boers to the north who had fought against the British, were equally ashamed of these poor, defeated Boers who were trying to survive in the cities -- forced to work in mines and factories "like black girls in the factories" as they referred to them.

The old Boer mineworkers were equally despised - they and their families were referred to as the "new poor-white problem" in a Red Cross report published about the devastating poverty among the descendants of the Boers in 1923.

But these weren't "whites" -- these were all Boers. I recorded many of the names of the mineworkers in the Witwatersrand towns like Springs and Vrededorp who had been shot in the Cottlesloe uprising by Jan Smuts' troops - and they were carrying Boer names.

I also have a record of all the Boer children of Langlaagte and other Afrikaner-run orphanages who were adopted by wealthier English-speakers over those years -- and thus were lost to the Boer nation forever.

These adoptions went on until well into the early 1970s and I know many people today with English surnames who were raised as Englishmen yet do not know that they are descended from Boer families.

And again we find these Boers back today - again growing increasingly poor and again fighting for their survival and their ethnic identities in internal refugee camps, and again giving up their children for adoption to wealthier elites.

So please don't refer to these dirt-poor working-class people, who refuse to be defeated and who refuse to forget their own history, merely as "whites.'

It's an insult to their proud history.
So, I point out that all you do is cut and paste from whacko blogs and display no ability to do otherwise and what do you do in response?

Wow! You really show the fallacy in my observations. I am truly slain......

So you want to talk about the ongoing murderous racist ANC government sponsored iniative against the Boers of South Africa or do you want to continue to tell me how you perceive my supposed shortcomings?

What do you think of American attitudes toward the South African problem?

Boer Genocide: US communists attack Boer Genocide victims

March 2 2012 - The US Council of Conservative Citizens’ leader, Dr Sam Francis, warns that an orchestrated anti-Boer campaign has been launched by the radical-communist ‘Occupy’ movement in the United States of America which spreads hatespeech and disinformation about the genocide of whites in South Africa under the ANC-regime.

He warned that the Southern Poverty Law Centre not only vehemently denied claims by major international human rights organizations that whites face genocide in South Africa - but that the SPLC also actively attacks any protest groups who claim this; that their highly aggressive activists also spread deliberate disinformation and often spout hatespeech against anyone standing up to protest against the Boer genocide.

Dozens of peaceful protests took place in front of State Capitol buildings across the USA on February 28 2012 -- arranged by the South Africa Project. Only two of these small peaceful protest-groups were violently attacked by left-radical ‘Occupation’ groups.

Thirty-five protestors of the South Africa Project in Sacramento, California were accosted by bottle-throwing ‘Occupy Oakland’ demonstrators whose aggression also injured two California Highway Patrol officers. And one South Africa Project protestor was sprayed with mace (teargas) by a left-wing protestor in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

US communist Lisa Bergmann – some of whose US comrades last year also went to South Africa as guests of the International Communist Youth Movement rallies in Pretoria – picture below -- boasted in a speech to Portuguese communists in Nov. last year that the communists had taken over the Occupy movement for a very specific reason: to get US president Obama relected: Young Communist League USA organizer Lisa Bergmann boasted of this strategy while addressing a gathering of the international communist front World Federation of Democratic Youth in Lisbon Portugal, November 10, 2011: explaining their plans to ‘harness the movement to the re-election campaign of President Barack Obama.’

‘Whites face genocide in South Africa: but the SPLC regurgitates ANC-propaganda that this is all just ordinary crime – despite the fact that the ANC chants ‘Kill the Boer’ at huge ANC-rallies… ‘

He continues: "The SPLC then claims that 'white people who are protesting against the Genocide in South Africa are neo-nazis'. To back this claim, they cite one guy in Louisiana with a website. They say he is an ex-con and a member of an obscure “neo-nazi” group that no one has ever heard off. Francis wrote: "We did some searching and can’t find any evidence that there was a protest in Louisiana, or that the guy named by the SPLC had anything to do with organizing any of the (South Africa Project) protests that occurred around the US. "The SPLC then rants about two other people they say is connected to the first guy. We googled their names. One is dead and the other appears to be in prison. So obviously neither of the those two organized any protests. Nice detective work SPLC!"

He writes: "Meanwhile the SPLC is mocking the victims of Genocide in South Africa. Look at the poster's above name. "Antifa" is a violent Marxist gang that has committed violent attacks on conservatives all over the world.

Well I guess the commies do hang together, gotta give them credit for that.

And of course as always they try to promote racial hatred in order to create division and conflict.

Oh, and BTW, no one seems to have tried to answer Swafford's original question, 'why doesn't the US media report on the South African genocide.'

I think we all know the answer to that one.

Then too we have those here who deny any genocide program is ongoing.
tens of thousands of white south africans have been raped and murdered since 1994. how come the mainstream news never talks about this?

heres a video from January of the SA president singing "shoot the boer" encouraging the murder of whites, while showing SA military dancing.


not sure if the vid is working

Jacob Zuma sings "Kill the Boer" at ANC Centenery Celebrations in Bloemfontein, South Africa - YouTube

If denials don't work then ignore the topic.

That is the liberal way.

It worked when 2 million black Christian Africans were slaughered in southern Sudan, why wouldn't the same tactic work for South Africa?

We could never blame the religion of peace for doing anything wrong and we all know that whites are always racists, blacks are never racists and are in fact always the victims of white racism.

Then too, we now have the the Travor Martin case to distract us from any effort to bring attention to the ongoing genocide of the Boers of South Africa.

Repeat after me.

All white people are racists.

No black people are racists.

If you kill Mr Zimmerman you can collect $10,000 from the black panthers.


Is there a wholesale effort of White genocide? Not at all.

Then why does 'Genocie Watch' (certainly not known as a right wing group), say that a level six genocide against the Boers is going on in South Africa?

Tick tock, you're on the clock.

Oh wait, I'll bet this is another one of those cases in which you say you are very busy and will get back to me later but when that day comes you will still say the same thing although your claim has been thouroughly refuted.
If denials don't work then ignore the topic.

That is the liberal way.

It worked when 2 million black Christian Africans were slaughered in southern Sudan, why wouldn't the same tactic work for South Africa?

We could never blame the religion of peace for doing anything wrong and we all know that whites are always racists, blacks are never racists and are in fact always the victims of white racism.

Then too, we now have the the Travor Martin case to distract us from any effort to bring attention to the ongoing genocide of the Boers of South Africa.

Repeat after me.

All white people are racists.

No black people are racists.

If you kill Mr Zimmerman you can collect $10,000 from the black panthers.


Then why does 'Genocie Watch' (certainly not known as a right wing group), say that a level six genocide against the Boers is going on in South Africa?

Tick tock, you're on the clock.

Oh wait, I'll bet this is another one of those cases in which you say you are very busy and will get back to me later but when that day comes you will still say the same thing although your claim has been thouroughly refuted.

It is also possible that I've decided I have better things to do than spend my time trying to convince the unconvincable about things that I've lived and experienced first hand and not pulled from some blog in the middle of the night. I'll let you know if I have a different opinion on White Genocide in South Africa after I return from my visit in December.
It is also possible that I've decided I have better things to do than spend my time trying to convince the unconvincable about things that I've lived and experienced first hand and not pulled from some blog in the middle of the night. I'll let you know if I have a different opinion on White Genocide in South Africa after I return from my visit in December.

sorry but you don't have half the life experiences or connections that gs does. Without those your posts are inferior to his blogs
It is also possible that I've decided I have better things to do than spend my time trying to convince the unconvincable about things that I've lived and experienced first hand and not pulled from some blog in the middle of the night. I'll let you know if I have a different opinion on White Genocide in South Africa after I return from my visit in December.

I'll look forward what you say the Boers are saying about this, if you actually talk to any of them while you are there, until then I'm going to have to go along with Genocide Watch and what people who live in South Africa year round have to say.

If you would like I'll relay you some Boer email adresses and you can communicate with them before you go.
sorry but you don't have half the life experiences or connections that gs does. Without those your posts are inferior to his blogs

Well thanks for stating the truth for once.

Unlike York, I have spent more than one day talking face to face with someone who had lived his whole life in South Africa.

A girl who sang at my youngest daughter's wedding has a gandfather who has been a frequent visitor to South Africa.

When I publised on this board a book that is available on the internet for free and people are invited to distribute it for free, a book written by a PHD that has lived his whole life in South Africa, a one time poster on this board who had immigrated out of South Africa, posted and thanked me for posting this information that details how a once modern country is headed back to the bronze age but then other posters here wanted to denegrate me, probably you were one ot those now that I think about it.

GS is the craziest person I 'know'.

First of all you don't know me.

Secondly how about responding to the two posts I've made to your first silly inane post in this thread.

You say whites have it coming, what are you saying, all white people should be killed?

I must confess you are even worse than stinky dinky when it comes to mindless conjectures that you can't have any hope of backing up on any intellectual basis.

Even sophomoric is beyond the scope of your efforts.
Well thanks for stating the truth for once.

Unlike York, I have spent more than one day talking face to face with someone who had lived his whole life in South Africa.

A girl who sang at my youngest daughter's wedding has a gandfather who has been a frequent visitor to South Africa.

When I publised on this board a book that is available on the internet for free and people are invited to distribute it for free, a book written by a PHD that has lived his whole life in South Africa, a one time poster on this board who had immigrated out of South Africa, posted and thanked me for posting this information that details how a once modern country is headed back to the bronze age but then other posters here wanted to denegrate me, probably you were one ot those now that I think about it.

First of all you don't know me.

Secondly how about responding to the two posts I've made to your first silly inane post in this thread.

You say whites have it coming, what are you saying, all white people should be killed?

I must confess you are even worse than stinky dinky when it comes to mindless conjectures that you can't have any hope of backing up on any intellectual basis.

Even sophomoric is beyond the scope of your efforts.

Dang it, tried to stay out, should have ignored the thread, but couldn't. If that is your experience then you can pound sand.

My two youngest were born in South Africa. I've spent more than a day there, have friends and family there and will return again this year. We maintain contact and stay informed so our children can maintain some tie to their country of birth as well as their Zulu and Khosa cultures. I don't offer my opinion on things that I have no experience or first hand knowledge. And, I won't compromise my own values because of your agenda.
Dang it, tried to stay out, should have ignored the thread, but couldn't. If that is your experience then you can pound sand.

My two youngest were born in South Africa. I've spent more than a day there, have friends and family there and will return again this year. We maintain contact and stay informed so our children can maintain some tie to their country of birth as well as their Zulu and Khosa cultures. I don't offer my opinion on things that I have no experience or first hand knowledge. And, I won't compromise my own values because of your agenda.

Thank you for being more candid and forthcoming.

Here is a portion of a news article I archived from 2002:
(I've been researching and writing on this topic for about fifteen years.)

The ethnic cleansing of Southern Africa's commercial farm communities has taken the lives of 1,334 farmers, farm workers and their kin since 1994, the year the ANC took power. The farmers were killed most often in violent, organized attacks, always by young African males. Add to the death toll 12 farmers killed in Zimbabwe and four in Namibia. In 85 percent of the killings, not one item was stolen from the farms and farmhouses.

South African President Thabo Mbeki has called the farm murders of whites "the final stage of the revolution."

Said Dutch journalist Adriana Stuijt, a former anti-apartheid activist based in Holland, "If South Africa's vicious farm murders had occurred in Zimbabwe, these would have been world news. But these 'only' occurred in South Africa, and so the rest of the world remains oddly silent. Post-apartheid South Africa is apparently immune from the usual investigative journalism being conducted in the rest of the Western world."

"Why has the South African farmer become the world's most endangered species?" Stuijt asked. "Why are South Africa's few remaining commercial farmers now most at risk of being murdered in the whole world? They are being murdered at 264 per 100,000 population group. It is the highest in the world! A Nedbank probe recently described these farm attacks as 'deliberately targeting specific homesteads to kill the Afrikaner victims.'"

Stuijt noted that with more than half of South Africa's commercial farmers now already having vacated the sector permanently since 1994, "more than 1 million hectares less maize is also being harvested this year. The entire region with its 120 million people is also plunging headlong into widespread famine. … And all these facts are not unrelated."

Since you have first hand experience, let me ask you a few questions and hopefully you can give me some candid answers instead of implying I don't know what I'm talking about and telling me where to go.

Do you dispute anything in the article above as not being factual or even to be slightly misleading?

Twenty years after the (communist, Zulu led) ANC took power, why do they still chant 'kill rh Boer, kill the farmer' at their rallies?

Do you realize that the Boers had settled South Africa a century before the first Zulu migrated into the area and that the Boers didn't displace the Xosha but founded their farms on unused land.

Why did most blacks side with the Boers against the British during the Boer war? Indeed more Boer friendly blacks (mostly Xosha) were starved to death in the concentration camps than Boers (mostly women and children.)

Do you deny that the human rights group, 'Genocide Watch' claims there is a level six genocide action continuing against the Boers of Sout Africa?

And finally, what is my agenda other than to call attention to this injustice?
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Moonbattery » Eye Witness Reports on America’s Death

When South Africa was a Western nation, it was regarded as behind the times. Now that it has become a Third World socialist hellhole, it has leaped ahead to show us our future.

For the sake of a coward’s concept of peace, white South Africans allowed their country to degenerate into savagery.

A South African journalist reports under a pseudonym:

"White South Africans, you should remember, have been in that part of Africa for the same amount of time whites have inhabited North America; yet ultimately South Africans voted for their own suicide. We are not so very different from you."

The main difference: whites are a majority in the USA. But liberals crow with delight that we won’t be for long, thanks to massive Third World immigration.

"Millions around the world want your good life. But make no mistake: They care not for the high-minded ideals of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, and your Constitution. What they want are your possessions, your power, and your status.

And they already know that their allies among you, the “human rights activists,” the skillful lawyers and the left-wing politicians will fight for them, and not for you. They will exploit your compassion and your Christian charity, and your good will."

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, et al have already been hard at work “fundamentally transforming” our country, with eager assistance from the white liberal elite and its media, as the Trayvon Martin spectacle so graphically illustrates. They are playing for keeps.

"Once you lose social, cultural, and political dominance, there is no getting it back again."
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Businessman Sean Smith tells of South African prison rape that left him HIV positive | Metro.co.uk

Sean Smith, a business partner of rugby star Gareth Thomas, said he was attacked up to eight times a day during his 19-month stay in St Alban’s jail after his arrest on suspicion of a multi-million-pound fraud.

The 42-year-old, was targeted in a cell he shared with 90 inmates in 2007.

‘They did it not just as part of gang dominance but in my case it was showing supremacy over a white man – I was the only one there,’ he said.

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