White supremacist mows down mosque in NZ

Terrorists love to exploit the deaths of children at the hands of the people they declare enemies. The propaganda of al Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State is filled with images of mutilated toddlers that give the jihadis, they claim, license to take revenge and commit mass murder.

So, too, with white supremacists—including the alleged murderer of almost 50 people at mosques in New Zealand on Friday. They have seized on the image of 11-year-old Ebba Åkerlund, killed in a 2017 terror attack in Sweden and often made into memes, to feed their hatred. Her name was scrawled onto the butt of the New Zealand shooter’s assault rifle along with other pretexts for his “revenge.”

New Zealand Mosque Shooting Suspect Used Swedish Girl’s Death as License to Kill

A rare time I agree with you.
It’s a ******** excuse to kill.

Killing innocent people who had nothing to do with an attack 2 years ago doesn’t fly with me.
Quoting this as related but open question for the forum:

At what point do a person’s written statements on the internet become more than an issue of credibility/integrity and more of a legitimate concern that they might do something like this?
Darn good question. I have no answer. I dont like the idea of the government getting involved in pre crime incidents. I could probably be arrested for comments about hot women leading to rape. But there does need to be something.
Police aren't really allowed to mess with mosques either. But again, like I said earlier in this thread, they have back rooms supposedly full of arms that would make even Rambo proud.

Have you ever been tested for paranoid schizophrenia?

Honest question. It's quite nauseating to think about how much fear you live in.
There was that story a couple weeks ago about the people who screen videos for Facebook and how horrific their job is. I assume it's the same for Youtube, can't be algorithmed

Do you remember where the story is? That sounds like screening original content, though.

It was my assumption that there's YouTube algos that can spot video that is similar to that already uploaded, but I could be wrong. In other words, once something is flagged they should be able to find all the copies.
There was that story a couple weeks ago about the people who screen videos for Facebook and how horrific their job is. I assume it's the same for Youtube, can't be algorithmed

I imagine my generation is as suited for that as any. A lot of us tortured souls grew up watching facesofdeath and ogrish to simply pass the time.
Go to YouTube, look up undercover mosques. Islam teaches that, even the moderate ones. I can post videos of their religious leaders calling for it. Those who are committed to their religion believe it. You're blind if you don't think so.
People who are manipulated into hating another group of people are the root of many of the world's problems.
Many of those many Muslims you say you know would never admit it to you if they did. Don't be a sheep Luther or you may get slaughtered.
Go to YouTube, look up undercover mosques. Islam teaches that, even the moderate ones. I can post videos of their religious leaders calling for it. Those who are committed to their religion believe it. You're blind if you don't think so.

I guess we ought to thank this guy for his service, then.
I'm not saying Trump is THE reason for this. He is, however, doing his part to normalize and legitimize attitudes of hate and disgust for the "other." That is making these loons feel emboldened and they're coming out of the woodwork all over the world.
Unfortunate but I don’t care about NZ.

Two of the worst comments I've ever read on VN.
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Any hardcore YouTubers here? I've seen from just my small amount of uploads that YouTube apparently scans the videos looking for content. I uploaded a song I played and it flagged it as possibly being under copyright.

So it seems if YouTube's computers can do that, it should be able to spot the shooting video, right? It's not like they need a bunch of employees searching to find and delete the video.

Yeah but how could an algorithm tell the difference between this and an IDPA shoot?

The song stuff is a lot more straightforward, the song has a digital “fingerprint” (melody,beat, tone, etc.) that would be easy to spot.
I was going with your secular ideology but it’s an adaptable philosophy.

The recent number of clergymen and other Christians involved in acts of pedophilia more than supports a conclusion that there is a fundamental flaw in Christianity that allows child predation.

Why should we not banish all Christians because they might be closeted child rapists?

You're conflating two arguments. The tenants of Christianity as written in a central book are contradictory. The tenants of Islam as written in a central book are not contradictory.

The bold you bring up is an interesting problem, much of which can be explained by rules and governance of the organizations of the different Christian denominations. For instance, Catholic priests are required by the rules of their organization to be celibate and unmarried. Of all adults who are celibate and unmarried, it is possible that a higher distribution of pedophiles fall within that group than within the general population. While I agree, it is a problem, I don't think you can point a finger at the articles of Christian faith as the causal link the way you can with an Islamic person suicide bombing an infidel. It is written in their rule book to do so, and it is never contradicted by their version of a Jesus figure.
You're conflating two arguments. The tenants of Christianity as written in a central book are contradictory. The tenants of Islam as written in a central book are not contradictory.

The bold you bring up is an interesting problem, much of which can be explained by rules and governance of the organizations of the different Christian denominations. For instance, Catholic priests are required by the rules of their organization to be celibate and unmarried. Of all adults who are celibate and unmarried, it is possible that a higher distribution of pedophiles fall within that group than within the general population. While I agree, it is a problem, I don't think you can point a finger at the articles of Christian faith as the causal link the way you can with an Islamic person suicide bombing an infidel. It is written in their rule book to do so, and it is never contradicted by their version of a Jesus figure.
The bolded statements are complete BS.

Golden Rule in Islam | islam.ru

The golden rule, or the ethics of reciprocity, is an Islamic moral principle which calls upon people to treat others the way they would like to be treated. According to the Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, the golden rule is defined as:
Any form of the dictum: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In some form this is found in almost all religions and ethical systems. [Blackburn, Simon. "Golden Rule."]
This principle was stated several times by our Prophet Muhammad, so it is a principle Muslims should discuss when sharing Islam with people of other religions.
“It is better to interpret this as brotherhood in general, such that it includes the disbeliever and the Muslim. So he should love for his brother, the disbeliever, what he loves for himself which is his entering Islam, just as he should love for his brother Muslim that he remains in Islam.
Why can't we all just condemn radical extremism and move on?

Why do events like this have to be so politicized?
Politics, especially in the modern age, it about interpreting everything in a way so that it is a "win" for your side over the other side. Or if not a win, interpret it in a way that makes the other side look bad.
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Why can't we all just condemn radical extremism and move on?

Why do events like this have to be so politicized?
There is a deep political chasm in society. It is now a zero-sum game of win or lose for whatever side. No coming back from it I'm afraid. Bipartisanship is dead.

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