Whiteness, meat eating and wokeness, good lord

If there was a shot to cure their dumbassery I would be behind a mandate for them to have to take it
Man, I'm not sure if this is parody or if she just made those points to win this debate or whatever... but you have to take this serious because I can remember not too long ago, in my lifetime, when the idea of two mommies or two daddies was laughed at. Now we have people saying race and gender are fluid.

This is the next leftist wave... unfortunately, that clown azz NYC mayor is following right behind these liberals with this plant-based nonsense.
Man, I'm not sure if this is parody or if she just made those points to win this debate or whatever... but you have to take this serious because I can remember not too long ago, in my lifetime, when the idea of two mommies or two daddies was laughed at. Now we have people saying race and gender are fluid.

This is the next leftist wave... unfortunately, that clown azz NYC mayor is following right behind these liberals with this plant-based nonsense.
Yeah Ras, it was just for them to think about. I dislike anyone being pushed into a corner. In my opinion 2 genders.. jmo
If there was a shot to cure their dumbassery I would be behind a mandate for them to have to take it
It all boils down to money. As long as people receive money for saying outlandish and utterly stupid things there will be people willing to do it.
I used to think that people who said Bush knew about 9/11 were crazy. But now I understand that 9/11 was an inside job to jump start beef consumption in white Christian men. And who would benefit greatly from such a surge? Cattle farmers in places like Texas. Coincidence?

Thank you to this woman for opening my third eye to what the promeat neonazis are really up to.

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