Sean Hannity is ultra-full of himself, and Allan Colmes is an ultra-wuss bag.
Van Susteren has an extremely weird mouth. I don't know much about Britt Hume.
I honestly think he just likes to hear the sound of his own voice.
Note: That site has questionable language. Just a forewarning.
I see where you're coming from. And yeah, I do agree that other cable news outlets are liberal. But it doesn't mean Fox New isn't conservative. It is. As far as most of their anchors go, the ones who editorialze on the news are definitley more conservative than liberal. Van Susteren is liberal but I don't see her stating her opinion on much, she just presents the facts (usually on meaningless stories). Most of the rest of the anchors (John Gibson, the morning crew) are very conservative from what I've seen. I've flipped past the morning show on their a few times and I usually can't get past more than a minute or so without getting dumb chills and having to change the channel.
And when I called them a mouth of the white house, I meant it. I'm not saying the two are necesarily affiliated, but I very often see Fox News anchors simply reiterating White House press secretary talking points. They even echo eachother at a relatively frequent rate.
Still, this is my top qualm with televised news in general, and this is the point I stress over all: News today isn't news. It's entertainment. Every time I flip past a debate show, Crossfire, Hardball, Hannity & Colmes, I feel like I am watching a cockfight. They put in a hard left-winger and a hard right-winger and pit them against eachother. This kind of crap causes people to take extremist views on issues they don't know anything about and gives them just enough sampling of "facts" (I use quotation marks because they can sometimes be skewed, misleading or even altogether inaccurate). It is making our country dumb, combatitive and divided.