Who Helps UT Football More? Ole Miss or Vandy?

Should be an interesting game. What the heck...its football!

Not really "root'n" for either but I wouldn't mind seeing that jack wad franklin cry like a baby.
Pull for Vandy? Who do you think I am? Geez. On another note, I don't know much about Ole Miss aside from their civil rights issues in the past. What are their fans generally like?

Their women are top notch, but for the most part very snooty. Some of the guys are ok, but very snooty as well. If their was ever such a vote, they would win "most likely to wear a bow tie everyday for no reason" in a land slide. Their tailgating is their best asset, but it's not the typical tailgate scene, it's more like going to a steeplechase than a football game. But for the most part they know their place, they don't have a super inflated "self" worth like South Carolina and Vanderbilt fans.
I'm pulling for everybody that's playing the Commode Doors. Two wins in 30 years and those idiots think they're taking over the state.
Vandy can go to hell.

My, how times have changed. Ten years ago nobody would even ask this question on a Vols message board. I will never "hate" Vandy because Vandy barely exists in my world. To me they are less than nothing and always have been. I dont even consider wasting my hate on them. They can beat Tennessee once every 20 years or so if they want, but they will always be bottom feeders in the SEC, Franklin or no Franklin.

Ole Miss is a non factor. We play them so few times over the years and they are almost never an impact team in the SEC.

For a Tennessee fan, this is a purposeless discussion. I cant even believe I wasted so many words on it.

I definitely wouldn't call it purposeless, we recruit against both programs on a daily basis, so it's a very relevant question IMO. (but the same could be said for every SEC game, it's just that this is the first SEC vs SEC game of the year)
Pull for Vandy? Who do you think I am? Geez. On another note, I don't know much about Ole Miss aside from their civil rights issues in the past. What are their fans generally like?

The girls are hot, the boys dress like snobs.
Help us with what?

It's Ole Miss and Vandy.

We're UT.

And there's nothing either of those programs can do to help us be what we're supposed to be again.

A win over either of those schools is still just a win over Ole Miss or Vandy. Beating them in recruiting is still just out-recruiting Ole Miss and Vandy. Until we challenge actual legitimate programs, I don't care.
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Based on an expansion of the OPs thread idea Georgia is the most important game on our schedule. For the Vols to be good again they must recruit well in Georgia. The second most important game is USCe. Same reason. We must dominate recruiting in SC and GA to return to the top of the SEC. When Vols owned dawgs and cocks they had their greatest run in modern era. Thats the ticket back to the top. I know Butch gets it!
Still don't understand the Vandy hate, I just never considered them a rival. I kind of like two tennessee teams doing well in SEC. I still don't consider them a rival.

My preference is for Vandy to win. Helps us with strength of schedule for later in the year. For the Franklin haters, one more good year and he will be gone to another program. He is just waiting for the right place.
Still don't understand the Vandy hate, I just never considered them a rival. I kind of like two tennessee teams doing well in SEC. I still don't consider them a rival.

My preference is for Vandy to win. Helps us with strength of schedule for later in the year. For the Franklin haters, one more good year and he will be gone to another program. He is just waiting for the right place.

They're not a rival...but if you had to listen to the Nashville media you'd understand some of the hate shown toward vandy and their jack wad of a coach.
Still don't understand the Vandy hate, I just never considered them a rival. I kind of like two tennessee teams doing well in SEC. I still don't consider them a rival.

My preference is for Vandy to win. Helps us with strength of schedule for later in the year. For the Franklin haters, one more good year and he will be gone to another program. He is just waiting for the right place.

I never really gave Vandy a second thought, until the last two years. They were just another fluff game at the end of the season, right with Ky and our homecoming game.

But they start doing halfway decent and they beat us 2 times in 30 years and they start freaking out like they are the ordained Tennessee team. Talking all kinds of trash about Tennessee having the thugs and how their players are so smart and wholesome.

They want to start trash talking but say we aren't allowed to bring up the past. This game is as important to me as Bama or Florida this year. We need to show them that they are still our little half-retarded brother to the west. We need to show recruits in the state that if you go to Vandy, you might get a decent education but expect to lose your azz off everytime you see the Big Orange.

End of rant, that is all.
Still don't understand the Vandy hate, I just never considered them a rival. I kind of like two tennessee teams doing well in SEC. I still don't consider them a rival.

My preference is for Vandy to win. Helps us with strength of schedule for later in the year. For the Franklin haters, one more good year and he will be gone to another program. He is just waiting for the right place.

If you lived within earshot of Nashville sports radio, you would understand. They think Franklin is the second coming of Vince Lombardi. I don't consider them a rival, just an annoying fly that must be swatted.
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If you lived within earshot of Nashville sports radio, you would understand. They think Franklin is the second coming of Vince Lombardi. I don't consider them a rival, just an annoying fly that must be swatted.

Vanderbilt is allowed to win against Georgia, USCe, and Florida. I'm not saying I will be cheering for Vanderbilt in any damn way, shape, or form. But, I would definitely not be upset to see a tick in the loss column of Georgia, USCe, or Florida.

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