Who Helps UT Football More? Ole Miss or Vandy?

Having grown up in Nashville, I never have, nor ever will pull for Vandy. Mostly because I don't care enough.
Realistically, we should want Vandy undefeated when we return the favor of stomping the shat out of them this year at Neyland Stadium.
To bag bad of them can't lose I hate ole miss &vandy. Vanderbilt thinks beacause the won a couple of games they think there a premier program what a joke there bottom feeders and they always will be! Go Vols
Aside from who you want to win, which teams loss or win helps us more this year?

Of course most of us want vandy to lose more, including me. However, I think Ole Miss is more of a threat to be a thorn in our side. Vandy will never be a sustained threat while ole miss won't ever be much of one but they could hurt us more the next few years. With the current class they had they could really benefit with a good year while Vandy has peeked. So, IMO it may be better for Vandy to win since they will surely fall from here on out and I don't want ole miss to gain any momentum.
Should we be pulling for Vandy?

Ole Miss doesn't matter to the Vols. They don't play them this year. Beating a Vandy team with a good record would be better for the Vols. Vandy is a good team and getting better every year.
You almost always want a team from the west to beat the other teams in the east. Plus it's been fun to hear Franklin get ripped some in the local media. I would like to see that continue.

Some? The media in this state rips Franklin and Vandy every day!
I'm rootin for Vandy to .... win .... lose. I don't give a rats behind. All I do know is I will be watching .... cus .... I'm JONESIN for some football.
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Aside from who you want to win, which teams loss or win helps us more this year?

Of course most of us want vandy to lose more, including me. However, I think Ole Miss is more of a threat to be a thorn in our side. Vandy will never be a sustained threat while ole miss won't ever be much of one but they could hurt us more the next few years. With the current class they had they could really benefit with a good year while Vandy has peeked. So, IMO it may be better for Vandy to win since they will surely fall from here on out and I don't want ole miss to gain any momentum.
Should we be pulling for Vandy?

Ole Miss is nothing to worry about. We have great Coach's and will get players that are Beasts and wanna be at UT, that game means nothing from that standpoint. I want Ole Miss to put a beatdown on them but Vandy probably wins that one at home, but damn sure will be pulling for Ole Miss.
Vanderbilt is the only SEC team I will NEVER root for. Bowl game, OOC game, it doesn't matter... I hope Ole Miss wins by 17 touchdowns, and I hope there is a sea of red in the stands. #Hotty****inToddy

I can't pull for Vandy, Ala or UF. But can everyone else.
Why would we want an SEC East team to beat an SEC West team?

When they play Ala unless a Championship games depends on it. But if we start taking care of business it wont matter. When Vandy/Ala play I cant even pull for either, but will pull for every team against Ala. Hate them thanks to living around these fans for 15a yrs.
Until Vandy beats a team with a winning record their whining, loud mouth coach needs to shut his pie hole... I never liked Vandy before, but since he came along I've learned a whole new form of hatred for them... Hope they never win another game, ever.
Always pull for the teams on your schedule to win over teams not on your schedule. This holds true until you lose and need a conference loss b someone ahead of you. Its all about strength of schedule and voters' perspective. Allowing your disdain for another team to overshadow what's best for the Big Orange is a mistake. Ideally, you want to go undefeated against a list of teams that haven't lost to anyone but you.

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