Who Increased the Debt?

From the article posted by VolsnSkinsfan:

If the chart were recast to show how much the debt went up as a percentage of GDP, it would look pretty bad for Obama after not even three years in office. In fact, Obama does almost twice as poorly as Reagan — and four times worse than George W. Bush.

Reagan: plus 14.9 percentage points
GHW Bush: plus 7.1 percentage points
Clinton: down 13.4 percentage points
GW Bush: plus 5.6 percentage points
Obama: plus 24.6 percentage points

Wow, look at Clinton! I'm not sure looking at it as a % of GDP is the best way, but probably makes the neocons happier, even though it still shows the Republicans as a big government party.
In the otherwise hokie 80's film "Wargames", the computer makes a relevant point at the end. "The only winning move is to not play the game."

The ONLY correct answer to this problem is to shrink in real terms the size, scope, and power of the federal gov't. Anything else is re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titantic.
So you're telling me the president can veto spending bills, but it's not on him? Congress obliging Reagan's arms race is not on Reagan?

Yes, that is what I am telling you. The president can yack all he wants, but he can't appropriate a dime. Congress does it. Reagan bears complicity in the spending spree. He wanted it. He asked for it. He could not and did not submit a budget (no matter what you hear, all bills originate by a congreesman submitting it, even if someone else wrote it), he did not vote it out of committee. He did not propose amendments. He did not vote in the House, where these bills must originate. He did not concur in the senate. He asked for it. Then he signed what congress passed, even though it was not what he asked for (smaller defense budget, higher overall spending than he wanted). It's like we refer to Obamacare. It reality it is Pelosi-ReedCare. Obama wanted it. He signed it. He could not make it happen. No matter what he tried. He could not make it happen. At all.
From the article posted by VolsnSkinsfan:

Wow, look at Clinton! I'm not sure looking at it as a % of GDP is the best way, but probably makes the neocons happier, even though it still shows the Republicans as a big government party.

% GDP is misleading. It conflates two separate, albeit related, issues: the economy and government spending. You could double the budget and if GDP doubled, you would look like you didn't spend any more.
% GDP is misleading. It conflates two separate, albeit related, issues: the economy and government spending. You could double the budget and if GDP doubled, you would look like you didn't spend any more.

It's not that misleading. The higher the GDP, the higher the tax revenue
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