Who is your favorite basketball Vol of all time

Coming from a younger Vol fan i would have to say Wayne Chism. He trademarked the headband on top of the head
1. Allan Houston - Best player I'm old enough to remember. Dude was smooth as hell, and could flat out shoot the rock. I give him bonus points, also, for still being a VFL considering the way things went down with his dad. Wade was a good guy, but just not cut out for being a head coach at that level.
2. Chris Lofton - Not much to say about Lofton. Wasn't necessarily as talented as a guy like Houston overall, but he got everything out of what he had.
3. Dyron Nix - Maybe opposite of Lofton. Had all the talent in the world, but didn't get as much out of it as he probably should have. All-time greatest gerry curl in UT history, though.

I'm know Ernie and Bernie and Dale Ellis were really good, too. They were just before my time.
Bernard King
Ernie Grunfeld
Reggie Johnson
Dale Ellis
Howard Wood
Johnny Darden
Gary Carter
Tyrone Beaman
Chris Lofton
Does nobody notice it says favorite not best?

Edit: best wouldn't be a discussion honestly.
King was my FAVORITE. On top of that, he is easily the best ever too. You're right. There would be NO DISCUSSION
I followed Memphis State basketball growing up. don't even remember seeing Tn play until I went to school there in lat 80's. So for me, it's Lofton.
My favorite is nowhere near the best....but I loved watching Ron Slay play.
King was my favorite. Some of you guys that did not get to see him missed it. There are some You Tube videos of his days with the Knicks that can give you a little taste of how great he was.
Dale Ellis:rock:
Solid, irrefutable choice. I really liked that era. Dale Ellis, Howard Wood, Michael Brooks, who was maybe as good a shooter as Lofton but who unfortunately played before the three-point shot. That was a really fun team.

That was the most fun team to watch. I always wonder how far they would have gone (82/83) if the three point shot was in play.

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