Who won the QB battle?

I would rather have McCullers at qb than Worley.. Worley sucks so bad it gets my blood boiling.

And yet the coaches have so far seen him as the best QB we have to win. That's what scares me.

The favorite player on a crappy team is the backup QB. Butch did say he did not want his starter looking over his shoulder each series to see if he gets pulled. He's stood by that so far.

If JW does not stop play scared when the lights come on, then coach will be forced to change to an even worse QB. We have two young ones and apparently a backup whom the coaches do not trust.

The Swamp will tell us a lot.
Which ever freshman doesnt get his redshirt burned will prolly transfer......I want to see the Furg tomm......
Yeah it's "officially" a gametime decision.

It being anyone other than Worley would shock everyone, I do believe. Because the coaching staff needs to see more underthrown passes/inaccurate passes to wide open receivers I guess.

Meh. Maybe Worley can pull a Crompton and somehow go from dog**** to decent.

Crompton had the arm but he was slow on the mental side of the game. Worley has the weakest arm I've ever seen from a starting qb at tennessee, and he plays scared. Worley is no Crompton.
That throw to croom in the back of the end zone, in tight coverage, was a great throw. The potential is there. That's probably why he's been starting. He just needs to put it all together.

He just needs to put it all together? Smdh.. You are definitely a glass is half full type of guy. Worley has not showed me anything that says he has the ability to be a d-1 quarterback.
Think they will redshirt him?

I think they will redshirt Dobbs for a couple of reasons. First, we don't appear to have a top QB in the 2014 recruiting class. Secondly, I think Dobbs may be open to redshirting. He is a smart young man with as much apparent interest in education as he has in football. 5 years of education and he could be well into grad school before his eligibility runs out.
It makes the most sense to start Worley. Then after a series or two put in the Ferguson or Peterman..

It is much easier to do that then start Peterman or ferguson and then if they struggle put in Worley.
I eagery awoke today to see news on who our QB against UF is going to be but nothing....and please don't say Worely if nothing as been made official yet. Who is it? or does know one know for sure?

It will be Worley. It was likely to be Worley all along. I suspect CBJ opening the competition up was more to try to see if Worley would rise to the competition, but if he didn't, and Peterman did, then it gives CBJ an alternative to go with someone else at some point in the game. Staff has seemingly been tight-lipped in practice this week, but that is surely more for the gators benefit than us. Worley will start, but CBJ is likely to give Peterman a shot by 2nd qtr if Worley doesn't answer the challenge.
That throw to croom in the back of the end zone, in tight coverage, was a great throw. The potential is there. That's probably why he's been starting. He just needs to put it all together.
Well, you give me a ball and give me 35-40 chances a game and eventually the ball will get in the perfect spot (accidentally). If someone makes a great throw, but can't replicate it consistently then that just tells me that it was luck. ...:cray:
Blind hog theory.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally.
I feel ya. I'm just saying that Worley seems to be cautious because we don't have receiving options at all. I love the fact that we only have 3 turnovers in three games. When is the last time that has happened? More times than not, Worley hasn't had the WR to make plays. Not because of drops or tipped balls, but because we are young and fresh to big boy football. I think Worley is the best QB to protect the ball. He is a dilemma right now. It is hard to try to pep up the passing game because our wr are not dependable. And that means int's are waiting to happen. I just eager to see if Worley runs some tomorrow. GBO
Yeah, they have to come back and try to make catches, no dependability there for the wide receivers. Granted there have been some dropped balls, but; not that many that were dead on target as those are rare from what I've seen.
Man, Butch wasn't playing about naming the starter at game time. This is crazy there has been no word yet, especially during Florida week.
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Uh, in Worley's defense, Bray had D-Mo, Gerald Jones, Da'Rick, and Hunter. Oh, and Stocker. Bray gunned it in there because he had options and a decent chance of making plays. Did you ever consider that Worley hears all these comments from coaches about us having young receivers and that they aren't there yet? That Worley is truly being cautious about roping passes in there (like Bray vs USC) because he knows chances are our WR's aren't likely to make a play. Now the open WR's being over and under thrown are another thing. There is no defense for Worley in those horrible mistakes.

Just food for thought. Cheer loud tomorrow!

I agree 100%
He had the best name in college football.

Works for the Broncos now!


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