Who would you commit to?

My choice has to be FSU. Beautiful women to :dance2: (dance) with and only 1 hour from the beaches of Panama City and Destin!
Hawaii would be a nice place to live for a few years, but not play football. Their facilities are garbage. They probably have better weight rooms in prison. If you like asian women it'd be ok. I think I'd rather just do like Michael Jordan and buy a mansion out there after i've made it big

They were pretty bad but they are in the middle of a big upgrade in facilities. Not sure what stage they are in now but I have seen the lay out and models of it. This was the big reason CJJ left Hawaii, lack of facilities. Hawaii does have a lot of Asians or folks mixed with Asian blood but they also have a lot of everything else..the melting pot of the Pacific...but I don't see this as a negative
They were pretty bad but they are in the middle of a big upgrade in facilities. Not sure what stage they are in now but I have seen the lay out and models of it. This was the big reason CJJ left Hawaii, lack of facilities. Hawaii does have a lot of Asians or folks mixed with Asian blood but they also have a lot of everything else..the melting pot of the Pacific...but I don't see this as a negative

i know i used to live there. is an absolutely awesome place. but people are racist out there.
ucla's fans stink. i'd go to USC any day over UCLA. why be second fiddle? also SC women are hotter.
Glad I'm not the only one that would pick Boise State.

1) Chris Petersen is a good coach and seems like a nice guy.

2) If you're good, you can pad stats and go pro.

3) The WAC is Boise State's for the taking.

4) Less likely to get yourself in trouble and less thugs on the team to let you down.
absolutely not. ucla is a lot harder to get into than usc. SC has all of the legacy kids with generations of hot blond moms to make sure they are all hot, rich, and stupid.
I'd have to choose someone that wouldn't play UT. So somewhere nice like Colorado. But would have to have the U on there. Of Florida teams they are my favorite. And I guess Georgia tech. Not far away.
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I started a thread like this a while back, my answer hasn't changed. Hawaii. 4 years of college in Hawaii would be bad ass. I would consider UCF, USF, but come Signing day, I'm all Warrior
absolutely not. ucla is a lot harder to get into than usc. SC has all of the legacy kids with generations of hot blond moms to make sure they are all hot, rich, and stupid.

I got it mixed up, then. Choice still stands, though.
Blinn College.

Im not leaving Brazos County. Plus, they've won 2 of the last 3 Juco National Championships.

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