Whose ready for some new states?

Do Puerto Ricans even want it? Legitimately asking because I have no idea.

Can't imagine why they would. They can't vote but they don't pay an income tax, and they enjoy a lot of the spoils of the current out-of-control federal spending. Hell, we could make Bernie the Pres of P.R.
Do Puerto Ricans even want it? Legitimately asking because I have no idea.
They had a referendum where statehood won in a landslide, but the anti statehood movement encouraged their supporters to boycott to avoid giving it legitimacy. In any case, I haven’t seen any indication of strong support for statehood. Since statehood is permanent, I would think you would want to see strong support for statehood (like 75+ percent) before admitting them.
If you can’t win by the rules, change the rules.
I mean it’s obvious.

“If we ever manage to get the reins of power back we’ll fix it so that we will never lose them again!”

I mean it’s like the morons are begging us to never let their dumb asses get power back 😂
It ain't that hard for DC and Puerto Rico. MAGA!

"New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress."

Another dumb Demo scheme...ZZZZzzzz
If/when the Dems get control of Congress and the presidency again, I’m pretty sure they’ll make this happen. They’d never lose again if DC and Puerto Rico become states.
Why don't those 9 states just break away and form their own new countries? We won't fight to keep you in The Union. Pinky Promise.
For the love of god, I wish they would. Forget a border wall with Mexico, we could put one up with the Pacific states and NE to keep all the ding bats out.
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All these things that are coming to light, admitting new states, abolishing the electoral college, and packing the high court, are things the progressive movement is going to push whether or not the Republicans confirm Trump's nominee.
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All these things that are coming to light, admitting new states, abolishing the electoral college, and packing the high court, are things the progressive movement is going to push whether or not the Republicans confirm Trump's nominee.

They have been slowly and kind of quietly working toward that for years . Trumps election was like shoving a stick into the hornets nest, they couldn’t afford to stay quiet or hide truths any longer . Trump brings out their real intentions . That’s why before Trump no politician wanted to be tagged as a socialist in any way, shape or form . Now it’s like meh it is what it is .

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