Why count our losses beforehand/Believe! (Merged)



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
Why do so many "supposed" Vol fans make predictions that we will lose games to UF, UGA, USCjr and Missouri? I'm not one to make predictions, because frankly speaking, non of us have a crystal ball and there are so many things that could happen. Injuries, a win or a loss based on a referee's call, etc.

But when you consider that even with Dooley in charge and the Cluster-Funk defense Sal Sunseri was running, we still managed to be in the UF, UGA, USCjr, Miss St. and Missou games right until the end. We led Florida until the 4th Qtr. That's 5 games we could easily have won if we simply had not switched to a 3-4 defense. Instead of 5-7, we could have had a 11-1 or 10-2 regular season.

If all you can do is look at the last year's results and predict the same outcome, then why even both making a prediction in the first place. It doesn't take any special insight or football acumen to do that. It's also kind of cowardly, IMHO. Why? Cause you are afraid you'll be scorned and laughed at for doing otherwise.

We had less depth the year before, under Wilcox and yet had much better defensive stats. This year, going back to a 4-3, we have more talent and more depth than we've had in years....yet so many of you want to sell this team short and claim we'll lose all those games this year. WTF, over?

This is like telling your kid they'll be stupid and never amount to anything, just because they brought home a bad report card. Damn, folks. Don't talk down your team like this. The best thing you can say is that you simply don't know....cause that is the reality of it.
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Why do so many "supposed" Vol fans make predictions that we will lose games to UF, UGA, USCjr and Missouri? I'm not one to make predictions, because frankly speaking, non of us have a crystal ball and there are so many things that could happen. Injuries, a win or a loss based on a referee's call, etc.

But when you consider that even with Dooley in charge and the Cluster-Funk defense Sal Sunseri was running, we still managed to be in the UF, UGA, USCjr, Miss St. and Missou games right until the end. We led Florida until the 4th Qtr. That's 5 games we could easily have won if we simply had not switched to a 3-4 defense. Instead of 5-7, we could have had a 11-1 or 10-2 regular season.

If all you can do is look at the last year's results and predict the same outcome, then why even both making a prediction in the first place. It doesn't take any special insight or football acumen to do that. It's also kind of cowardly, IMHO. Why? Cause you are afraid you'll be scorned and laughed at for doing otherwise.

We had less depth the year before, under Wilcox and yet had much better defensive stats. This year, going back to a 4-3, we have more talent and more depth than we've had in years....yet so many of you want to sell this team short and claim we'll lose all those games this year. WTF, over?

This is like telling your kid they'll be stupid and never amount to anything, just because they brought home a bad report card. Damn, folks. Don't talk down your team like this. The best thing you can say is that you simply don't know....cause that is the reality of it.

i need some of that orange kool aid your drinking
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So tired of this argument. You don't have to go full on mently handicapped and deny reality in order to be a fan.
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So tired of this argument. You don't have to go full on mently handicapped and deny reality in order to be a fan.
Reality? Reality is making the same damn prediction as last year? Again, we were in ALL of those games. What part of that do you not get? It's one thing to expect a win over a defending NC who has blown us out for the past few years. But it's absolutely mind boggling that you would concede a loss to teams we have usually played very close.

The UGA, USCjr, Miss. St., and Missou games came down to the wire or OT....so, please explain why are you not mentally retarded for predicting a loss for those games? YOU DON'T KNOW....THERE IS NO REALITY TO YOUR LAME PREDICTION!
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Reality? Reality is making the same damn prediction as last year? Again, we were in ALL of those games. The UGA, Miss. St., and Missou games came down to the wire or OT....so, please explain why are you not mentally retarded for predicting a loss for those games? YOU DON'T KNOW....THERE IS NO REALITY TO YOUR LAME PREDICTION!

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So I'm not a true fan because I'm picking Tennessee to lose to Florida this year? How many years is it now that we've lost to them? 8, 9 straight? Yeah, I'm a vol all the way. I'm also realistic.
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"What the funk?"....is exactly what I'm asking with regard to your predicting a loss to teams we have played down to the wire under Dooley....before the season even begins! What kind of fan are you?


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Reality? Reality is making the same damn prediction as last year? Again, we were in ALL of those games. What part of that do you not get? It's one thing to expect a win over a defending NC who has blown us out for the past few years. But it's absolutely mind boggling that you would concede a loss to teams we have usually played very close.

The UGA, USCjr, Miss. St., and Missou games came down to the wire or OT....so, please explain why are you not mentally retarded for predicting a loss for those games? YOU DON'T KNOW....THERE IS NO REALITY TO YOUR LAME PREDICTION!
You don't even know what my prediction is.
"What the funk?"....is exactly what I'm asking with regard to your predicting a loss to teams we have played down to the wire under Dooley....before the season even begins! What kind of fan are you?

Realistic? ....mentally stable?

Nevermind that I've made no predictions as of yet, but who we may lose to on our schedule isn't hard to figure out.
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So I'm not a true fan because I'm picking Tennessee to lose to Florida this year? How many years is it now that we've lost to them? 8, 9 straight? Yeah, I'm a vol all the way. I'm also realistic.
I got a novel idea. How about instead of making a prediction...you instead say that you don't know? Hmmm? Which do you think is more realistic? That you DO NOT know (cause you actually don't)? Or that you're just predicting a pattern under a different coach?
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"What the funk?"....is exactly what I'm asking with regard to your predicting a loss to teams we have played down to the wire under Dooley....before the season even begins! What kind of fan are you?

Probably the same "funk" that keeps you believing we won't.
Reality? Reality is making the same damn prediction as last year? Again, we were in ALL of those games. What part of that do you not get? It's one thing to expect a win over a defending NC who has blown us out for the past few years. But it's absolutely mind boggling that you would concede a loss to teams we have usually played very close.

The UGA, USCjr, Miss. St., and Missou games came down to the wire or OT....so, please explain why are you not mentally retarded for predicting a loss for those games? YOU DON'T KNOW....THERE IS NO REALITY TO YOUR LAME PREDICTION!

You are correct that we managed to play those teams close, but are ignoring the fact that we basically return the same god-awful defense but lost all the offensive weapons that kept us in games in spite of the defense. It would make sense to think we had a decent shot if it were a legit rematch of the same players, but that's not the case.
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I got a novel idea. How about instead of making a prediction...you instead say that you don't know? Hmmm? Which do you think is more realistic? That you DO NOT know (cause you actually don't)? Or that you're just predicting a pattern under a different coach?

It's called having an opinion. Nobody is claiming to be a guru or hoping not to see a win in every game. Calm down.
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Realistic? ....mentally stable?

Nevermind that I've made no predictions as of yet, but who we may lose to on our schedule isn't hard to figure out.
No. You can't figure it out, chief, cause you don't have a crystal ball....that works.

If I had predicted that Auburn would go undefeated and be national champs in 2010, or that TAM would come into the league and defeat Bamer, you'd have tried to heap the same ridicule. You're acting like I'm the one who is unstable? I'm being more realistic than any of you battered ladies. I'm simply not making a prediction. I'm choosing not to bash our team and call for defeat before they have had a chance to play a game.

It's a new year. New coaching staff...that is actually qualified for the job, for the first time in years. And we've gradually built our roster back up. I've got reasons to be optimistic. Since when has cautious optimism been worth ridicule? And by a bunch of pessimists with a battered wife syndrome?
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I got a novel idea. How about instead of making a prediction...you instead say that you don't know? Hmmm? Which do you think is more realistic? That you DO NOT know (cause you actually don't)? Or that you're just predicting a pattern under a different coach?

You're going to put a lot of meteorologists out of business.
I got a novel idea. How about instead of making a prediction...you instead say that you don't know? Hmmm? Which do you think is more realistic? That you DO NOT know (cause you actually don't)? Or that you're just predicting a pattern under a different coach?

This is a message board right? A place for people to give there honest opinions and such? And my honest opinion is we lose to Florida this year.. Am I saying we will definitely lose to Florida this year, no. Because like you said I have no idea what will happen, but my opinion is we probably lose that game. I apologize if that get you a little butt hurt..
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No. You can't figure it out, chief, cause you don't have a crystal ball....that works.

If I had predicted that Auburn would go undefeated and be national champs in 2010, or that TAM would come into the league and defeat Bamer, you'd have tried to heap the same ridicule. You're acting like I'm the one who is unstable? I'm being more realistic than any of you battered ladies. I'm simply not making a prediction. I'm choosing not to bash our team and call for defeat before they have had a chance to play a game.

Lol at predicting a loss as bashing :eek:lol:
I get what the OP is saying. We were in many of the games last year that we lost. With a better head coach, def. co. why are people so quick to count these games a loss? I`m not ready to say we will win some of these games yet, but I`m not ready to concede them yet either.
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