Why count our losses beforehand/Believe! (Merged)

No. You can't figure it out, chief, cause you don't have a crystal ball....that works.

If I had predicted that Auburn would go undefeated and be national champs in 2010, or that TAM would come into the league and defeat Bamer, you'd have tried to heap the same ridicule. You're acting like I'm the one who is unstable? I'm being more realistic than any of you battered ladies. I'm simply not making a prediction. I'm choosing not to bash our team and call for defeat before they have had a chance to play a game.

And yet you have a crystal ball that says my opinion (of which I've not given) is wrong.

So you have no opinion. ...but are bashing those that have an opinion.

Is this Cuba?

Is that you, Fidel?
Lol at predicting a loss as bashing :eek:lol:
Why are you even predicting in the first place? It's worthless and it certainly isn't helpful for our team, who might be dropping in from time to time, and read all this negativity from our own fanbase. How do think any of them would feel, reading so many of the fanbase writing them off before they even have a chance to play a single down?

People talk about this fanbase being excited and energized. Really? Cause all I see is a bunch of battered women counting our losses on this board.
I get what the OP is saying. We were in many of the games last year that we lost. With a better head coach, def. co. why are people so quick to count these games a loss? I`m not ready to say we will win some of these games yet, but I`m not ready to concede them yet either.

And that's perfectly legit; especially with UGA and SC being at home this year.
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You are correct that we managed to play those teams close, but are ignoring the fact that we basically return the same god-awful defense but lost all the offensive weapons that kept us in games in spite of the defense. It would make sense to think we had a decent shot if it were a legit rematch of the same players, but that's not the case.

That god awful defense was top 25 the year before sunseri ruined them there chief. O yeah and we're adding McCullers in the middle. I am 100% with the op on this one. I'm disgusted by all these chicken sh!t, candy @ss fans
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Why are you even predicting in the first place? It's worthless and it certainly isn't helpful for our team, who might be dropping in from time to time, and read all this negativity from our own fanbase. How do think any of them would feel, reading so many of the fanbase writing them off before they even have a chance to play a single down?

People talk about this fanbase being excited and energized. Really? Cause all I see is a bunch of battered women counting our losses on this board.

Put down the pipe
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Why are you even predicting in the first place? It's worthless and it certainly isn't helpful for our team, who might be dropping in from time to time, and read all this negativity from our own fanbase. How do think any of them would feel, reading so many of the fanbase writing them off before they even have a chance to play a single down?
People talk about this fanbase being excited and energized. Really? Cause all I see is a bunch of battered women counting our losses on this board.

Pretty sure that the team doesn't have enough time to drop the weights that they are beasting to read Volnation.
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Why are you even predicting in the first place? It's worthless and it certainly isn't helpful for our team, who might be dropping in from time to time, and read all this negativity from our own fanbase. How do think any of them would feel, reading so many of the fanbase writing them off before they even have a chance to play a single down?

People talk about this fanbase being excited and energized. Really? Cause all I see is a bunch of battered women counting our losses on this board.

The battered woman analogy is stupid.
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OP - the reasons folks keep doing it are numerous:

1) Don't really understand the game, but want to act like they do.
2) See life as being half empty.
3) Are contrarians by nature.
4) Honestly do not believe the players are good enough.
5) Honestly do not believe the coaching staff is good enough.
6) Believe Dools and staff are still coaching.
7) Whatever.....

Any comparison that points out last season's D is a dumb one. The post can be immediately labeled as dumb - ignore. Otherwise it would also point out the previous season to that had good D using essentially the same, less experienced players or equivalent. Going back to what works with more experienced players and some good additions. The offense will not score as many points as last season. Fact. But will it control the clock and the line of scrimmage? If it does and the D is improved there will be more wins.
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I don't think last season tells us much either way. Sunseri is gone but so is the bulk of our offensive production. The real thing in looking at this season for me is to try to get a feel for what to expect based on the coaching change and any change in philosophy. We didn't really add a lot of talent on net but I think chemistry looks to be a lot better.

In his 6 season history CBJ has sort of built a record. His run game ranks higher in his conferences than does his pass game. His run defense is also pretty good, historically. His pass defense sucks, always at or near the bottom of the conference but they most often make up for that in turnover margin.

I don't know how his philosophy is going to fare in the SEC but I'm optimistic. I think he'll get much more out of the team than his predessor but I don't know if that will be enough to close the gap from a talent and depth perspective. I think maybe a lot of people are thinking we lost our pass offense and we don't know how that's going to play out but I actually think the guys we have at QB & WR look to be a pretty good fit for CBJ's offense. We'll see. All things being equal I'm anxious to see how vulnerable our pass defense will be because if BMoore & Co. have a good year then that may make all the difference in the world.

The point is last year's performance does effect people's predictions but there are other biases, for example the historical performance of the new coach and I think the latter in this case may be more indicative of reality than the former.
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And yet you have a crystal ball that says my opinion (of which I've not given) is wrong.

So you have no opinion. ...but are bashing those that have an opinion.

Is this Cuba?

Is that you, Fidel?
You DO NOT KNOW. I DO NOT KNOW. CBJ DOESN'T KNOW. Neither does Richt, Spurrier, Muschamp, etc. So, a REALISTIC opinion...cause we are all just trying to keep it REAL...right? A REALISTIC opinion is one that says, I don't know. A realistic opinion from a real fan would say "I don't know. Let's wait and see....new year...new coach...I'm cautiously optimistic about this season....we were in a lot of games we lost. Who knows?" I mean, how irrational is that?

People like you would assume when Peyton left that realistically...we would lose a lot of games under a new QB, in 98. Guess what? We won the National Championship that year. Who knew?
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Why are you even predicting in the first place? It's worthless and it certainly isn't helpful for our team, who might be dropping in from time to time, and read all this negativity from our own fanbase. How do think any of them would feel, reading so many of the fanbase writing them off before they even have a chance to play a single down?

People talk about this fanbase being excited and energized. Really? Cause all I see is a bunch of battered women counting our losses on this board.

And out of you, I see the same crap we heard when "the Savior Kiffin" was the head coach. Yet he still lost to Florida, Bama, a terrible Auburn team, a terrible UCLA team, and Ole Miss. And his players were much better than the ones that'll be playing this year. While I will be cheering just as loud as you, will get just as pissed as you when the lose, I'm not going to be irrational. Nor will I call anyone "stupid" or anything like that.
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I get what the OP is saying. We were in many of the games last year that we lost. With a better head coach, def. co. why are people so quick to count these games a loss? I`m not ready to say we will win some of these games yet, but I`m not ready to concede them yet either.

Hunter, Patterson, Rivera, and Bray are all gone. In are players with limited game experience. Any given Saturday an upset can be pulled, but odds are not in our favor.
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Vols4us is also correct. It boggles me that even these so called "experts", the Chris lowes, hubbs, etc, act like we can't be a contender until every player on the roster was recruited by Butch. Nobody truly knows the potential of this team and are too scared to predict anything positive. I've said a hundred times now this defense will be good. Matthews was also talking this morning saying Byron Moore admitted not grasping the defense last year and you know the game is every bit as much mental as physical. But I have also found it is a waste of time tryin to talk sense into these pessimists that also believe Dobbs should start this year. Where they get there knowledge is beyond me
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Why do so many "supposed" Vol fans make predictions that we will lose games to UF, UGA, USCjr and Missouri? I'm not one to make predictions, because frankly speaking, non of us have a crystal ball and there are so many things that could happen. Injuries, a win or a loss based on a referee's call, etc.

But when you consider that even with Dooley in charge and the Cluster-Funk defense Sal Sunseri was running, we still managed to be in the UF, UGA, USCjr, Miss St. and Missou games right until the end. We led Florida until the 4th Qtr. That's 5 games we could easily have won if we simply had not switched to a 3-4 defense. Instead of 5-7, we could have had a 11-1 or 10-2 regular season.

If all you can do is look at the last year's results and predict the same outcome, then why even both making a prediction in the first place. It doesn't take any special insight or football acumen to do that. It's also kind of cowardly, IMHO. Why? Cause you are afraid you'll be scorned and laughed at for doing otherwise.

We had less depth the year before, under Wilcox and yet had much better defensive stats. This year, going back to a 4-3, we have more talent and more depth than we've had in years....yet so many of you want to sell this team short and claim we'll lose all those games this year. WTF, over?

This is like telling your kid they'll be stupid and never amount to anything, just because they brought home a bad report card. Damn, folks. Don't talk down your team like this. The best thing you can say is that you simply don't know....cause that is the reality of it.

This crystal ball you speak of...are you predicting a NC?
Probably the same "funk" that keeps you believing we won't.
It's just as retarded to count our losses as it would be to get all juiced up and proclaim that we're going win all those games. Have you ever heard the phrase..."Let's wait and see?" Why would it be so difficult for 80% of our fanbase to say that, rather than predicting losses to teams that barely managed to beat Dooley and Sunseri?
You DO NOT KNOW. I DO NOT KNOW. CBJ DOESN'T KNOW. Neither does Richt, Spurrier, Muschamp, etc. So, a REALISTIC opinion...cause we are all just trying to keep it REAL...right? A REALISTIC opinion is one that says, I don't know. A realistic opinion from a real fan would say "I don't know. Let's wait and see....new year...new coach...I'm cautiously optimistic about this season....we were in a lot of games we lost. Who knows?" I mean, how irrational is that?

People like you would assume when Peyton left that realistically...we would lose a lot of games under a new QB, in 98. Guess what? We won the National Championship that year. Who knew?

Let's be fair. We had a pretty great defense that year.
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Hunter, Patterson, Rivera, and Bray are all gone. In are players with limited game experience. Any given Saturday an upset can be pulled, but odds are not in our favor.

And like I said, I am not ready to say we are going to win these games.
It's just as retarded to count our losses as it would be to get all juiced up and proclaim that we're going win all those games. Have you ever heard the phrase..."Let's wait and see?" Why would it be so difficult for 80% of our fanbase to say that, rather than predicting losses to teams that barely managed to beat Dooley and Sunseri?
Because I don't remember Dooley and Sunseri making any plays on the field other than the one catch by Dooley, and he was out of bounds.
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It's just as retarded to count our losses as it would be to get all juiced up and proclaim that we're going win all those games. Have you ever heard the phrase..."Let's wait and see?" Why would it be so difficult for 80% of our fanbase to say that, rather than predicting losses to teams that barely managed to beat Dooley and Sunseri?

Um, you get this is a messageboard, right? If we all said "Let's wait and see", what would we talk about?

So GA, how's the weather where you're at?

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