Why count our losses beforehand/Believe! (Merged)

Like they did last yr??? They know how to play to the end. The '11 team had this issue. Not so much the '12 team.

This is actually one of the positives that CBJ inherited and doesn't have to worry about as much. These kids know what it's like to get close enough to taste the smell, and it just slipping through their fingers.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

What about the Florida and Bama games? Our two biggest rivals and we don't even come close. Ill even throw the commode doors in there.
Why do so many "supposed" Vol fans make predictions that we will lose games to UF, UGA, USCjr and Missouri? I'm not one to make predictions, because frankly speaking, non of us have a crystal ball and there are so many things that could happen. Injuries, a win or a loss based on a referee's call, etc.

But when you consider that even with Dooley in charge and the Cluster-Funk defense Sal Sunseri was running, we still managed to be in the UF, UGA, USCjr, Miss St. and Missou games right until the end. We led Florida until the 4th Qtr. That's 5 games we could easily have won if we simply had not switched to a 3-4 defense. Instead of 5-7, we could have had a 11-1 or 10-2 regular season.

If all you can do is look at the last year's results and predict the same outcome, then why even both making a prediction in the first place. It doesn't take any special insight or football acumen to do that. It's also kind of cowardly, IMHO. Why? Cause you are afraid you'll be scorned and laughed at for doing otherwise.

We had less depth the year before, under Wilcox and yet had much better defensive stats. This year, going back to a 4-3, we have more talent and more depth than we've had in years....yet so many of you want to sell this team short and claim we'll lose all those games this year. WTF, over?

This is like telling your kid they'll be stupid and never amount to anything, just because they brought home a bad report card. Damn, folks. Don't talk down your team like this. The best thing you can say is that you simply don't know....cause that is the reality of it.

I don't disagree with your points and your facts.... just your conclusions and implications. What are you saying? If you don't predict UT to go 14-0 and win the National Championship that you're not a true Vol fan or a coward? Just following the logic.

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