I've said it before--I've had a shot at something that was my DREAM, and I failed at it. I put my heart and soul into it for 7 months while being constantly beat down by criticism and it takes a toll. I let the failure define me and I hated myself for looong time. Now the difference is Dooley is a 44 year old man and I was a 16 year old girl--he can probably handle it much better than I did. I suspect he is his own worst critic and worst fan though. And money does NOTHING to fix that hollow space in your chest when you'd trade it all for a chance to succeed. That's why I feel sorry for Dooley. It really is sad more than anything if you think 5 million dollars is any comfort to a hurt pride. I'll NEVER question that he had the right intentions though...He honestly loved Tennessee. I'll say that having to give up my dream led to much, MUCH better things in my life, and I hope the same happens for him, even if it's not in coaching.