why does Baldwin still have his job?

He's a lefty liberal loon & therefore gets a PC pass. He's a friend of a friend of a friend of Obozo & being a Hollywood elite.
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Because when Libs say these things they are social commentary, when Cons say them, they are slurs.
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I don't know why you would compare Baldwin to a news commentator. What exactly would Baldwin be fired from? Does he have work on a show right now?
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Dear Mr. Baldwin,

We regret to inform you that you have been relieved of your duties as an actor.

Acting emperor of the universe
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He is just a normal American..who plays the lib card for the power trip because it's really easy.

Exactly. He's a complete fraud.

Spews Dem talking points. Goes down to support Occupy Wall St. movement. And he's the lead pitchman for Capital One.

You can't make this stuff up.
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Baldwin doubled down with the second tweet:

What does Baldwin do that classifies as a job and why do you really give a shiite what he has to say about anyone?
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