why does Baldwin still have his job?

The funny thing is I actually think he makes good movies. He just needs to keep his mouth shut away from the camera.

He's just a typical Hollywood blowhard lib like most of them.His brother Steven is the polar opposite of Alec.
I haven't saw his show. Is it as bad or worse than the Piers Morgan Show on CNN ?
I haven't saw his show. Is it as bad or worse than the Piers Morgan Show on CNN ?

Not sure that anything can get worse than Piers Morgan. Just different shades of "are you effin kidding me?" in those shows.
Why do people have to whole heartedly accept homosexuality?

Who is claiming people have to do that? I certainly do not mandate people do that.

Baldwin used a slur, was caught and paid a price. The fact he is attempting to allocate blame is funny; he's the one who opened his mouth and he should own it fully.
Who is claiming people have to do that? I certainly do not mandate people do that.

Baldwin used a slur, was caught and paid a price. The fact he is attempting to allocate blame is funny; he's the one who opened his mouth and he should own it fully.

So what? Was the slur true? Was the "dude" harassing Baldwin? Paula Dean used a slur 30 years ago & was punished for being honest. Oprah, Jesse, Al, athletes, & even the president promote racism & nothing is done about that. The liberal agenda is ruining this country.
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So what? Was the slur true? Was the "dude" harassing Baldwin? Paula Dean used a slur 30 years ago & was punished for being honest. Oprah, Jesse, Al, athletes, & even the president promote racism & nothing is done about that. The liberal agenda is ruining this country.

Okay, just so I understand, expecting someone not use a slur when upset = liberal agenda.

I really don't care whether he is anti-gay or pro-gay or whatever, but if he can't exercise any more self-control that what he did he should not be surprised with the resulting fallout.
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Okay, just so I understand, expecting someone not use a slur when upset = liberal agenda.

I really don't care whether he is anti-gay or pro-gay or whatever, but if he can't exercise any more self-control that what he did he should not be surprised with the resulting fallout.

If it had been a 400 lb obese guy that was harassing him & he called him a "fat ass" would that have been different?

Why should there be a "fallout"? Why does the majority have to bow down to the minority?
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If it had been a 400 lb obese guy that was harassing him & he called him a "fat ass" would that have been different?

Why should there be a "fallout"? Why does the majority have to bow down to the minority?

So you are okay with anyone using any type of slur (orientation, race, handicaps, etc.) with complete impunity? If you're good with that, great. I simply prefer a world that exhibits a bit of decency.

I've had folks upset or anger me on several occasions throughout life, but somehow with apparently superhuman self-control I've managed to not hurl slurs.

To answer your specific question I doubt that the fallout would have been as great in that scenario, fair or not. However, he is a public figure and should realize that his actions are going to be scrutinized, fair or not. Personally, I don't get offended very easily and don't necessarily feel he should have lost his show over this. Where I take some issue is Baldwin blaming the "gay fundamentalists" for the fallout. Misplaced; he needs to own it fully.
So you are okay with anyone using any type of slur (orientation, race, handicaps, etc.) with complete impunity? If you're good with that, great. I simply prefer a world that exhibits a bit of decency.

I've had folks upset or anger me on several occasions throughout life, but somehow with apparently superhuman self-control I've managed to not hurl slurs.

To answer your specific question I doubt that the fallout would have been as great in that scenario, fair or not. However, he is a public figure and should realize that his actions are going to be scrutinized, fair or not. Personally, I don't get offended very easily and don't necessarily feel he should have lost his show over this. Where I take some issue is Baldwin blaming the "gay fundamentalists" for the fallout. Misplaced; he needs to own it fully.

So people in certain situations just have to accept everything regardless of beliefs? Their beliefs don't matter? But who's to say its even his beliefs rather a reaction to an idiot harassing him. Shouldn't even be a story just like the Paula Dean bs.
So people in certain situations just have to accept everything regardless of beliefs? Their beliefs don't matter? But who's to say its even his beliefs rather a reaction to an idiot harassing him. Shouldn't even be a story just like the Paula Dean bs.

I agree there is a level of over-sensitivity to many things today, and stuff can be blown way out of proportion.

That said, I'm not sure I understand what you mean by beliefs. Are you implying that if a person's beliefs are in opposition to homosexuality, for instance, that should give them a free pass to hurl gay slurs?

I respect the beliefs of others and work to live an empathic life, and I believe that someone can be in disagreement with something and continue to maintain common decency. I just do not get the use of slurs in a malicious manner. The Paula Deen situation did not appear malicious at all, and I agree it was greatly overblown.
Martin Bashir Resigns From MSNBC | Mediaite

After making an on-air apology, I asked for permission to take some additional time out around the Thanksgiving holiday.
Upon further reflection, and after meeting with the President of MSNBC, I have tendered my resignation. It is my sincere hope that all of my colleagues, at this special network, will be allowed to focus on the issues that matter without the distraction of myself or my ill-judged comments.
I deeply regret what was said, will endeavor to work hard at making constructive contributions in the future and will always have a deep appreciation for our viewers – who are the smartest, most compassionate and discerning of all television audiences. I would also wish to express deepest gratitude to my immediate colleagues, and our contributors, all of whom have given so much of themselves to our broadcast.’

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They will replace him with someone just as bad if not worse.

Matthews is interviewing Obama tonight. He is going to be throwing out hard questions, can O survive a hardball interview?

I betcha both of Matthews legs will be tingling tonight.
They will replace him with someone just as bad if not worse.

Matthews is interviewing Obama tonight. He is going to be throwing out hard questions, can O survive a hardball interview?

I betcha both of Matthews legs will be tingling tonight.

wonder if he will forget that he's black again?

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