I mean, what is the end-game of the current situation? Genocide of the Palestinians or genocide of the Israelis? I just don't understand the alternative to trying to peacefully resolve this.
So you do play chess??
No one has talked about genocide of the Palestinains but others cannot stop talking about genocide of the Jews.
(and Christians of any ethnicity are pretty much left out of the conversation.)
It would help to have a good grasp of the history of the situation which I will try to help provide here.
(please pardon if this runs on too long, this is compiled from multiple sources and let me assure this is the cliff notes version, those who don't like to or can't read, just scroll on by, I'll meet you on the corner.)
Following the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 CE, a would-be messiah named Simon Bar-Kochba incited another revolt in 132 CE and drove the forces of Emperor Hadrian from Jerusalem for three years. When the rebellion was finally put down, the Romans forcibly removed the Jews from Judea and scattered them across the empire, and renamed the land Palestine (for the Philistines, the Jews ancient enemy). For the nineteen centuries since, Jews in the Diaspora have celebrated Passover with the hopeful phrase, Next year in Jerusalem!
Following the rise of Islam, the Dome of the Rock was built by Caliph Abd-al-Malik in 691 CE.
Except when they were defending it from the infidels, the Muslim world seems to have largely ignored both Jerusalem and the land around it. The Land of Milk and Honey became an oppressive desert.
In 1869, Mark Twain described the land as rocky and bare, repulsive and dreary, an utter desert waste. No landscape exists that is more tiresome to the eyes than that which bounds the approaches to Jerusalem.
He marveled that Jerusalem itself had become a tiny, poverty-stricken village, and noted, Rags, wretchedness, poverty, and dirt, those signs and symbols that indicate the presence of Muslim rule (quoted by Price in Jerusalem, p. 200).
It was not until the Jews regained control of the land and restored it to its previous beauty that this forlorn city suddenly became such a holy and important site to the Islamic world.
Though they were not in control, through all these long centuries there remained a continual Jewish presence in what had become known as Palestine, so named by the Romans after Israels enemies, the Philistines.
In fact, as early as 1865, there was a Jewish majority in Jerusalem for the first time since Titus Vespasian destroyed it. These Jewish immigrants quietly moved in, bought property of little valueruins, desert, and marshlandat exorbitant prices, and worked at restoring it. The popular myth that the Jews just suddenly appeared out of the blue and started colonizing the land in 1947 is just thata myth, propaganda by Israels enemies.
In 1948, the Arab nations surrounding Israel were gathered to invade and destroy the newly-formed nation. Arabs living in Israel were advised by their leaders to flee to Jordan or Syria until after the hostilities were over; they were told that after the Jews were annihilated, they could return to their homes and take over the vacated Jewish properties as well.
When the Arabs DIDN'T annihilate Israel, the Arabs who fled were trapped; they were interned in crowded, filthy and impoverished refugee camps in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.
Before the war began, Israel pleaded with Arabs to stay; it offered full Israeli citizenship to any Arab who stayed and did not take up arms against Israel.
(Many if not most of those who stayed were Christian Arabs but Christian Arabs in muslim controled areas face severe religious discrimination.)
When the war was over, Israel kept its word: Israeli-Arab citizens enjoy full citizenship status as Israelis, including representation within the Israeli parliament.
But not one Arab country absorbed the Arab refugees. They kept them in virtual concentration camps which remain packed to this day.
At least one Jew was expelled from some muslim country for every Arab who had abandoned Isreael, many of them migrated to Israel.
In 1917, Sir Edmund Allenby defeated the Turks who at that time controlled Palestine, and as a result the land came under the control of Great Britain.
In the same year, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, calling for the establishment of Palestine as a homeland for the Jews. The area that was set aside for the Jews was not only modern-day Israel, but the Trans-Jordan region as well.
Lord Balfour said; The treatment of the [Jewish] race has been a disgrace to Christendom, he declared on one occasion, and he saw his support for a Jewish state as an act of amends.
However, Britain reneged on that declaration, restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine with the publication of the infamous White Paper of 1939, which better deserves the name of blood-red paper (Duvernoy, Zion, p. 146). As a result, millions of Jews who might otherwise have been able to flee there for safety during Hitlers reign instead went to the gas chambers of the Third Reich.
As a result of the White Paper, British navy intercepted ships carrying Jews to the Holy Land, forcing them back to the Continent. Ironically, the first British shots fired in WWII were not on Germany, but on the Tiger Hill, a boat carrying fourteen hundred Jewish refugees to the Holy Land. Another boat, the Struma, was refused entry into Palestine and escorted to Istanbul, where it broke down.
After two months, Turkish officials had the unseaworthy boat towed out of the harbor, where it sank, resulting in the drowning deaths of over seven hundred Jews, including 70 children. The United States under Roosevelt did little better, refusing the 925 refugees aboard the SS St. Louis entry to America sending them back to the gas chambers of Hitler.
Even after the end of World War II, after the full extent of the European genocide against the Jews became known, the White Paper continued to be enforced! As late as 1947, the Exodus, packed with forty-five hundred Jewish refugees, was refused entry into Palestine. Under threat of being sunk by gunfire, the ship was stripped of her passengers, who were taken first to France, where they refused to disembark, and then ultimately back to Germany.
It wasnt until later that year that the United Nations General Assembly, both feeling guilt for the horrors of the Holocaust and recognizing the continual Jewish presence in the Land for the last 2000 years, issued a plan to partition the Trans-Jordan territory and to give the Jews a portion for their homeland.
Stalin had the Russian-Jewish actor Solomon Mikhoels murdered in January, 1948, and this seems to have marked the beginning of an intensely antisemetic phase in his policy. The switch to anti-Zionism abroad took longer to develop but it came decisively in the autumn of 1948. By this time, however, Israel was securely in existence. American policy was also changing, as the growing pressures of the Cold War . . . forced Truman to listen more attentively to Pentagon and State Department advice. If British evacuation had been postphoned another year, the United States would have been far less anxious to see Israel created and Russia would almost certainly have been hostile. . . . Israel slipped into existence through a fortuitous window in history which briefly opened for a few months in 1947-48. That too was luck; or providence. (Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews, p. 526, quoted by Telushkin, Literacy, p. 291)
The Trans-Jordan area, comprising about 76% of what was considered Palestine at the time, was partitioned for the Arabs. Furthermore, while the Arabs did have a 2/3rds majority in the Trans-Jordan region as a whole, the Jews were a majority in the area allotted to them by the resolution, and in Jerusalem (Bard, Myths, p. 31).
Arab claims that the Jews had stolen their land did not arise only after Israels independence. In 1931, Lewis French conducted a survey of dispossessed Arabs, even offering new plots to those who were truly landless; only 600 of the 3000 applicants qualified, and only 100 of those accepted the new plots. In 1937, the Peel Commission investigated further claims by the Arabs of Jewish theft and issued a report finding such claims baseless.
Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it was purchased. . . . there was at the time of the earlier sales little evidence that the owners possessed either the resources or training needed to develop the land. (Palestine Royal Commission Report (1937), p. 242, quoted in Baird, Myths, p. 19)
Modern satellite maps of Israel reveal that even today, territories controlled by Israel are blooming green and fruitful, while Palestinian territories languish as desert, not due to Israeli oppression, but the shortcomings of a government dedicated wholly to war and death instead of shalom and life.
It should also be noted that more than 70 percent of the land in what would become Israel was not owned by individual Arab farmers, but was controlled by the government. When the British defeated the Turks, that 70 percent was controlled by the British. When the British withdrew, it came under the control of the fully legal government of Israel.
Of the remaining 30 percent, 9 percent belonged to private Jewish owners and 21 percent to Arabs. Of that 21 percent, 18 percent abandoned their properties both before and after the failed Arab invasion of Israel; the rest belongs to the Arabs that remained as citizens of the Jewish state (Baird, Myths, p. 29).
In contrast, 100 percent of Jewish properties in Arab lands were confiscatednot sold, and not abandonedwhen the Jews were expelled.
The very next day after Israel declared it's independence, the Arab League declared its intent to invade Palestine. Azzam Pasha, the Leagues secretary general, openly declared, This will be a war of extermination! Telushkin notes, The spiritual leader of Palestines Muslims, Haj Amin al Husseini, delivered a similarly edifying message to his followers: I declare a Holy War, my Muslim brothers! Murder the Jews! Murder them all! (Telushkin, Literacy, p. 297)
It is interesting that King Abdullah of Jordan had a more subdued response to the impending Jewish statehood. He knew himself to be surrounded on all sides by enemies and that the Jews who had resettled the Land were his only true friendsand he did indeed cultivate friendship with them. It was for this reason that Mrs. Golda Meyerson (later Meir) made a dangerous journey into Transjordan to ask him for his support. His response was unusually enlightened: I firmly believe that Divine Providence has restored you, a Semite people who were banished to Europe and have benefited by its progress, to the Semite East, which needs your knowledge and initiative. Nevertheless, he urged Israel not to declare its independence because of the tense situation that existed, and in the end, joined with the other Arabs in the attack on Israel (Sachar, Israel, p. 323).
The modern-day nation of Jordan had already been established since 1921 under King Abdullah. Contrary to what has been portrayed by Israels enemies, Jordan is the already-existing homeland of the Palestinian people, as has been acknowledged by that nations own leadership:
Palestine and Jordan are one..." said King Abdullah in 1948.
The truth is that Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan," said King Hussein of Jordan, in 1981.
Tensions between Israel and her neighbors were further exacerbated in 1970, when Yasser Arafat and the PLO attempted to assassinate King Hussein of Jordan. They were expelled from Jordon then.
The world, demonstrating a clear double-standard, says nothing about this expulsion of the Palestinians from Jordan, but screams in anger when Israel builds a wall to contain the PLO terrorists in order to protect Jewish children.
Israel succeeded in taking the entire Sinai Peninsula in the 1973 Yom Kippur war, most of which were returned to Egyptian control in return for a peace treaty which both sides have kept since.
Palestine has never existed -- before or since -- as an autonomous entity. It was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland.
There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians.
Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass.
But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. . .
In fact, the Koran says nothing about Jerusalem. It mentions Mecca hundreds of times. It mentions Medina countless times. It never mentions Jerusalem. With good reason. There is no historical evidence to suggest Mohammed ever visited Jerusalem. . . Meanwhile, Jews can trace their roots in Jerusalem back to the days of Abraham. (Farah, Myths of the Middle East )