Why is Miss State in the SEC?

Why are so many always talking about kicking other schools out of the SEC? It reminds me of the short story "The Lottery". Every week it's kick somebody out of the conference talk. Do you really want to play an even harder schedule next year?

This. It's a 12 team playoff not 68. Also those teams always have a spark every decade or so. Let them have their fun.

I'd also rather beat SEC teams even if they are bad rather than what happened last night.
Same reason Tennessee does and at one time they had 3, GA at one time had 2, Louisiana - 2. Alabama - 2, Tx now has 2. So what is the point. Google is your friend. Every school goes through a drought and has when you look at their past. Also look at the school they are down in football but not in other sports. Even Vanderbilt has won more NC in the past 10 years than Tennessee. Vanderbilt has 6 National Team Championships --- 3 are in bowling, 2 in Baseball, and 1 in women's Tennis...LOL A NC is a NC. We got one.
It is kind of like somebody has to love the fat one.

Ok, I'll give you the baseball and women's tennis but I'm not going to count bowling. I'm just not. I mean great for them but....nah.

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They bring states/markets. We don't need 2 Mississippi teams. 1 is enough.

Then keep Mississippi State and get rid of the Prisses of Ole Miss. It wouldn’t hurt the world to support agriculture and have fewer liberal arts colleges.

I’ve never seen so many scrawny spoiled brats than I have at an Ole Miss game.
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Same reason Tennessee does and at one time they had 3, GA at one time had 2, Louisiana - 2. Alabama - 2, Tx now has 2. So what is the point. Google is your friend. Every school goes through a drought and has when you look at their past. Also look at the school they are down in football but not in other sports. Even Vanderbilt has won more NC in the past 10 years than Tennessee. Vanderbilt has 6 National Team Championships --- 3 are in bowling, 2 in Baseball, and 1 in women's Tennis...LOL A NC is a NC. We got one.
It is kind of like somebody has to love the fat one.
I said a state "like Mississippi." I'm well aware other states have two teams. But Mississippi is the least populated state to have an SEC team, let alone have two teams. Both those teams are fighting each other for few instate recruits, fan support, and resources.

Also no one cares that Vandy won national championships in bowling and women's tennis. Every school would likely vote them out of the conference if we could.
I said a state "like Mississippi." I'm well aware other states have two teams. But Mississippi is the least populated state to have an SEC team, let alone have two teams. Both those teams are fighting each other for few instate recruits, fan support, and resources.

Also no one cares that Vandy won national championships in bowling and women's tennis. Every school would likely vote them out of the conference if we could.
Everybody also needs a cush game.
I guess the bottom line is nothing will happen to the Original Members of the SEC unless they request to leave. Sewanee (1940), Georgia Tech (1964) and Tulane (1966) all withdrew. So this is a Moot point.

Geography is the reason.
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State brings a lot more to the SEC than others (just not recently in football). Lebby is a solid coach and he’ll have them back in 2-3 years. State’s problem will be keeping him from going somewhere else.

State belongs in the SEC. Period.
State brings a lot more to the SEC than others (just not recently in football). Lebby is a solid coach and he’ll have them back in 2-3 years. State’s problem will be keeping him from going somewhere else.

State belongs in the SEC. Period.
Could you elaborate further, please? Honestly, curious.
Could you elaborate further, please? Honestly, curious.
They are more competitive than others in men’s basketball and baseball (not sure about women’s sports) and only 2 or 3 years removed from a baseball NC. Leach & Mullen have had them competitive in football in recent history. I remember having to play those Jackie Sherrill football squads - nerve racking. They aren’t a Bama, GA, UT etc but they are a solid member in my opinion.

Last nights loss was ugly (what SEC team hasn’t been there) but give Lebby time and I believe they’ll make you proud to be a member of the SEC.
Mississippi State would be gone well before those two.

Considering Mississippi State has won a World Series recently and has historically been better at basketball and football (having been ranked #1 in the last 10 years) than either or those programs, I don’t understand where you’re coming from.
I guess you could trade mississippi state to the big 12 for central Florida. Bring Gus back to the league. Otherwise you need some poorer football teams to balance out all the powerhouses. It is getting impossible to keep up with what conferences universities are in. I still look for Maryland in the ACC.

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