Why is Trump destroying NATO ?

Why is Trump destroying NATO?

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Aug 8, 2005
You have to admit, relationships with our allies are at an all time low since WWI II, while Trump seems to be courting Russian favor.

Why? Note now!
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I guess the scotus nomination was good/decent enough where the panic has to flip to something else.
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You have to admit, relationships with our allies are at an all time low since WWI II, while Trump seems to be courting Russian favor.

Why? Note now!

Got a list of European bases we are closing or forces we are removing from theater?

Trump's Relationship With NATO, 1 Year Into His Presidency : NPR

TOMAS VALASEK: The amount of money that the United States spends on shoring up the defense of Eastern European states has tripled under Donald Trump. The amount of U.S. personnel that is deployed in Europe keeps going up. So, you know, by most measures U.S. is more committed to NATO than ever.

From reading that it sounds to me like we’re still very committed however we’d like to see our “allies” get off their collective asses and participate in their own defense? Sounds reasonable to me!
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Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, a former FOX News contributor, told Anderson Cooper on Wednesday that he is "convinced" Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has some type of "grip" on President Trump.

"I am convinced that Vladimir Putin has some a grip on President Trump," Peters said on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360. "And, Anderson, when I first learned of the Steele dossier, it just rang true to me, because that’s how the Russians do things. And before he became a candidate or president, Donald Trump was the perfect target for Russian intelligence."

"Here is someone who has no self-control, a sense of sexual entitlement and intermittent financial crisis," he said of Trump. "I mean, that’s made-to-order for seduction by Russian intelligence."

Ralph Peters: "I Am Convinced That Vladimir Putin Has Some Grip On President Trump" | Video | RealClearPolitics
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Destroying NATO? How? By demanding that countries pay more for their own defense? You know Bob Gates did that exact same thing while he was SECDEF for Obama right?
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I'm not sure that is the only measure.

Will he reiterate our pledge to adhere to Article 5? I'm not so sure he would.

Admit it, you are not sure either.

Look at the edit above. Spending tripled under Trump. Looks committed to me!
NATO is an entangling alliance. We can be friends with all of Europe without swearing an oath to fight alongside Turkey.
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NATO is an entangling alliance. We can be friends with all of Europe without swearing an oath to fight alongside Turkey.

So you think we should withdraw our commitment to Article 5?

What’s Putin up to? The Russian military buildup in Europe raises tension.
Estimates by think tank experts and career military leaders predict that a swift Russian push would claim cities in a matter of 36 to 60 hours.

And Russia could keep rolling, gobbling up territory for the first 90 days, daring the U.S. and NATO to push back.

This month, Russia is holding its military exercise in the country’s western district, which will involve one of the largest massing of Russian forces along Europe’s border since the fall of the Soviet Union.

This event promises to keep U.S. and NATO military leaders on edge as Russians move 60,000 to 100,000 troops and 4,000 train loads of equipment toward the Polish and Lithuanian borders.

Parts of the Russians exercise will be conducted on both sides of the Suwalki Gap, a key sliver of NATO territory that would likely be the focus of any initial Russian maneuver toward the Baltics.

Army Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, commanding general of U.S. Army Europe, said earlier this year he will be closely watching what equipment enters Belarus, and, more importantly, what remains there afterward.

Though North Korean nuclear threats have dominated the news for months, the slow burn of Russian territory grabs in eastern Europe, coupled with NATO criticism from President Donald Trump, create a scenario that could erupt at exactly the wrong time — when the United States is distracted and unprepared.

European allies near the Russian border have ramped up military spending and re-instituted conscription as Russia rises. These exercises cast “the shadow of the Russian Bear” over a region that has memories of Russian domination, Hodges said.

Nearly every recent paper, report and think-tank analysis has focused likely future Russian aggression in the Baltics as the next logical step in an effort to recapture lost Soviet territories and antagonize NATO states.

Retired U.S. Army Gen. Jack Keane, former vice chief of staff of the Army, said nearly every recent Russian military exercise has focused on the Baltics.

“They’re practicing a war against the U.S. and NATO — that’s what they’re doing,” Keane said.

I guess in a sense you have to hand it to Putin and the Russians. Without having fired a shot, they are going to marginalize US protection of Europe so they can take back some territory.

All thanks to Comrade Trump.
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So you think we should withdraw our commitment to Article 5?

What’s Putin up to? The Russian military buildup in Europe raises tension.

I guess in a sense you have to hand it to Putin and the Russians. Without having fired a shot, they are going to marginalize US protection of Europe so they can take back some territory.

All thanks to Comrade Trump.

Jesus fricking christ dude. when did you get so upset about war games?

this is getting comical watching you spin spin spin.

oh I want to step into some "whataboutisms" but I will just leave a photo

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You have to admit, relationships with our allies are at an all time low since WWI II, while Trump seems to be courting Russian favor.

Why? Note now!

As an attorney I thought if someone refused to pay their rent you would be in favor of kicking their family into the street. Its your job right? NATO protects all of the member except the USA. Take a vote and see how many members vote to expel the US because Trump asked them to pay their bill? Zero. United Nations same thing. They are paying for protection simple as that, not a bill you can avoid.
Without going into too much detail, the US has been ramping up equipment to that part of the world. Obama got rid of all the tanks in Europe...they are on the way back. Just because there have been post closures in Europe over the last many YEARS does not mean that the US will be ill-prepared. Run along now. It will be OK.
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Trump does this stuff to further piss off the idiot liberals who really don't care about NATO.

Loony liberals only care about how to get back some little power they once had.
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