blah, blah, too long to quote without taking up half the page
This is just far too rich for me to ignore. Very long drawn out...nothing burger. But I'll tell you a little secret about abandoning Europe.
Blame your own party for that. Yep, Democrats are at the root of those problems. We can take a trip back to 2006 when they regained the House and Senate and the Iraq War became real unpopular and a voting tool. Everyone in the world knew Bush 43 was a lame duck at that point. He wasn't going to get anything done in office. Certainly didn't help Congress was divided on Iraq. Even more were your idiots pushing for impeachment of Bush. Putin saw it and also saw the vacuum of power being left behind.
Invade Georgia they did. And did we do anything about it? Nope. Two shooting wars at the time were enough for us. And do you really think Congress would have gone along with getting involved in yet another conflict?
Yeah, didn't think so.
Fast forward to the "Apology Tour" put on after Obama was inaugurated. First, he unilaterally decided to withdraw the ABM sites in Eastern Europe that were a thorn in Putin's side. The Russians hated them. Positively were something that grated at them. And what did we get in return?
And then decided to unilaterally reduce our nuclear deterrent. In hopes of making it "a safer world" or some such nonsense. Concurrent reductions by the Russians?
Then we have the famous Red Line in Syria. Which was crossed and Obama did absolutely nothing about. You don't think Putin saw this? You don't think he saw what a empty shell of rhetoric Obama was?
You're stupid if you think he didn't see the chessboard evolving to a world where he could take advantage of it.
Continuing to the 2012 debates where Obama downplayed the Russian threat. "The 1980s called..." He might as well have given them carte blanche to do whatever they wanted since he admitted in public they weren't a threat.
Yeah, whoops. They invaded the Crimea and annexed it. And what did we do? We sent sleeping bags. Yep, they're still there.
Now, you say Trump is undermining NATO and Europe. I call that BS. They've wanted to play Big Boy on the world stage for a while. All the while also causing serious problems of their own. You blame Trump for calling a spade a spade? They've ****ed themselves up far more than he has. The UK wanted Brexit, we supported them (Trump did at least) and the rest of Europe wants to complain.
Their ****ing problem, fix it and make it beneficial for them to stay. However, that's not going to happen.
You say he undermines NATO and European leaders? They've undermined themselves far more than he can. You think Trump has sway over Merkel's government collapsing? Or the nationalistic Frenchman getting elected? Or Italy finally realizing how much they effed up by letting so many "refugees" in? Trump's responsible for all that? You give him far more credit than you let on.
He wants NATO to pay their fair share. You want to complain about that? He wants them to stop thinking they are the pitiful 5th grader that doesn't have the Derek Barnett sized big brother down the street. NATO has always been about reliance on each other. Sure, we're that big brother, but little brothers can help fight as well. Or help pay for the brass knuckles to punch someone in the mouth.
You want to know why Putin is out of control? Yeah, thank you Democratic Congress, thanks Obama and thanks Europe for effing it up themselves.