Why not Tulsi Gabbard

But her 2A policies are the opposite of common sense. Hell she’s as left if not further left than Luther on it
That's fine, if you have enough common sense people in power the best ideas win out. Not everyone is going to be wrong or right all the time. If you are in ideological lockstep with everyone in your party on every issue both you and they are lemmings.
That's fine, if you have enough common sense people in power the best ideas win out. Not everyone is going to be wrong or right all the time. If you are in ideological lockstep with everyone in your party on every issue both you and they are lemmings.
She also is for the closing of all nuclear power plants
Student loan forgiveness
Universal Healthcare
And assault weapon bans

She's as close to Bernie as anyone else in office with her profile. But GOP posters on here freak over Bernie. She's Bernie light. She's more Bernie then Biden or Hilary. " " "But we respect her."

You don't. You think she's pretty and she shat on Hilary. That's all good. Doesn't change who she is
She also is for the closing of all nuclear power plants
Student loan forgiveness
Universal Healthcare
And assault weapon bans

She's as close to Bernie as anyone else in office with her profile. But GOP posters on here freak over Bernie. She's Bernie light. She's more Bernie then Biden or Hilary. " " "But we respect her."

You don't. You think she's pretty and she shat on Hilary. That's all good. Doesn't change who she is
From what I understand, she isn't truly on "universal Healthcare." I think she has stated that personally she is anti-gun, but she respects the 2A.

Don't get me wrong, she's nowhere nearly aligned with many of my views. But, she has the stones to buck the Establishment party, and we need more of that. I'm pretty much lock step with her foreign/war stance, which is a BFD these days.

No one politician is going to take our guns. Universal/ single payor Healthcare is a pipe dream that would take a decade to implement and Congress would never pass it (assuming a flip in power this winter). The border is an emergency. Foreign relations and the threat of world War is an emergency.
From what I understand, she isn't truly on "universal Healthcare." I think she has stated that personally she is anti-gun, but she respects the 2A.

Don't get me wrong, she's nowhere nearly aligned with many of my views. But, she has the stones to buck the Establishment party, and we need more of that. I'm pretty much lock step with her foreign/war stance, which is a BFD these days.

No one politician is going to take our guns. Universal/ single payor Healthcare is a pipe dream that would take a decade to implement and Congress would never pass it (assuming a flip in power this winter). The border is an emergency. Foreign relations and the threat of world War is an emergency.
For 2A but brags about writing legislation to end "assault weapons"
She is the opposite to a conservative stance on war. I'm not sure there is a side opposed to war these days

It used to be so simple when republicans were Hawks and dems were Doves ... only it was never true any more than dems are for people and republicans re for Wall St.
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She is the opposite to a conservative stance on war. I'm not sure there is a side opposed to war these days

It probably flip flops on who is proposing war at any particular time ... the they were for it before they were against it (because of who currently backs something) kind of thing.
We need more politicians like Tulsi. I don't care what letter they had beside their name.

We need common sense policy, and although she's a little left of where I fall, I side with common sense everyday and twice on Sunday.

There's a sense of honesty and reasonableness about Tulsi even if her core tendencies lean the wrong way. You can work with somebody who is honest and reasonable even if you start out with different ideas.
She also is for the closing of all nuclear power plants
Student loan forgiveness
Universal Healthcare
And assault weapon bans

She's as close to Bernie as anyone else in office with her profile. But GOP posters on here freak over Bernie. She's Bernie light. She's more Bernie then Biden or Hilary. " " "But we respect her."

You don't. You think she's pretty and she shat on Hilary. That's all good. Doesn't change who she is
Her looks have little to do with common sense. I think Tulsi and AOC are very comparable in looks. AOC is batshat crazy and I don't respect her.

She uses common sense and she called out her party for what it is and left it......I respect that. I wish more Repubs and Dems would do the same.
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There's a sense of honesty and reasonableness about Tulsi even if her core tendencies lean the wrong way. You can work with somebody who is honest and reasonable even if you start out with different ideas.
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Now you have my attention...

I'd be here all night if I listed every accomplishment of Pete since his tenure at DOT began, but I'll keep it to some that I can recall off the top of my head. This is a very incomplete list. I'll save BIL for last:

-reorganization and change of focus of DOT policies and priorities after the disastrous tenure of Sec. Elaine Chao Which policies are those exactly and what changes made the department more efficient?
-reimplementation of a policy from the Obama years giving precedence to hiring local workers for public works projects Again, how does this help if the only local workers are charging double market value? Additionally, this stifles competitiveness in the market

Well, there's a start but let's focus on this one...

-enactment of the Airlines Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights

Have you read what it does or even know it's been illegal since 1986 to discriminate against passengers with disabilities?

And moving on...

-reduction in canceled flights to pre-Covid levels

This has nothing to do with him and more to do with the market as well as airlines outright cancelling the routes they were on. Furthermore, he is responsible for the 25% increase in airline tickets over the past year. And what do you have to say to that?

-National Roadway Safety Strategy to reduce deaths and injuries to motorists and pedestrians

Guess you missed this little thing

-supply chain issues relief, including reduction in long-term storage of goods at ports by 50% (Pete was big on getting "inland ports" up to capacity to alleviate the burden on international seaports) Yeah except we're still in a global supply chain problem where goods aren't even available... hence, they'll have less items in ports. Plus you have idiots in California that demand unions move the items instead of using what's immediately available
-drastic drop in price to ship goods to American ports no, he hasn't
-launch of a comprehensive website to compare airlines on hidden fees, etc. Yeah, the government just created Expedia... great job, government. Way to keep up with the times!
-increase in addressing customer complaints related to airlines And what role exactly does the government... or rather should the government have in this?
-implementation of RAISE grants lol, they renamed an existing program and focused on "green"
-helped out in the first round of negotiations between rail unions and corporations, which resulted in no nationwide strikes or disruptions to freight or passenger rail haven't checked the news lately, have we?
-so, so much more I am forgetting

Now to the elephant in the room (or donkey I guess, since Pete is an evil commie Democrat):

He helped facilitate the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the largest investment in American infrastructure since Eisenhower. I won't list every grant or appropriation related to that law that Pete is in charge of approving and disbursing. Let's keep it to Tennessee (I did have to look the numbers up, don't shoot me):
-$6.3 billion for roads and bridges
-$100 million for high-speed internet infrastructure
-$121 million for lead pipe and water service line replacement
-$124 million for public transit
-$13 million for fast EV charging stations (one opened in my neck of the woods last month thanks to approval of funding from Pete and DOT)
-$66 million for weatherization of structures to increase power and heat efficency
-$64 million for airport revitalization and expansion
-$15 million for port revitalization and expansion
-$22 million for infrastructure resilience related to climate change
-$8 million for Superfund site cleanup, such as the Copper Basin Superfund site

All things he had nothing to do with.

Some other little things I recall: Pete fast-tracked funding after the DeSoto bridge incident in Memphis (one of his first visits after he was confirmed by the Senate 86-13). And a $20 million program to increase truck parking outside of Nashville on I-40.

And let's not forget Pete is the best communicator the Biden Administration has at their disposal. It is the reason he is on Fox News promoting the Admin's agenda.

And even further, my post does not even begin to address the international contributions Pete has made on behalf of the US. He was recently at ICAO and agreed to reduction in airline emissions and recognition of Taiwan to have a say in that UN body, just for example. And the Ukrainian Transportation Minister specifically reached out to Pete about advice on rebuilding Ukrainian infrastructure.

This is long enough, but I could go on further if you give me a couple days to research fully. This idea that "Pete has done nothing but take paternity leave hur dur" is ludicrous. Oh, and to add, his newly adopted son was hospitalized in the NICU while Pete was on leave. And he was still working while all of that was going on and he was getting ridiculed by the right. He gave an interview from a hospital bathroom.

Pete has done a phenomenal job as DOT Secretary.

Bruh, he's a disaster like everyone else.
I didnt copy and paste anything!


If one can go by memory about how much one exactly appropriates for 12 different projects..I say one is infatuated and needs some balance in their life.
Except that I specifically said in the post that I looked up the exact numbers for the appropriations...
I hope @zeppelin128 doesn't end up crying when facts are put in front of him blowing up every argument he had for his Pete god.
I don't post or lurk daily much anymore like I used to, but I didn't forget about or ignore your response. Let me get to my laptop and I'll go back to your other post.
Now you have my attention...

Well, there's a start but let's focus on this one...

Have you read what it does or even know it's been illegal since 1986 to discriminate against passengers with disabilities?

And moving on...

This has nothing to do with him and more to do with the market as well as airlines outright cancelling the routes they were on. Furthermore, he is responsible for the 25% increase in airline tickets over the past year. And what do you have to say to that?

Guess you missed this little thing

All things he had nothing to do with.

Bruh, he's a disaster like everyone else.


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