Why not Tulsi Gabbard

You know why it is. She trashes liberals and people think she is attractive.

I really don’t think you understand these terms. For example Bill Maher also attacks the woke, yet is one of the most liberal democrats out there.

Based on your shifting definitions, do you not consider bill Maher a liberal?
Those last three articles hardly brand her has a star. In fact, they express serious reservations democrats had with her at the time.
The first 2 of those 3 quite literally brand her a Star in the headlines.

This is from the Vox article -

How Gabbard went from rising star to controversial figure.

That’s because the onetime progressive star has alienated many of her early supporters over her conservative stances on Islam and foreign wars.

Nancy Pelosi called her an “emerging star; MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow predicted she was “on the fast track to being very famous.”

The making of a progressive star

That is Vox. Quotes from Vox, not Fox.
The first 2 of those 3 quite literally brand her a Star in the headlines.

This is from the Vox article -

That is Vox. Quotes from Vox, not Fox.

It’s amazing how they present things sometimes. “Her conservative stances on foreign wars”

Lol by that they mean “she opposes them like we did until Obama was starting them”
She is the opposite to a conservative stance on war. I'm not sure there is a side opposed to war these days

The only way you can spin it is “she’s conservative about going into wars”…which everyone should be.

But the vanishing of the anti war left is one of the more amazing things I’ve witnessed
We need more politicians like Tulsi. I don't care what letter they had beside their name.

We need common sense policy, and although she's a little left of where I fall, I side with common sense everyday and twice on Sunday.

But her 2A policies are the opposite of common sense. Hell she’s as left if not further left than Luther on it
Pick your litmus tests and roll with who ya like and hold your nose for the others. The problem is everyone is looking for a candidate just like themselves.
I did it with Trump.
Locking people in boxes..that is identity politics and party ideology stuff.
As to the Dems..they are the less of the 2 parties in political diversity..amazingly enough.
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Are the going to s*** out the property to build these parking areas?

Remember any appropriated land can't affect our third world inhabitants or in any other way be construed as racist. Sounds a lot like some farmland or some new construction (like between Nashville and Murfreesboro) has to go - that sounds expensive.
I didnt copy and paste anything!


If one can go by memory about how much one exactly appropriates for 12 different projects..I say one is infatuated and needs some balance in their life.
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