Why Reality Blows Up Anti-Abortion Rhetoric

It's not a strawman, you're baiting people with an argument no one is having. I haven't seen anyone here suggest abortion up till 9 months should be legal. Yet you keep strutting around pretending it is and looking to pick a fight over it.

I'm just amused at your ginned up high ground.

If you believe as stated by others in here that life begins at birth or that unborn babies have no rights, why’s it’s absurd to ask about 9 month abortions?

If you take their opinion on why an abortion should be legal, doesn’t that definition apply to all abortions?

What’s the limiting principle that I’m missing?
How’s that a nonsense question? He stated a child is not alive until it’s born. If he really believe that why would he have an issue with any abortion ever?

If you don’t believe a child is alive, what’s the problem with a late abortion?

"Alive" could mean different things to different people. You're failure to recognize this while screeching " but sCiEnC3!" isnt the trump card you believe it is in this abortion discussion.

Some may believe conception, some may believe it to be sentience, others may believe it to be viability while others may believe it to be delivery. None are wrong.
"Alive" could mean different things to different people. You're failure to recognize this while screeching " but sCiEnC3!" isnt the trump card you believe it is in this abortion discussion.

Some may believe conception, some may believe it to be sentience, others may believe it to be viability while others may believe it to be delivery. None are wrong.

How can you type that many words and never address the point. If another poster states and unborn child has no right and/or is not alive. How can they proclaim based on those views that any abortion is wrong?

I’m amazed you continue ignoring this
If you believe as stated by others in here that life begins at birth or that unborn babies have no rights, why’s it’s absurd to ask about 9 month abortions?

If you take their opinion on why an abortion should be legal, doesn’t that definition apply to all abortions?

What’s the limiting principle that I’m missing?

I'm starting to get the feeling why you're not getting much engagement is because you beg questions and presuppose positions but fail to recognize you're getting - but ignoring - answers.
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Right, the same reason viruses are not considered to be alive. I wouldn’t say I’m magically declaring. I’m basing it off a common biological definition. Do you have a different definition you can provide?

Viruses are still hotly debated as to whether they are alive or dead. I have a hard time classifying them as dead.

I would start with responding to external stimulus, then some form of homeostasis then some form of energy consumption (as work is being done on some level), then I'd add in some sort information gain.
How can you type that many words and never address the point. If another poster states and unborn child has no right and/or is not alive. How can they proclaim based on those views that any abortion is wrong?

I’m amazed you continue ignoring this



I'm not obligated to address an argument point I'm not involved in. I'm amazed this "amazes" you.
Viruses are still hotly debated as to whether they are alive or dead. I have a hard time classifying them as dead.

I would start with responding to external stimulus, then some form of homeostasis then some form of energy consumption (as work is being done on some level), then I'd add in some sort information gain.

I wouldn’t use the term dead. I’d use active vs inactive for a virus.

Which of those do you feel an embryo does not do?
I'm starting to get the feeling why you're not getting much engagement is because you beg questions and presuppose positions but fail to recognize you're getting - but ignoring - answers.

Aren’t those questions the natural questions that arise from the criteria provided?

You’re not alive until your born would be a solid argument for unlimited abortion. So if someone claims that they should either say yes they do support unlimited abortion or they should state why a late term abortion is different
In a discussion about alive or not alive, active and inactive are worthless terms.

All of them. Embryo is alive.

The point wasn’t if it’s alive or not. My point was I wouldn’t use the word dead in the way you were. I’d have no problem calling a virus not alive.

Okay…where do we disagree?
Not true. Even if it was true, they would still be wrong.

Critical thinking is lacking in modern world.

Obviously it’s true. Biology not philosophy is the study of life. They do not look to philosophers to decide what to study. So they’d obviously disagree with you that it’s a question of philosophy
The point wasn’t if it’s alive or not. My point was I wouldn’t use the word dead in the way you were. I’d have no problem calling a virus not alive.

I don't know what else "not alive" means. Active and non-active are meaningless terms.

Okay…where do we disagree?[/QUOTE]

1) Life starts with conception.

2) Even if 1 is true, it has not affect on the abortion issue.
Obviously it’s true. Biology not philosophy is the study of life. They do not look to philosophers to decide what to study. So they’d obviously disagree with you that it’s a question of philosophy

Science is the application of the scientific method. Biology is the application of the scientific method on the feild of Biology.

Distinguishing concepts, definitions, how to interpret the results of experiments, etc. are philosophical in their very nature. It is why you increasingly find philosophers of science embedded in laboratories.
I don't know what else "not alive" means. Active and non-active are meaningless terms.

Okay…where do we disagree?

1) Life starts with conception.

2) Even if 1 is true, it has not affect on the abortion issue.[/QUOTE]

Okay. So at conception what aspect of life do you believe is not that but is in an embryo?
Science is the application of the scientific method. Biology is the application of the scientific method on the feild of Biology.

Distinguishing concepts, definitions, how to interpret the results of experiments, etc. are philosophical in their very nature. It is why you increasingly find philosophers of science embedded in laboratories.

You just defined the word biology with the word biology because you didn’t want to admit what the actual definition of biology is.
Okay. So at conception what aspect of life do you believe is not that but is in an embryo?

An embryo is life. Cellular life seemingly started billions of years ago on Earth. Personhood is sometime after conception.
You injected yourself into that conversation. Not my fault

No I didn't.i mused on whether anyone had taken your 9 month abortion bait yet and you latched on like that critter from Alien.

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