Will CBJ return Tennessee to prominence?

Unless, there is something that happens on a legal basis, I don't see Butch gone in 2015. I think U.T. is done with buying a coaches contract out.

unfortunately i think this may end up being true. the powers that be at UT may be content to go to 2nd rate bowl games occasionally and have Neyland about 75% full rather than going all in and trying to compete for championships.

CBJ can probably accomplish the above. i don't think he is an SECC caliber coach, thus i vote "no" on returning UT to prominence. i hope he proves me wrong.
Let's start a new way of thinking, OPTIMISM. Don't be a Negavolarator. Carnac the Magnificent says Butch will get it done. Besides which other coach around has the type of personality to unite the fanbase and bring in the recruits we are getting.
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Unlike kiffin and dooley Butch has proven that he can win. My main concern about him was whether on not he could recruit against other SEC coaches and he has shown that he can outrecruit most. Anyone that says that he cannot or will not succeed should be Butch slapped.
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If he wins 7 or more games then I will feel good about his chances. If he wins 6 or less this fall then I expect to go through another coaching search in '15.

So if he wins 7 we're on our way. But if he wins 6 his coaching days at UT are numbered? Come on 18, you're better than that post.....
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Probably not, as we lack in-state talent to compete on a consistent level with Bama, LSU, Florida. Unfortunately, we aren't as good at recruiting nationally because it's just a lot more competitive than it was in 98. The best we can hope for is 8-10 wins per year and an occasional SEC championship appearance. Will be a fun ride though.
I have full trust in Butch Jones and his staff. He's already proven that he can recruit on a high level and I'm sure he'll prove that he can coach in the SEC as well. It may take us a couple of years to be relevant again but Butch Jones is the right man to bring us back to prominence. Go Vols!!!
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Probably not, as we lack in-state talent to compete on a consistent level with Bama, LSU, Florida. Unfortunately, we aren't as good at recruiting nationally because it's just a lot more competitive than it was in 98. The best we can hope for is 8-10 wins per year and an occasional SEC championship appearance. Will be a fun ride though.

We have everything it takes to win it all. It's the "want it" part that this program has lost with our clearance sale coaching staffs.
Probably not, as we lack in-state talent to compete on a consistent level with Bama, LSU, Florida. Unfortunately, we aren't as good at recruiting nationally because it's just a lot more competitive than it was in 98. The best we can hope for is 8-10 wins per year and an occasional SEC championship appearance. Will be a fun ride though.



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unfortunately i think this may end up being true. the powers that be at UT may be content to go to 2nd rate bowl games occasionally and have Neyland about 75% full rather than going all in and trying to compete for championships.

CBJ can probably accomplish the above. i don't think he is an SECC caliber coach, thus i vote "no" on returning UT to prominence. i hope he proves me wrong.

He will
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Unless CBJ has luck on par with Dooley, he'll get us back to winning 9/10 games a year.

He's already proven that he can recruit. We know he can coach. The only left is an insane work ethic and level of dedication, and it appears he has that as well.
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I'm so glad this is a poll question from a different site. I was about to go open uo a can of kickbutt on someone for still asking this.
Yet to be determined.

He's done well with what he has been able to do so far. Work is still incomplete.
Probably not, as we lack in-state talent to compete on a consistent level with Bama, LSU, Florida. Unfortunately, we aren't as good at recruiting nationally because it's just a lot more competitive than it was in 98. The best we can hope for is 8-10 wins per year and an occasional SEC championship appearance. Will be a fun ride though.[/QUOTEr]

Total BS. To think the teams that are currently on top will always remain there is total idiocy. That's like looking out your kitchen window on a cloudy day and predicting the sun will never shine again.Kinda shortsighted don't ya think?

Other schools will rise to the top of the SEC, including my beloved Vols, so stop repeating this horse hockey over-and-over-and-over....we read it the first time.:tease2:
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If he wins 7 or more games then I will feel good about his chances. If he wins 6 or less this fall then I expect to go through another coaching search in '15.

Lol this guy has no clue. Butch could win 3 games and still be safe until 2016

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