Will McCarthy be SOH?

Uniparty got their guy. But only after he got raked over the coals for a few days.
Nothing will happen. McCarthy and McConnell are on the same side as Xiden.
Maybe. I am not a fan of McCarthy at all. But the most important concession the hold outs got was an agreement that a single member can enter a motion to vacate the chair. McCarthy has left himself a very short leash and any effort on his part to undo concessions will put him right back into endless votes to maintain his Speakership. The Freedom Caucus played very smart ball and the concessions they wrung out of the leadership are not trivial. With such a thin margin in the house, McCarthy finds himself in a similar predicament to that of Schumer in the Senate vis a vis Manchin and Sinema. A single member can raise havoc at a moments notice.
In regards to McConnell, yes total Swamp Creature. The 1.7 Trillion Omnibus was a sellout of epic proportions. The fact he went along with it leads me to believe he will retire at the end of this term. He is padding his nest with favours to the rest of the DC Club. But I will always be grateful to the man for one thing, the three conservative judges he shepparded through the Senate and onto the SCOTUS may just be the only thing to save the Bill of Rights from total destruction over the next few years. But now the balance sheet is squared by his latest betrayal and it is time for him to move on.
Maybe. I am not a fan of McCarthy at all. But the most important concession the hold outs got was an agreement that a single member can enter a motion to vacate the chair. McCarthy has left himself a very short leash and any effort on his part to undo concessions will put him right back into endless votes to maintain his Speakership. The Freedom Caucus played very smart ball and the concessions they wrung out of the leadership are not trivial. With such a thin margin in the house, McCarthy finds himself in a similar predicament to that of Schumer in the Senate vis a vis Manchin and Sinema. A single member can raise havoc at a moments notice.
In regards to McConnell, yes total Swamp Creature. The 1.7 Trillion Omnibus was a sellout of epic proportions. The fact he went along with it leads me to believe he will retire at the end of this term. He is padding his nest with favours to the rest of the DC Club. But I will always be grateful to the man for one thing, the three conservative judges he shepparded through the Senate and onto the SCOTUS may just be the only thing to save the Bill of Rights from total destruction over the next few years. But now the balance sheet is squared by his latest betrayal and it is time for him to move on.

We shouldn’t have to rely on judges.
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That looks like a big middle finger, and I refuse to believe congress ever got an approval rating over 50% - above 80% is just obscene and has to be a manufactured number.
That timeline suggests that it was right after 9/11.
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That timeline suggests that it was right after 9/11.

Probably about the time they were "giving" us the Patriot Act and consolidating federal power with "Homeland Security". Amazing how people can see a theft of power as a positive. Even more amazing how people can believe the same people who failed to detect and stop 9/11 would protect them better in the future ... if they just took away some more privacy and became more invasive rodents.
Probably about the time they were "giving" us the Patriot Act and consolidating federal power with "Homeland Security". Amazing how people can see a theft of power as a positive. Even more amazing how people can believe the same people who failed to detect and stop 9/11 would protect them better in the future ... if they just took away some more privacy and became more invasive rodents.

I would like this ten times if I could. I understand they had to do SOMETHING. But, The people stopped 9/11, not the gov., and after 9/11, the people's life became a black mirror nightmare. In affect, letting terror win. The people have stopped every terror attack in this country with their own lives, and self awareness.
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I cannot explain to kids born after the 90's how much freedom you have lost, it's WHY these frumper came into existence. Why they rebelled. Of course, it attracted the most outside extremists possible because... folks are generally good, and right, and brave, but the extremists (30%) needed a cause, and a home. 9/11 gave them that.
Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN): “I would drop him like a bag of dirt ... People shouldn’t be drinking, especially when you’re a redneck, on the House floor”

... referring to Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama [after Rogers made a threatening advance toward Rep. Gaetz in front of Burchett last night after the 14th round]... LOL
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Mike Rogers and any of the clowns that follow him should be primaried going into 2024 if they cut a deal with the Democrats. They just showed their true colors. Hell, should be primaried just for thinking about it, really.
I called it on Wednesday. Mike Rogers is a scumbag.
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